Terminator Zero Is Like Godzilla with the Anime’s Japanese Setting

In the freshly released anime series, “Terminator Zero,” produced by Mattson Tomlin for Netflix, we delve into a captivating new narrative within James Cameron’s popular sci-fi realm. The eight-episode animated journey is set in Japan in 1997, where scientist Malcom Lee (André Holland) foresees the approaching Judgment Day. In an attempt to eliminate him, Skynet sends a T-800 (Timothy Olyphant), from the year 2022, but the resistance fighters counter this by sending back their own combatant – a battle-hardened figure named Eiko (Sonoya Mizuno) – to safeguard Malcolm and prevent nuclear Armageddon in this new timeline. “Terminator Zero” doesn’t merely spin a novel tale; it offers a platform for creator Mattson Tomlin and director Masashi Kudō to incorporate distinct Japanese viewpoints on nuclear conflict into the storyline.

The Ark Visits Its First Alien Planet – What Happened, and How Is [SPOILER] a Clone?

At long last, they stepped out! For over a season, the crew of The Ark had been confined to narrow spaceship hallways. In this week’s latest episode, however, Captain Sharon Garnet (Christie Burke) and her team from Ark One were finally able to step outside for something more than just a space walk. To put it simply, they walked on the solid ground of a real planet this week – a feeling that must have been truly exhilarating!

The SHOPHOUSE Plays a ‘Daylight Cadenza’ in Latest Group Show

At an orchestra performance, the cadenza is the part where a soloist takes center stage, typically improvising while the primary melody softens into the background. This lengthy, impromptu segment has sparked inspiration for The SHOPHOUSE Hong Kong’s newest collective art exhibition, showcasing unique pieces by artists including Han-Chiao, Alexander Skate, Astrid Styma, Wang Wenting, Alice Xinyan Wang, Wang Zibo, Suyi Xu, and Zheng Lanxiong.