32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

As a die-hard fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s action-packed cinematic journey, I must say that the lines he delivers in his movies have always been a source of amusement and inspiration for me. From Kindergarten Cop to Last Action Hero, each movie offers a unique blend of action, humor, and the unforgettable one-liners that Arnold is famous for.

If you examine some of the most outstanding action films ever made, it’s likely that Arnold Schwarzenegger appears on that list more frequently than any other actor. Over the course of his career as a bodybuilder, actor, and governor, he has created unforgettable scenes on the silver screen that continue to resonate with audiences. Additionally, his daring stunts and thrilling action sequences are not the only things he is known for – “Arnie” has also left us with some enduring one-liners. Below, you’ll find some of his most famous lines that people still quote today, whether favorably or unfavorably.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“I’ll Be Back” (The Terminator)

As a gamer, I’ve got to admit that Arnold Schwarzenegger is best known for his role as The Terminator, but let’s face it, nothing beats the iconic “I’ll be back” line. It’s hilarious, really, considering he utters this while playing a ruthless, cold-blooded cyborg in James Cameron’s The Terminator. And boy, does he live up to his words – coming back not just once, but taking out an entire police station!

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Hasta La Vista, Baby” (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

James Cameron significantly transformed the concept of summer blockbusters with “Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” one of the top movies from the ’90s, largely thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger and catchy lines such as “Hasta la vista, baby.” This phrase became a popular saying among children on playgrounds, often used without knowing its original meaning or origin.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“You’re Fired” (True Lies)

In a slightly different phrasing: Despite not being their best or even second-best joint project, the 1994 movie “True Lies” offered more entertainment than one might expect. It also introduced the iconic “You’re fired” line, delivered by Arnold Schwarzenegger as Harry Tasker, just before he dispatched a terrorist in a dramatic explosion.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“It’s Not A Tumor!” (Kindergarten Cop)

Sure, a lot doesn’t make sense about Kindergarten Cop, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a great or hilarious movie, because it is. And why is it so funny? Oh, just because Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Detective John Kimble is yelling stuff like this in a room full of 5-year-olds. It’s just the best!

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“C’mon Bennett, Let Off Some Steam” (Commando)

In the year 1985, Arnold Schwarzenegger was climbing the ladder to fame, and our hero left no stone unturned to keep pace. Not only did he demonstrate his action prowess in this film, but he also showcased his wit with clever one-liners following the elimination of an opponent in a fierce battle.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

‘What’s The Matter? CIA Got You Pushing Too Many Pencils?” (Predator)

Additionally, there’s a famous phrase that sets the stage for an indelible encounter between Arnold Schwarzenegger as Dutch and Carl Weathers as Dillon, but let’s discuss the significant moment when Schwarzenegger says “If it bleeds… we can kill it” and their handshake transforming into an arm-wrestling contest – a scene that undeniably showcases the peak of masculinity in Predator, excluding Jesse Ventura.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Put The Cookie Down, Now!” (Jingle All The Way)

Is the film “Jingle All the Way” enjoyable? Not particularly, unless you were a child in the ’90s, and even then, it can be quite tedious. However, this 1996 Christmas movie, which revolves around a father’s determined efforts to avoid disappointing his son during the holiday season, does feature the memorable line, “Put that cookie down,” followed by an iconic pause before “now.” This pause is simply legendary.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Consider That A Divorce” (Total Recall)

Speaking of unforgettable sci-fi films, the 90s classic “Total Recall” is quite a journey! Although there are countless memorable scenes from this iconic Paul Verhoeven production, we’ll focus on one particularly bizarre moment. The line, “Consider that a divorce,” delivered by Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to Lori Quaid (Sharon Stone), is undeniably one of the film’s most absurd elements.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Ah, He Had To Split” (The Running Man)

Speaking of one-liner intensity per character, no Arnold Schwarzenegger film delivers as powerfully as “The Running Man.” Consider the scene where Ben Richards defeats Buzzsaw (Gus Rethwisch) in that twisted game show. It wasn’t until the release of “Batman & Robin” a decade later that we would encounter such awkward comedy again.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Get To The Chopper!” (Predator)

Moving towards the helicopter” or “Heading to the chopper,” are popular and memorable one-liners from the ’80s, particularly associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s performance in the classic film Predator. Despite being a brief line in the movie’s finale, it has endured for almost 40 years.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Who Is Your Daddy, And What Does He Do?” (Kindergarten Cop)

In Kindergarten Cop, Detective John Kimble (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) uses his unconventional methods to gather information and crack the case. One memorable scene involves him transforming an interrogation into a game for kindergarten students titled “Who is your father, and what does he do?” This approach leads to some hilarious and insightful moments.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Come With Me If You Want To Live” (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but marvel at the priceless expression on Linda Hamilton’s (Sarah Connor) face when Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator unexpectedly switches roles to protect her from the relentless T-1000 (Robert Patrick). And let me tell you, Schwarzenegger’s performance in this pivotal scene of Terminator 2: Judgment Day is nothing short of exceptional.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Killian, Here is Subzero, Now Plain Zero” (The Running Man)

In a somewhat absurd scene from “The Running Man”, Arnold Schwarzenegger (as Ben Richards) shouts to Richard Dawson (playing Damon Killian), who excellently portrays the gameshow host. The message was that one of his contestants had perished, but it’s the way Schwarzenegger delivers the line that makes the moment impactful.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Oh, I Feel The Baby, The Baby” (Junior)

Despite not being as well-known as other collaborations between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito, the movie “Junior” has its share of memorable scenes. For instance, consider the outlandish moment when Dr. Alex Hesse, played by Schwarzenegger, claims he can sense the baby growing within him – yes, a baby, developing inside his womb.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Your Foster Parents Are Dead” (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

One of the most chilling yet thrilling scenes in the movie “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” occurs when the T-800, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, informs a young John Connor (Edward Furlong) that his guardians have met a tragic end at the hands of the T-1000, following an emotional phone conversation.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“I Let Him Go” (Commando)

Immediately following his conversation with Sully, John Matrix delivered a swift and indelible quip to the audience when inquired about his actions regarding the henchman. His succinct response, “I set him free,” perfectly encapsulates the situation.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Shut Up!!!!” (Kindergarten Cop)

On certain occasions, it’s not just the words themselves, but how they’re said and the accompanying facial cues that turn a one-liner into something truly memorable. A perfect example of this can be found in the side-splitting scene from the movie Kindergarten Cop, where Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character shouts “Quiet down!” to control a boisterous classroom. The raw emotion, the palpable frustration, and his expressive facial expressions transform this simple phrase into an unforgettable gem.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“All Right, Everyone! Chill” (Batman & Robin)

I may not consider “Batman & Robin” as the greatest Batman film, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a blast with this 1997 cinematic mishap. The standout performance in this campy comic book adaptation comes from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who brings his A-game as Mr. Freeze and his endless supply of cheesy one-liners.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Terminated” (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

In response to young John Connor’s question about the T-1000 in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”, the damaged T-800 replies with “Terminated,” because it’s straightforward and fitting. What’s the need for emotional moments from a machine when you can have this?

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“I’m The Famous Comedian Arnold Braunschweiger” (Last Action Hero)

Back in the day, I stumbled upon John McTernan’s “Last Action Hero” – a movie that seems to have been ahead of its time by about 15-20 years. It’s challenging to envision this 1994 meta action-comedy not resonating with audiences if it were released later. This flick is packed with memorable scenes, but nothing quite beats the moment when Jack Slater (Arnold Schwarzenegger) humorously introduces himself as “Arnold Braunschweiger.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Allow Me To Break The Ice” (Batman & Robin)

If you’re seeking a topic to kick off a chat about cringeworthy Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes and mediocre comic book films, let me direct your attention to the actor’s portrayal of Mr. Freeze in Batman & Robin. This line, notorious for its lack of charm, is as chilly as lukewarm can get.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“I’m Not Into Politics, I’m Into Survival” (The Running Man)

It’s quite amusing that in the movie The Running Man, Ben Richards claims he’s not interested in politics, given that Arnold Schwarzenegger later became involved in politics and served as California’s governor for two terms. It’s hard not to smile at the irony when you watch this 1987 action film and think about how things turned out for “the Governator.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Let’s Kick Some Ice” (Batman & Robin)

Despite its poor quality as a movie, there’s plenty to appreciate about Batman & Robin, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is undeniably one of those appeals. The cheesy lines, which may be among the most abysmal ever included in a film, somehow manage to infuse the experience with a certain charm. The phrase “Let’s kick some ice” stands out as one of the most questionable examples of this, for sure.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Yeah, But They Were All Bad” (True Lies)

In many films, the idea of a character being given a truth serum is intriguing, isn’t it? This plot device is utilized in the movie “True Lies,” during a crucial moment when Harry Tasker (Jamie Lee Curtis playing Helen) and her husband are bound and waiting for their fate to unfold. After discovering her spouse’s true occupation, she asks if he has ever taken someone’s life. With an air of nonchalance, the Omega Sector agent replies, “Yes, but they were all harmful individuals,” which is technically accurate.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“Yeah, He Was A Real Pain In The Neck” (The Running Man)

Ben Richards is consistently entertaining throughout “The Running Man”, and it appears that Arnold Schwarzenegger was determined to incorporate numerous puns into this exaggerated adaptation of Stephen King’s work. For instance, after choking Subzero with barbed wire, the game show competitor delivers a brief but impactful quip: “he was a nagging annoyance in the neck area.” Not the film’s most brilliant line, but one that won’t be easily forgotten due to its delivery.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“See You At The Party, Richter!” (Total Recall)

The sci-fi film “Total Recall” features some incredibly gruesome moments, such as when character Richter (played by Michael Ironside) has his arms torn off in an elevator. To make matters worse (in a darkly amusing way), Quaid’s character (Douglas Quaid) quips “I’ll see you at the party, Richter,” while holding both severed hands. It’s a bit tasteless, but it’s got that certain something that fans love.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“I’m The Party Pooper” (Kindergarten Cop)

Prior to his transformation into a seemingly over-the-top nursery caregiver in the movie “Kindergarten Cop”, John Kimble first finds himself entangled in one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s iconic ’90s action sequences that are anything but ordinary. The phrase “party pooper” may seem ridiculous, but it certainly sets the stage for the ensuing wild comedy that unfolds.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It” (Predator)

Despite Dutch’s phrase from the film Predator, “If it bleeds, we can kill it,” having a certain ring of truth to it, the statement doesn’t come without its own repercussions. This iconic heroic moment in the classic ’80s action movie is both ominous and impressive.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“What A Hothead” (The Running Man)

Is it that The Running Man’s puns, particularly from the 1987 sci-fi action movie, ever seem repetitive? Not at all! It’s precisely this aspect that keeps the film entertaining. For instance, when Ben Richards engages in combat with Fireball (Jim Brown), the line “Here, have a light” is quite amusing. But it’s the follow-up – “What a firebrand!” – that truly stands out and carries such a witty, sarcastic tone.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“I Did Nothing. The Pavement Was His Enemy” (Twins)

In a casual, straightforward manner: Julius Benedict is known for being one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s most genuine and innocent characters, yet he’s still capable of dishing out trouble to the bad guys (even if it’s unintentional). This duality is showcased in the movie Twins, where Julius effectively halts a robbery and sends the culprit soaring off his motorcycle. In the same scene, he also manages to slip in a humorous remark.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“You’ve Just Been Erased” (The Eraser)

Despite not being as well-known as some of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s other films, “The Eraser” still has its share of impressive scenes. For instance, the ending where his character says to U.S. Marshal Robert DeGuerin (James Caan), “You just got erased,” before his limo is demolished by a train is truly thrilling.

32 Arnold Schwarzenegger One-Liners That Are Still Memorable

“No Sequel For You” (Last Action Hero)

In Last Action Hero, Jack Slater’s act of killing Benedict (Charles Dance) wouldn’t have been as memorable without the meta-action movie character first telling the villain he wouldn’t appear in the sequel before firing the shot. Though it may cause a groan, it’s hard not to laugh at the humorous twist.

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2024-10-04 19:38