12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

As a long-time survivor of many a camping trip gone awry, I can tell you that there’s always something eerie about the wilderness – it’s like nature’s own version of a haunted house. The show “Yellowjackets” has certainly tapped into that feeling, and if I may say so myself, they’ve done a splendid job at it.

In Season 2 of the series titled Yellowjackets, viewers found themselves receiving equal parts enlightenment and intrigue. The narrative revolves around a high school girls’ soccer team, specifically the Wiskayok High School Yellowjackets, grappling with the aftermath of a tragic plane crash. Concurrently, the storyline leaps forward in time to explore how the sinister influence of their wilderness ordeal, symbolically referred to as “The Wilderness,” persistently shadows them.

On “Yellowjackets,” a show boasting an illustrious cast and thought-provoking scripts, has been captivating audiences as it delves into themes of female friendships, cannibalism, and the very nature of reality itself. As we eagerly await Season 3, slated for 2025, let’s revisit some tantalizing mysteries that we hope will find resolution in the show.

12 Taissa’s Sleepwalking


In the gripping aftermath of the initial season of “Yellowjackets,” the character of Taissa “Tai” Turner, portrayed brilliantly by Jasmin Savoy Brown, has been plagued with a chilling condition – sleepwalking. As she slumbers, an eerie counterpart to Tai, often referred to as “Dark Tai” by fans, emerges to carry out unsettling and enigmatic acts. This other self has shared a haunting kiss with Van, narrowly avoided a perilous cliff edge, and even taken the life of her beloved pet dog. The connection between this alter ego and the Wilderness, which only deepens the mystery, leaves us pondering two crucial questions – why is this happening, and for what sinister purpose?

A Nightmarish Mystery

In Season 3, Tai’s sleepwalking may get explored more deeply since it seems significant. After kissing Van, a changed version of Tai (Dark Tai) stated, “This isn’t our intended destination,” suggesting that the alter has desires separate from its host. While it might have been referring to the gathering spot for the women later in the season, it also could be trying to guide them elsewhere – possibly back to the wilderness. This is plausible given Tai’s connection to The Man with No Eyes, whom Dark Tai believes directs him.

11 The Man with No Eyes

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In the episode titled “The Dollhouse,” a mysterious figure known as The Man with No Eyes made his debut as a menacing specter to Tai’s grandmother. Frightened, her grandmother warned Tai not to let this man steal her eyes. Tragically, her grandmother passed away, and her eyes turned cloudy white. Later, the man resurfaced for Tai when her home was vandalized, and he had seemingly guided Dark Tai through the wilderness. As mentioned earlier, he also appeared in the show’s opening sequence. The creators of the show revealed that there were several deleted scenes where this character played a crucial role.

Symbolic or Something More Sinister

It seems that The Man Without Eyes might be a malevolent presence linked to the Wilderness, yet he encountered Tai prior to the story’s start, suggesting he could be distinct from the Wilderness – assuming he exists at all, and not just a figment of imagination. Interestingly, the Man in the Cabin was discovered without eyes, while the Queen of Hearts has her own eyes gouged out. The meaning behind this association is unclear, but it appears there’s an undeniable link between them.

10 The Man in the Cabin


In the third episode of season 1, the characters stumble upon a cabin. Upon ascending to its attic, they encounter a deceased man, often referred to as “Cabin Father” by viewers, who seems to be making a terrifying noise. Just prior to her untimely demise, Jackie (portrayed by Ella Purnell) experiences a dream where she encounters what appears to be a living version of this man. What’s even more unsettling is that, following a seance, a spirit possibly belonging to Cabin Father causes Lottie to utter the phrase “It desires blood” in French.

Fellow Victim or Victimizer

The man found inside the cabin remains unidentified, yet it’s generally thought that he might have been a hunter, similarly trapped in the wilderness alongside the girls. There’s buzz that additional details about him may surface in the upcoming bonus episode. The man’s intentions and past are an intriguing, chilling enigma, as viewers wonder if he is benevolent, malicious, or merely stuck like the girls – a curiosity they can’t wait to uncover.

9 The Mysterious Symbol

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

Throughout the course of the series, an enigmatic symbol has recurrently shown up whenever a character dies or is on the brink of death. This symbol has been discovered on numerous trees and within the attic of the cabin, as well as being drawn by Tai’s alter on her spouse’s hand and on the altar for her deceased pet.

The interpretation of the symbol among the characters is diverse: Lottie, portrayed by Courtney Eaton in her teenage years and Simone Kessell as an adult, perceives it as a source of positivity and incorporates it into her wellness sanctuary (or cult). Conversely, Travis, played by Kevin Alves as a teenager and Andres Soto as an adult, considers the symbols crucial for grasping the mysteries of the Wilderness.

Various Meanings

This abstract symbol holds various meanings, ranging from an upside-down girl, a map, to hobo code. It might symbolize cannibalism, a warning, or something altogether different. No matter what, this symbol plays a crucial role in the storyline and each of its appearances only adds to the enigma surrounding it.

8 Lottie’s Visions

Throughout the captivating series of Yellowjackets, I’ve found myself frequently grappling with Lottie’s unsettling visions. As a kid, it seemed like she foresaw a chilling car accident, and later on as an adult, she witnessed a grotesque sight of dead Laura Lee. The show leaves us guessing if she’s mentally unstable, psychic, or perhaps both, and this intrigue deepens when her parents commit her to a mental institution. Consequently, the viewers of Yellowjackets have been brainstorming numerous theories about Lottie and the significant part she might play in the storyline.

Healed or in Need of Help

During season 2, to the shock of the other women, it’s revealed that Lottie left the institution. It’s certainly possible that she healed during the past two and a half decades, but that doesn’t explain why she told another woman in the institution that the people there helped her, only to later tell her wellness retreat, years later, that nobody could help them. It’s also strange that Travis knew she had left while the other survivors, including Christina Ricci’s beloved and unhinged Misty, who had kept tabs on the group, remained in the dark.

It seems quite plausible that Lottie experienced a significant event during her stay at the institution. This incident may hold the clue as to whether her visions are authentic or merely a manifestation of mental distress. Consequently, numerous other enigmas within the show might find resolution, given that Lottie’s visions and bond with the Wilderness have been instrumental in unraveling many of the mysteries.

7 Javi’s Disappearance

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In the ninth episode of season 1, the character played by Luciano Leroux, Javi Martinez, mysteriously disappears, reappearing early in season 2 discovered by Tai. Later in that same season, Coach Ben, portrayed by Steven Krueger, stumbles upon a cave hidden within a tree filled with animal remains. This discovery suggests that Javi might have taken refuge here, or at least found shelter in another similar location. Nevertheless, this revelation does not answer several lingering questions such as what transpired during Javi’s absence, why he left, and any additional knowledge he may possess about the wilderness.

The Mysterious Friend

Regrettably, we lost Javi in episode 8 of season 2, suggesting there might not be much more insight into this character. However, before his demise, he hinted at a friend advising him to avoid the girls. It’s plausible that future episodes will delve deeper into Javi’s experiences through this friend or flashbacks. Simultaneously, this friend introduces new enigmas, like her identity and the reason for warning Javi. Could she be one of the girls, like Dark Tai, or linked to Cabin Daddy? For now, these questions remain unanswered.

Javi’s tale has brought forth a number of queries regarding the caves, like who built them and how they link to the Wilderness. Although Javi is no longer present, it might be simpler to find answers now that Coach Ben has discovered one himself. However, it’s regrettable that Javi isn’t here to clarify the mystery as it will likely take more time to solve without him due to his silence being another puzzle in itself.

6 Crystal/Kristen’s Body

In Season 2, Misty found an opportunity to forge a genuine bond with survivor Crystal. As their connection deepened, Crystal confided in Misty, revealing her most guarded secret: her real name was Kristen, and everyone else had misunderstood when she initially introduced herself.

As a movie reviewer, I found myself disheartened as the character Kristen’s reckless disclosure of secrets resulted in Misty exposing her own: the destruction of the crucial Black Box, a discovery that could have led to their whereabouts being uncovered. Predictably, Kristen’s response was far from calm, and a heated argument ensued. Unfortunately, during their altercation, Kristen lost her footing and plunged off a cliff to her untimely demise. However, the tale took an even more bizarre turn when Misty returned to claim her friend’s body – it had inexplicably vanished.

A Bizarre Disappearance

It’s possible that Kristen’s remains were carried off by an animal or buried deeply under the snow, making it impossible for Misty to locate them. Yet, this theory seems a bit contrived within the context of the show, considering there were no indications of blood trails, and Misty made every effort to search for her thoroughly.

The scenario suggests a few plausible options: perhaps there’s some enchantment at play, or maybe Kristen is still among us. Another possibility could be that another girl relocated her body, but this raises several questions such as ‘why’, ‘where’, and even ‘how’ they managed to do so in the harsh winter conditions. Whatever the case may be, the bond between them was a heartwarming aspect of the series, and its conclusion mirrors the unforgiving truth that many teenage friendships encounter.

5 Walter’s True Motives

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In Season 2, we were introduced to the character of Walter, portrayed by Elijah Wood. Rapidly developing feelings for Misty, he follows her to Lottie’s wellness retreat. While there, an unexpected event occurs: Walter kills a police officer. He later exploits this incident to conceal another crime – the murder of Adam. If exposed, the truth about Adam’s death would have potentially been detrimental for Misty. However, it is questionable whether Walter can be considered beneficial for Misty either way, considering his intentions appear to be significantly more intricate than love.

A Sick Love Story

Walter has been given numerous opportunities to betray Misty, but surprisingly, he’s chosen to aid her instead. From a superficial perspective, this conduct implies that he holds affection for her and is working towards her and her companions’ well-being. However, their first encounter occurred when Walter was investigating Adam’s murder. Not only did he possess access to Adam’s credit card statements, but he was also on the verge of uncovering the truth behind Adam’s disappearance. This indicates that his pursuit may not have cooled down yet.

It’s important to mention that Walter often refers to himself as a character similar to Moriarty, who is well-known for being Sherlock’s main adversary. Given his readiness to commit murders, extortion, and other illicit activities, this sinister link between him and the classic villain becomes even more evident.

4 Pit Girl’s Identity

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In the opening episode of season 1, we were introduced to a character named Pit Girl. This girl, in an unsettling twist, fled from the other survivors and unfortunately fell into a pit, where she was impaled and perished. The girls subsequently discovered and consumed her remains. The haunting memory of this girl lingers, yet it proves challenging to identify her definitively – despite hints being provided, they’re often conflicting, unclear, or inadequate.

A Tragic Death

In the show, a character known as Pit Girl wears a necklace that was previously sported by Shauna, portrayed by Sophie Nélisse, and Jackie, but it’s clear she isn’t either of them. She shares dark hair with many other girls, which doesn’t help much in identifying her. However, there are several hypotheses about her true identity, and one widely-held belief is that she might be Mari, played by Alexa Barajas. Despite the speculation, Pit Girl’s demise serves as the audience’s initial encounter with the series, and since then, her identity has remained one of the most intriguing enigmas.

3 Mari and the Dripping Sound

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In the early stages of season 2, Mari starts noticing a dripping noise within their cabin, which no one else appears to hear. She doesn’t mention it until episode 8. Later on, Tai admits he also hears the sound. This triggers an incident where Mari imagines a bleeding wall, causing her great distress. In shock, she exclaims “They’re dead!” without providing details about who or how they might have perished.

Hallucination or Warning

There’s a chance that Mari might be perceiving the sound of water beneath the ground, possibly from a cave like the one Javi discovered. Many contestants in this show have experienced auditory hallucinations, and it could be that Mari is having her own hallucination brought about by hunger. Yet, these assumptions don’t clarify why no one else heard the sound initially, nor do they explain why Tai claims to hear it later on.

A more unsettling possibility for solving this mystery is that the dripping noise signifies Mari’s upcoming demise. This theory aligns with what she witnesses as blood trickling from the walls and her eventual transformation into the tragic figure known as the Pit Girl. As the caves are explored and the number of characters decreases, viewers can expect to uncover the truth behind this eerie mystery soon.

2 The Bear’s Odd Behavior

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In the thrilling conclusion of season 1, titled “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi,” I found myself amidst a group of women grappling with the aftermath of a bewildering, drug-induced night. Suddenly, a bear wandered into our camp, causing a collective fright. Yet, unlike the others, I found myself drawn closer, requesting a knife from one of the girls. The bear, in an almost ritualistic act, knelt down, offering itself to me. With a swift strike, I plunged the knife into its back. Contrary to our initial fear, we didn’t consume the bear as food; instead, it provided us with an unexpected feast, a bizarre yet inexplicable gift from the mysterious appearance of the bear.

Sick or Sent by the Wilderness

The bear’s submissive behavior might be due to hunger, illness, or fatigue from preparing for hibernation. Yet, its appearance at a critical moment for the girls raises questions. While it could merely have been coincidence, considering the show’s other enigmatic aspects, that seems improbable. Instead, there’s an unsettling yet plausible suspicion that the Wilderness deliberately sent the bear, leaving us with another puzzle: why?

1 The Wilderness

12 Questions Yellowjackets Season 3 Needs to Answer

In essence, the main debate in Yellowjackets revolves around whether the Wilderness itself is authentic or if it’s a construct the girls have developed as a means to deal with the grim choices they were compelled to make. Characters like Lottie firmly trust that it’s genuine, going so far as to claim it has pursued them from the wilderness. On the other hand, individuals such as Nat initially harbor doubts, while current Shauna categorically rejects and denies the Wilderness’ influence.

Should the wilderness truly exist, pondering what it yearns for becomes crucial to our female survivors’ ongoing existence. As we reach the season finale, Lisa and Callie may find themselves ensnared by its potency too, and while Nat’s demise might have temporarily pacified the wilderness, it will undoubtedly seek vengeance anew in due time.

Wicked Desires

It’s peculiar that Lottie stated Nat was dearly loved by the Wilderness. If this is so, why did it lead to her death? To put it simply, what made the Wilderness orchestrate any of the deaths, and what does it aim to achieve from them? Regardless of whether the Wilderness symbolizes the profound trauma of the women, these questions persist. Fundamentally, the Wilderness serves as a symbol of humanity’s deepest darkness, which in turn raises another query: what other actions did the girls take to survive, and how far will they descend further?

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2024-10-06 18:02