New details have emerged about the highly anticipated second season of the “One Piece” live-action series on Netflix. This long-awaited installment now has a confirmed filming schedule and release date. Based on the acclaimed manga by Eiichiro Oda, which has produced over 1100 anime episodes since 1999, this adaptation was an instant hit when it debuted in August 2023. Fans were blown away by the spot-on casting of Inaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero as Usopp, Taz Skylar as Sanji, and Vincent Regan as Garp. The live-action adaptation’s captivating storyline, which remains just as engaging and thrilling as the anime and manga, has further cemented its place in the hearts of fans.