Why Margot Robbie Insisted On Full-Frontal Nudity In The Wolf Of Wall Street
Martin Scorsese’s 2013 movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” which is based on the true story of stock swindler Jordan Belfort, doesn’t mince words or shy away from graphic content. The film portrays characters in various states of undress, heavily intoxicated, and under the influence of drugs such as quaaludes. This is all while making it clear that Jordan Belfort and his associates are engaged in fraudulent activities to maintain their enormous wealth. Leonardo DiCaprio’s portrayal of Jordan Belfort is considered one of his finest performances throughout his career. For Margot Robbie, who played Jordan’s second wife Naomi (also known as the “Duchess of Bay Ridge”), the film required several nude scenes, but she felt at ease with this due to Scorsese’s direction.