Age of Empires Mobile preview – “RTS past into future”

Regardless of whether you have an interest in history or gaming, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered Age of Empires at some point in your life. This isn’t unexpected as it’s part of one of the longest-running real-time strategy game series that is still active today. It offers a unique blend of two captivating elements: Sharp strategic planning and engaging historical narratives.

20 most creative Stardew Valley farm layouts

Imagine yourself stepping foot into the enchanting, tranquil world of Pelican Town, eager to transform your grandpa’s farm into a thriving, bountiful haven. You ponder where to strategically position barns and till the soil for optimal growth and profitability. How can I make the most of this newfound land?

Pocket Gamer Awards 2024: Nominate your favourite games from the past year

Just two weeks ago, we shared the news that the Pocket Gamer Awards are coming back for 2024, recognizing the top mobile games from the past year. Now, we’re inviting you to submit your nominations, giving a platform to your preferred choices. This time, we’ll be announcing the winners in person at an awards ceremony on December 6th – quite a fancy affair!