Google Cloud Unveils New Web3 Startup Program

Google Cloud is helping Web3 startups thrive with an exciting new initiative. Based on the announcement, this program provides resources and tech to supercharge projects in the decentralized world. Google Cloud is powering the expansion of Web3 startups through a groundbreaking new initiative. As stated in the announcement, this program equips various decentralized projects with … Read more Battles Cyberattack, Responds Quickly suffered a cybersecurity breach on April 25th. Hackers exploited previously exposed user tokens, allowing them to manipulate device metadata through SQL injection attacks. In response, we swiftly implemented new security measures, such as device-level auth zero authentication (OKTA), to prevent future incidents. As a crypto investor, I’ve been following the unfortunate news about’s … Read more

Wasabi Wallet developer zkSNACKs blocks access for US users

As a crypto investor, I was surprised to learn that Wasabi Wallet developer zkSNACKs has barred U.S. citizens from accessing its services. This includes visiting websites like and downloading or using the Wasabi Wallet and related services. Wasabi Wallet developer zkSNACKs is blocking U.S. citizens from accessing its services.   As a U.S. based … Read more

Land registries should shift to blockchain technology | Opinion

The Blockchain Estate Registry: Revolutionizing Real Estate Transactions and Property Registration There are a lot of ideas about the use of blockchain technology in real estate. However, a frequently overlooked aspect is the land registry. The bold claim that real estate tokenization will disrupt the industry essentially boils down to securitization via security tokens. Although … Read more