James Cameron says Arnold Schwarzenegger Hated His Terminator 2 Character Changes

James Cameron says Arnold Schwarzenegger Hated His Terminator 2 Character Changes

As a movie critic with over three decades of film-watching under my belt, I can confidently say that James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day stands tall as one of the greatest sequels ever made, and it’s not just because of the iconic line, “I’ll be back.” The movie’s ability to redefine and elevate its source material while pushing the boundaries of action cinema is truly awe-inspiring.

Is considered among the most outstanding sequels in movie history. However, not everyone supported the concept of the futuristic cyborg transforming into a “good guy” in the film – even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. Despite the positive reception to Arnold’s return as a benevolent version of his robotic assassin, it seems that he wasn’t initially thrilled about not being able to kill characters. While director Cameron is praised for this decision, it appears that Arnold had reservations.

Reflecting on the Terminator franchise as it celebrates its 40th anniversary, Cameron explained to Empire Magazine that he needed to convince Schwarzenegger that the change in direction for his character was the best choice. In his own words:

Arnold strongly disliked the concept. With the script, fresh from the printer, tucked away in my case, I managed to catch a flight where studio Carolco was transporting numerous actors and directors to Cannes. On the plane, Arnold reviewed it, and we had breakfast in Cannes the following morning. He wore an expression, “Jim, I’ve read it, it’s skillfully penned, but I don’t engage in violence.

“I’m like, ‘I know, that’s what’s so great about it! We take this guy who’s this monster and we make him a hero!’ He was aghast. He says, ‘Alright, but on page 40 John tells me I can’t kill anybody. I can machine-gun people before that!’ I said, ‘Okay, you got me on a legal loophole. But you’re going to be the hero. It’s only coincidence that you haven’t killed anybody up until then. You get reprogrammed by John verbally, and then you’re good. But are you really good, or are you just acting out good?’ He said, ‘Well, am I really good?’ I said, ‘That’s what we’re going to find out together.’ He was like, ‘You as*hole!’

He and I really got along well, but he did have these moments of crisis where I’d have to kind of talk him down off the ledge. And it worked out.

Terminator 2 Remains the Best Terminator Movie – for Now

James Cameron says Arnold Schwarzenegger Hated His Terminator 2 Character ChangesJames Cameron says Arnold Schwarzenegger Hated His Terminator 2 Character ChangesJames Cameron says Arnold Schwarzenegger Hated His Terminator 2 Character ChangesJames Cameron says Arnold Schwarzenegger Hated His Terminator 2 Character Changes

As a movie critic, I must confess that James Cameron’s “The Terminator” was a thrilling sci-fi action ride. However, “Terminator 2” raised the bar significantly, mirroring the masterful evolution Cameron achieved with “Aliens.” He took the foundation laid by the first film and cranked up the intensity to unprecedented levels, crafting an unforgettable sequel that left audiences spellbound.

Making a flawless film is challenging, while enhancing a successful predecessor in a sequel is almost insurmountable. However, Cameron managed this feat twice within a short span of time. In the same vein as how Aliens followed the original’s formula by adding new dangers, increased action, and an extended duration that was commensurate with its rich content, Terminator 2 also adhered to this pattern. Although no film in the series has reached the heights of Terminator 2, Cameron appears ready to challenge this by reimagining the franchise entirely with a new sequel.

As a devoted enthusiast, I can’t help but share my excitement upon hearing director Cameron’s plans for rejuvenating the beloved franchise. He intends to breathe new life into it by introducing an entirely fresh cast of characters!

In this stage, it’s crucial to discard elements that are characteristic of the last four decades in the world of “Terminator”, while still adhering to those core principles. The danger lies in becoming too immersed in these details, as a new audience may not be as invested in them as we might assume. This issue is also relevant to “Avatar”. However, I believe we’ve demonstrated that we have appeal for newer audiences…Therefore, I am certain that future “Terminator” films will not only materialize but will excel. At this juncture, we must let go of all specific symbols associated with it.

Although no specific timeline has been announced for James Cameron’s upcoming Terminator project, it seems that he intends to start work as soon as possible, but given that multiple Avatar films are already scheduled, it remains uncertain how deeply involved Cameron will be in any new iteration of the science fiction series.

Terminator 2
is currently available to stream on Apple TV+ and Paramount+.

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2024-09-30 02:02