Donald Trump Confirms He Will Speak at Republican Convention, Calls for Unity After Shooting

As a gamer with a background in politics and a strong appreciation for personal safety, I’m deeply concerned about the recent events surrounding former President Donald Trump. The attempted assassination at his rally in Pennsylvania is a stark reminder of the dangers that come with public service and political discourse. After the attempted assassination at … Read more

This Is Why Kimiko Doesn’t Speak in The Boys

Summary Kimiko revealed her silence stems from surviving as a child soldier trained to fight in silence. Kimiko and Frenchie bond over their shared trauma, understanding, and forgiveness. The reveal deepens Kimiko’s character, showcasing the importance of communication and healing together. In Season 4 Episode 7 of “The Boys,” titled “The Insider,” Kimiko reveals to … Read more

Minnie Driver Says She Would ‘Love’ to Star in a Queen Elizabeth Series

Summary Minnie Driver steals the show as Queen Elizabeth I in the second season of The Serpent Queen , sparking talk of a potential spin-off series, which she would love. Season 2 delves into Catherine de Medici’s relationship with her children, introducing conflict and drama alongside Driver’s portrayal of Elizabeth I. Expect intense queen-on-queen drama … Read more