Stop me if you have heard this one before: In her latest movie, the brilliant Amy Adams plays a new mom who is overwhelmed by her son’s inconsistent sleep schedule, his fussy appetite, and the droning repetition of the day-to-day schedule that includes play dates, kid music, and messes. But at night, “Mother” (Adams) believes that she’s turning into a dog. OK, wait… I was with you until that part. But that’s the plot of NIghtbitch, an adaptation of a 2021 novel written by Rachel Yoder that burrows into the primal feelings of motherhood, and features a blistering performance by the always reliable Adams. When is Adams not good? It’s very rare. In fact, there’s a scene in Nightbitch that maybe was too convincing, as it forced several crew members to leave the set while director Marielle Heller filmed it.