How The Hulk’s Only Weakness Stopped Him From Killing Marvel’s Avengers
Independent of their strength capacities, all iterations of the Hulk generally stand out as the mightiest character within any given setting. Among these, the Hulk portrayed by Mark Ruffalo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is most renowned, but not the strongest version by far. In fact, the most powerful manifestation of Hulk is deemed too fearsome for the MCU, and instead, this terrifying form is delved into in the comic series “The Immortal Hulk.” This reinterpretation of Hulk, penned by Al Ewing with illustrations from Joey Bennett, Ruy Josè, and Paul Mounts, depicts him as a virtually indestructible being who’s beyond mortality. Additionally, this version of the Hulk is not only angrier than typical but also eager to end lives.