14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

As a seasoned observer of the dynamic world of superheroes, I must say that the relationships between these extraordinary beings are as fascinating as their feats. Let’s delve into the lives of two such individuals who have dared to tread where angels fear to tread – the bedroom antics of Superman and his partners!

As a gaming enthusiast, I can tell you that comic book fans are always eager to dive into deep discussions about their beloved heroes. Questions like, “What if Galactus devoured Darkseid’s planet Apokolips?” or “Could Spider-Man watch a horror movie with his spider-sense intact?” keep us intrigued. Or how about the age-old question, “If you were to cut off Wolverine’s head, would he regrow a new body, or just a new head?

Sure, we know Lois and Clark Kent have been getting it on for years, so clearly he can play it safe. But it may surprise you to learn that Ms. Lane is hardly the only woman to hit the sack with Superman and live to tell the tale. In fact, for the so-called “Big Blue Boy Scout,” Superman has had more sex partners than you’d expect, from high school sweethearts to fellow Justice Leaguers and even sexy cosmic tyrants. Ever wonder who got handled by Superman and how they got out alive? Wonder no more, because this is a list of people who slept with Superman — and survived. 

Lois Lane

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

For numerous years, Lois Lane, the one constant love of Superman, has been his spouse across various comic books, TV shows, movies, and media – wherever these characters have graced our presence. One could argue that Lois is quite remarkable as a partner and lover, given their intimate encounters in almost every reality. However, unlike many other women who have shared an evening with Superman, Lois Lane lacks superpowers, which might lead one to question her ability to keep up with him physically.

In spite of numerous battles against Super-villains such as Darkseid that have left Superman battered, Lois has consistently remained unscathed. Despite the unusual aspects of Superman and Lois’ relationship, her daily waking up unharmed suggests that Clark can be a loving partner who safeguards his partners during intimate moments. Furthermore, they share a genetic compatibility, as Lois has given birth to Superman’s children naturally, demonstrating that his bodily substances do not have harmful effects. Additionally, there was a rather explicit moment in the past when she seemed to compliment his physical attributes using a “steel” metaphor.

Regardless of any danger, though, the really amazing thing is that she’s been able to carry his children without them destroying her from inside her womb … oh wait, they did: She was murdered by her own fetus in an alternate timeline (which remains one of the most terrible things Superman has ever done).

Lana Lang

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

As a devoted gamer, let me share my take on that fascinating bit of trivia: Lana Lang was Clark Kent’s first significant relationship with an Earth girl, not Lois Lane. In the Smallville of our youth, it was Lana who shared his childhood, and their bond was often hinted at rather than shown in its entirety. However, the TV series “Smallville” delved deeper into their connection, exploring their relationship more explicitly as they grew older.

Looking back, it’s astonishing that Clark didn’t accidentally harm Lana during their intimate moments; he was still learning to manage his powers at the time, causing them to often lose control. However, Clark wasn’t Lana’s only romantic interest in the superhero world. In the comics, Lana also had a relationship with John Henry Irons, who became Steel. The two eventually got married. Since Irons was human, their intimate moments likely involved fewer concerns about accidental damage — unless they enjoyed roleplaying in costumes, as Steel’s powerful hammer could potentially cause harm.

Wonder Woman

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

Among all of DC’s superheroes, Wonder Woman could be the one most suited as a romantic partner for Superman, considering their comparable powers and enduring friendship. Her immortality ensures she won’t grow older than him, while their deep bond has captivated fans for decades. This pairing is often preferred by those who imagine Clark Kent in a romantic context with another hero, and it seems the creators have taken note as they have been portrayed as romantic partners in comic book stories for quite some time.

In the fictional worlds created by Frank Miller and Kurt Busiek, notably in “Dark Knight” and “Kingdom Come”, Superman and Wonder Woman are portrayed as having a deeply romantic relationship, which is hinted at being sexual. This relationship is particularly evident during their encounters in these stories, where Superman fathered children with Wonder Woman. However, it’s important to note that not everyone around them can handle such a liaison, as one of their passionate moments results in the unintentional death of numerous civilians, a grim event that left a lasting impact on DC Comics history.

As a gamer, let me put it this way: Unlike the rollercoaster of relationships I have with Lois and Lana, Clark Kent’s superhero life allows him to demonstrate his extraordinary endurance for hours, or even days on end, thanks to Wonder Woman’s powers. Here’s hoping no alien crisis interrupts their marathon sessions!

Cat Grant

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

Cat Grant debuted in issue #424 of “The Adventures of Superman” towards the end of the ’80s, when the Daily Planet employed her as a gossip columnist. Since Superman hadn’t yet started dating Lois Lane at this time, it wasn’t surprising that she frequently flirted with Clark Kent, who was also a coworker. Grant openly admired the disguised superhero and made no secret of her feelings, even showing persistent pursuit. On one particular occasion, it can be confidently stated that she succeeded in getting Clark Kent to undress (although she may not have been aware that he was actually Superman).

In an issue written by John Byrne, there’s a scene where Lois unexpectedly visits Clark’s apartment. To her astonishment and discomfort, Cat opens the door instead of Clark – she’s wearing something very little, almost like underwear. To add to the confusion, Clark is later seen in the shower, while after Lois leaves, we see Clark dressing up in front of Grant, implying they had an encounter and the shower was used for washing up post-superhero activities.

In an unexpected twist of fate, Grant, just another average person, managed to endure a fateful evening alongside the city’s toughest hero. Yet, despite witnessing him sans spectacles (or attire), she failed to connect the dots and realize that this very man was none other than Superman – a mistake she made when it came to Clark Kent.

Big Barda

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

Originating from Jack Kirby’s Fourth World comic series, Big Barda is a celestial heroine who could potentially be Superman’s ideal partner after Wonder Woman, but there’s a twist: Barda is wed to another Fourth World character, Scott Free – also known as Mr. Miracle. The question arises, how did the two manage to share a romantic relationship? The answer lies in one of Superman’s most bizarre tales: A story involving Superman being mind-controlled to produce adult films. Yes, you read that correctly.

In simpler terms, the story unfolds in Action Comics issue 593, penned by John Byrne, where Superman and Cat Grant share an intimate relationship. Essentially, a subordinate of Darkseid named Sleez manipulates Barda to produce explicit films. This narrative takes a somewhat graphic turn, as the villain Sleez resides in a sewer, reflecting Byrne’s creative exploration into darker themes.

In due course, even Superman falls under Sleez’s sway. Although no explicit footage of their encounter exists, by the end of the issue, both Superman and Barda admit to having ridden the F-train, possibly on multiple occasions. Fortunately, Barda is incredibly resilient, likely making it easier for her to confront Superman repeatedly.


14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

As a devoted fan, I can confidently say that among the well-known superheroes who have shared an unusual night with Superman, none surpass the enigmatic nature of Supergirl. You see, Supergirl – yes, the one known to be Kal-El’s cousin – but let me clarify, it wasn’t Kara Zor-El who kept Superman up at night in the ’90s, but Linda Danvers, a unique character brought to life by writer Peter David.

In this iteration of the character, she journeys back in time to an alternate Earth and assumes the role of their Supergirl. On this Earth-One, Kara develops romantic feelings for its Kal-El, who happens to be her counterpart’s cousin but shares those same feelings towards her. Despite knowing that she is not his world’s Supergirl, they find themselves falling in love, getting married, and eventually having a child together. Although their romantic relationship isn’t explicitly shown, it is implied through the events of their love story.

Interestingly enough, during the Silver Age, Superman and his cousin, Supergirl, openly displayed romantic feelings towards each other on multiple occasions. At one point, Supergirl even attempted to marry him. It’s intriguing to speculate that the 1964 Elvis Presley song “Kissin’ Cousins” might have been inspired by these remarkable relatives with superpowers.


14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

1991 marked a time when Superman, though not yet married to Lois, was committed to her in a monogamous relationship. However, Clark’s memory of this commitment was erased when he got stranded on an island inhabited by dinosaurs and primitive humans, unaware of his true identity.

On this island, Superman encounters Lola-La, an alluring cavewoman who hails from a tribe led by her father. Desiring him as a companion, Lola-La incites her father’s wrath, leading to a showdown of strength between the father and an amnesiac Superman. In this test, Superman demonstrates his superior power, earning himself a secluded cave where Lola-La mounts him in a serious manner. However, Superman suggests they halt their encounter, but the narrative then jumps ahead to a point where they are exiting the cave together, holding hands.

Not necessarily the strangest sexual pairing for Superman, it’s still a scary one to ponder. Because when you think about it, a Superman with no identity — but still possessing all his powers — could have easily squished Lola-La like a bug. She must have been a top.

Lori Lemaris

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

In a unique turn of events, Superman has found himself in relationships with diverse individuals – ordinary humans, fellow superheroes, and even extraterrestrials. However, the most unusual romantic encounter on his list is Lori Lemaris… yes, you guessed it, a genuine mermaid. While the ’50s may have been the era of comic book strangeness, the ’90s saw Superman sharing intimacy with a Neanderthal.

In “Superman” #129, during a flashback story set at Metropolis University, Clark Kent encounters Lemaris, another student. Although their relationship isn’t depicted directly, it is hinted that they become romantically involved. It is important to note that this comic is intended for children, so the details of their romance are kept implicit. Interestingly, Lemaris is actually a mermaid disguised as a human, and she develops a deep connection with Clark. To make matters more complex, Lemaris possesses telepathic abilities, and she is aware that Clark is Superman. When she discloses her true nature and the fact that she must eventually lose her legs and return to the ocean, this revelation deeply saddens young Clark Kent.

Lyla Lerrol

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

It seems that every woman in Superman’s contacts list goes by the initials “L.L.”. This raises the question of whether Lex Luthor might have been one of his romantic interests. However, it’s worth noting that Superman may not have had a relationship with his arch-enemy, but he did have an intimate encounter with Lyla Lerrol, who also goes by “L.L.” This name isn’t a typo, and considering she’s Kryptonian, her unusual name becomes less puzzling since she is neither related to Superman nor disguising herself as such like Linda Danvers.

In this instance, the enigmatic Kryptonian character is originally from the past on the planet Krypton, a setting where Superman unexpectedly finds himself in “Superman” #141 after an unintentional over-exertion of his flight abilities. Stranded on Krypton just before its imminent destruction, Superman resides with Lyla Lerrol, a renowned actress who is producing a science fiction film titled “The Space Explorers”. Superman even quips that her initials must be “L.L.” and praises her as a match for both Lois Lane and Lori Lemaris.

In due time, Clark and Lyla come to understand the magic of love. Since they don’t possess any powers on Krypton, there’s no danger from superhuman abilities, unless one enjoys rough play. However, what makes this situation eerie is that he is aware she is about to perish as Krypton’s destruction approaches.

Lashina and the Female Furies

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

In “Superman: The Animated Series,” sexual content is scarce, but it’s suggested occasionally. Interestingly, Lois Lane isn’t the only woman Superman interacts with on this show. In an exciting two-part episode titled “Legacy,” which is among the best of the series, Clark Kent experiences quite a bit while on Apokolips.

Once more, Superman wakes up next to another woman, as he’s under the influence of mind control by Darkseid’s forces. In this twisted scenario, Superman serves as Darkseid’s right-hand man, but his sinister role doesn’t stop there. This darkened version of Superman seems to be more than just an accomplice; he appears to have a peculiar relationship with the Female Furies – specifically Lashina, Stompa, and Mad Harriet. A scene even unfolds where evil Superman shares a intimate moment in bed with Lashina, who affectionately calls him “my lover.

Residing on Apokolips, the Female Furies possess strength that matches Superman physically. However, if they face him alone, it’s a fair fight. But should they encounter him with a four-to-one advantage, things could potentially be challenging for them this time around.


14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

A muscular, chiseled protagonist with a firm moral compass, close bond with his mother, and striking facial structure – it’s surprising that more women don’t flock to admire both Clark Kent and Superman. However, some have, like Maxima, as depicted in Action Comics issue 651. This story unfolds in an alternate reality where Lois Lane meets a tragic fate at the hands of her unborn child’s kick. Certainly, this plot takes a strange turn and becomes even more peculiar.

Deeply saddened by Lois’ passing, Superman departs for the cosmos where he encounters Maxima, a powerful warrior. Maxima, seeking a genetically compatible partner to sire an heir, is set on winning Superman over. After a test of strength and some mental persuasion, it appears that she achieves her goal as they are shown kissing. The scene then shifts later in the evening, with Superman standing at Maxima’s balcony, donning his cape – a universal signal that they have recently shared an intimate moment together.

It’s intriguing that Maxima’s tale in “Action Comics” #651 revolves around the idea that Superman has never been romantically involved with a woman who matches his power level. Maxima convinces him she’s more compatible than an ordinary human, and even Superman acknowledges he’s always had to restrain himself with Lois. Be warned, Maxima — you might need to set a safety phrase.

Beautiful Dreamer

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

It seems that even Superman, the Man of Steel, has found himself entangled with women from the Fourth World on more than one occasion. First there was Big Barda, followed by the Female Furies. However, it’s not just these powerful females who have captivated him. There’s also a character named Beautiful Dreamer, another New God, who, in the distant future of the 23rd century, is said to share an intimate relationship with Superman.

In “Superman and Batman: Generations 3,” penned by John Byrne, Dreamer and Superman unite. This comic series offers a relatable perspective, imagining how these characters might evolve over time like the rest of us. In one installment, we encounter an elderly Superman in the 23rd century: Lois Lane is no more, and Dreamer, a New God, has replaced her as his spouse. Since Dreamer’s divine nature eliminates any risk of injury due to Superman’s foot fetish, and given their immortality, they have all the time necessary to delve into every imaginable romantic position. However, this also implies that after several centuries, their intimate moments might become predictable.

Jay Nakamura

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

Over the past few years, Clark’s son, Jon Kent, has assumed the role of Superman while his father was away in space. As a relatively new Superman, Jon grapples with the fact that he poses a risk to those dear to him, particularly his romantic partners. However, he finds love in Jay Nakamura, a young journalist, activist, and secret superhero.

On Metropolis College’s campus, Jon and Jay first cross paths. In an urgent situation to prevent a school shooting, Jon is compelled to disclose his hidden persona. Shortly afterward, Jay unintentionally exposes his superhuman abilities to Jon, leading them to become romantically involved. As a duo endowed with powers, they may not have to fret much about surviving the night, but Jay should take care not to anger his boyfriend’s father.

Regrettably, the controversial aspect of Jon and Jay’s romantic relationship has emerged in our everyday life, as some conservative individuals struggle to accept gay and bisexual relationships. This intolerance has led to threats against creators and DC Comics staff, necessitating police protection. Despite these challenges, their love story won DC Comics a GLAAD Award in 2023.

Miss Martian

14 People Who Slept With Superman (And Lived)

As a devoted fan, let me shift gears to another Superboy contender: Conner Kent, genetically engineered from the original Superman’s DNA. Unlike his comic book counterparts, Conner is the version that graces screens more frequently. His romantic escapades are legendary, with many lucky partners who can boast about their trysts. Among these, my favorite has to be his romance with Miss Martian, a significant plot point in the animated series “Young Justice.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed throughout this series, their bond deepens from friendship to something more intimate. Although their romantic escapades aren’t explicitly shown on screen, it’s pretty evident that they share an intimacy off-camera – considering they eventually tie the knot. Being super-powered characters, they don’t have to worry too much about getting hurt while fighting as superheroes, but Conner might want to be careful with the heat, given the Martians’ dislike for fire.

Miss Martian not only endured her romantic encounter with Superboy, but it flourished and became a significant part of their storylines, eventually being incorporated into the comic books by DC Comics, where their relationship was previously unexplored.

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2024-10-13 19:31