5 new mobile games to try this week – August 8th, 2024

There isn’t anyone who doesn’t cherish fresh video games. Indeed, we share that sentiment! The thrill of an unopened game title, eagerly anticipating its launch, is indescribable. As the loading screen appears and you step into an unknown realm, it’s a whole new adventure waiting to unfold.

Last Spartan: Glory over Madness confirms PC and console release in coming months

One effective method for devising a fresh and imaginative storyline for a game could be by merging two distinct concepts. For instance, consider the blend of flora and undead in Plants vs Zombies, or in this scenario, Spartans versus terrifying creatures from another dimension. Indeed, in Last Spartan: Glory over Madness, we have our beloved Greek warriors squaring off against cosmic entities from beyond, as the ancient world of Greece intersects with Lovecraftian horror.

Fortnite’s Battle Pass overhaul praised as the best update ever

A common complaint about Fortnite, with its focus on cosmetics, is the fear of missing out (FOMO) on completing every Battle Pass available. Some of the top-quality skins are among the best in the game, but constantly working through the challenges for each Chapter can be quite challenging and demanding at times.

Delta Force Hawk Ops: Full weapons list in Closed Alpha Playtest

In many first-person shooter games, you’ll find a wide array of weapons in Delta Force: Hawk Ops, allowing you to choose, fire, and personalize them as much as desired. These weapons are categorized in various ways, ensuring there’s a weapon that matches your preferred playstyle among the options provided.