32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

As a woman who has spent countless hours scrolling through social media, binging comfort movies, and consuming an unhealthy amount of candy during my low moments, I can wholeheartedly say that Greta Gerwig’s Barbie is a breath of fresh air. The film strikes a perfect balance between humor and poignancy, making it not only entertaining but also deeply relatable for many of us.

“Barbie (2023), directed by Greta Gerwig, was a standout movie of the year, striking a balance between being thoughtful, vibrantly pink, and uproariously funny. It resonated deeply with many viewers, making them feel recognized and understood. To explore further why this film has captured hearts, let’s dive into 30 hilarious quotes from Margot Robbie’s portrayal.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Barbie has a great day every day. But Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.” – Narrator

After learning extensively about Barbie’s flawless lifestyle, these are the initial remarks made about Ken. Subsequently, our introduction to Ryan Gosling’s Ken doll comes when he comically interacts with a group of Kens greeting Barbie.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I’m here to see my gynecologist.” -Barbie

It’s a shocking yet perfect line to end Barbie on. While it was the last thing we probably all expected to see, it was also exceptional. It showed Barbie so excited to take on her life in the real world as she did something that literally all women have to do, go to their gynecologist to get a check up.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“There are no multiples of Allan. He’s just Allan.” – Narrator

The line becomes even more appealing due to Allan’s reaction, reminiscent of a Michael Cera doll expressing similar confusion. This unique portrayal is cleverly introduced, and the humor is amplified by the fact that only one character in Barbieland deviates from the Barbie or Ken norm.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I can’t even beach here!” – Ken

In a twist of events, Barbie and her counterpart, Ken, wind up in the real world. As Margot Robbie’s character scours a school in search of the girl who owns her doll, Ken embarks on an independent journey. This journey involves him seeking employment to establish his patriarchal role. A significant part of this endeavor includes him expressing his displeasure when he fails to land a beach job following a rejection by a lifeguard due to insufficient qualifications. Despite this setback, Ken clarifies that his goal isn’t to become a lifeguard, but rather to secure a position on the beach itself.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“To be honest, when I found out patriarchy wasn’t about horses, I lost interest anyways.” – Ken

Ryan Gosling’s inclusion on the 2024 Oscar nominees list isn’t without merit, as his moving performance, particularly in the final scene of the movie where Ken relents and has a profound conversation with Barbie, is commendable. In this exchange, Ken acknowledges that managing things is challenging and that he never intended to perpetuate patriarchy once he realized it had no connection to horses.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I would never wear heels if my feet were shaped this way!” – Barbie

After Barbie develops flat feet, she visits an unusual doll named Weird Barbie. En route to her house, Barbie discovers that heels aren’t suitable for someone without unusually high arches, as they are extremely uncomfortable.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“What? You think the lady who invented Barbie looked like Barbie? Ha! I’m a five-foot-nothing Grandma with a double mastectomy and tax evasion issues.” -Ruth

Barbie stands out due to its unique approach of subverting conventional expectations. This is evident even in the portrayal of Ruth, the character responsible for creating the iconic doll. Contrary to the sweet image portrayed by Rhea Perlman’s character, Ruth shows a surprising wit with a humorous remark at the end, emphasizing that she, the inventor of Barbie, is quite unlike her gentle on-screen persona.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Do you guys ever think about dying?” – Barbie

As a devoted fan, I embark on this captivating tale where Barbie grapples with morbid thoughts during an extraordinary dance routine set to a unique melody. The ensuing introspective struggle strikes a perfect balance between humor and depth, making it one of the key factors that earned Barbie such positive acclaim.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“She thinks I’m a fascist? I don’t control the railways or the flow of commerce!” – Barbie

In an unexpected twist, the topic of fascism has come up in relation to Barbie, something I never imagined would happen. Not only does the movie touch on it, but it’s also sparked by a tweens’ accusation of Barbie being a fascist, which is followed by her delivering a humorous response about it.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Jeez, you would think a construction site at lunchtime would be the perfect place for a little woman-power, but this one is so…male.” – Barbie

Contrary to the notion that humor arises from truth, this joke proves the opposite. The humor lies not in its resemblance to reality, but rather in its absurdity. In the actual world, a construction site would be an unlikely setting for women’s empowerment.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Look, I’m just having a brewski beer in my Mojo Dojo Casa House. You can stay if you want, as my bride-wife or my long-term-low-commitment-distance girlfriend.” – Ken

As a dedicated fan, I’ve found one intriguing aspect in the world of Barbie that really stands out – Ken’s unique way of labeling things. He’s got this cool, bro-ish vibe going on, and it often shows up when he merges multiple synonyms into a single term to describe objects around him.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Do you know how many times I’ve just wanted to stand up in a board meeting and say, ‘Let’s just tickle each other!’” – Mattel CEO

Indeed, you’ve interpreted the quote accurately, and yes, that’s exactly how Will Ferrell’s character as Mattel CEO presents during his grand speech to the Barbie and Ken dolls in the movie’s finale.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“There’s no ‘just Ken.’ That’s why I was created. I only exist within the warmth of your gaze. Without it, I’m just another blonde guy who can’t do flips.” -Ken

Barbie puts in a lot of effort to help Ken discover his identity independently of her. Initially, this concept was difficult for him to grasp. Nevertheless, over time, he comes to realize that “Ken represents me,” which is yet another humorous statement from Ryan Gosling’s character.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I don’t know exactly what you meant by all those little quips, but I’m picking up on some sort of entendre, which appears to be double.” – Barbie

At the construction site, Barbie and Ken arrive in a way that suggests they’ve rolled up. In this instance, Margot Robbie’s character is objectified by the workers, making lewd comments. It’s during this situation that the doll, who has no prior exposure to sexism or misogyny, speaks up against the ambiguous remarks directed towards her.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“We are a company made of women. We had a woman CEO in the ‘90s, and there was another one at some other time, so that’s two right there.” -Mattel CEO

When Barbie accidentally arrives at Mattel’s main office, she encounters the company’s leader unexpectedly. At first, she didn’t recognize this person as the CEO since she thought the position would be held by a woman. This misunderstanding then prompts Will Ferrell’s character to deliver a comical speech aimed at convincing Barbie about the presence of women employees at Mattel.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Goodnight Barbies! I’m definitely not thinking about death anymore!” – Barbie

After Barbie shares with her fellow actors that she ponders if they ever consider death, she swiftly attempts to ease the worries stirred up by her comment by stating emphatically that she is now “absolutely and completely” free of such thoughts as she prepares for sleep.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“We sell dreams and imagination, and sparkle. I get excited, I’m passionate. And when you think of sparkle, what do you think of after that? Female agency.” -Mattel CEO

When we encounter the Mattel CEO, he spins around in his seat while brandishing pink drumsticks and discusses Mattel’s objective. Although it may be off-target, it’s also amusing, as he seems certain that his words are accurate.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I’m just Ken, anywhere else I’d be a ten. Is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility?” – Ken

In the movie, “I’m Just Ken” was a side-splitting spectacle, while Ryan Gosling’s rendition of the Barbie song at the Oscars could very well become one of the most memorable musical performances in the award show’s timeline. The witty lyrics alone are enough to bring on the chuckles, and it’s clever how this tune is used to depict the Ken dolls’ conflict rather than a full-blown war – an ingenious twist indeed.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I don’t have anything big planned, just a giant blow-out party with all the Barbies, with planned choreography and a bespoke song. You should stop by.” – Barbie

It seems like that’s not a suitable arrangement…but since it’s girls’ night each day, it’s crucial we arrange a grand celebration for our Barbie friends, allowing them to dance the night away.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Not one person would care if Allan was in the real world. In fact, it’s happened before. All of NSYNC, Allan. Yes, even him!” -Allan

When Allan attempts to escape with Gloria and Sasha, intending to flee from the Kens, they persuade him that such an escape isn’t feasible. However, it turns out Michael Cera’s character assures them that this isn’t a challenge, as there are many overlooked individuals named Allan in reality, including the members of NSYNC, and he seems to be suggesting that even Justin Timberlake might be one of these unnoticed Allans.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Is it just my imagination or did these mojo dojo casa houses just get dreamier?” -Ken

The Kens are driving towards their Mojo Dojo home when they notice that the Barbies have taken control of it. In response, Ryan Gosling’s character as Ken makes an apt reference to Barbie’s Dream House by commenting that the houses had become “significantly more dreamlike.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I’m a man with no power, does that make me a woman?” -Aaron Dinkins

Barbie was curious about whether any female leaders were present at Mattel she could interact with. Unfortunately, she didn’t find any. However, Aaron Dinkins, who is not a high-ranking official at the toy company, playfully suggested that since he holds little power, people might consider him a woman in this context.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I’m bummed, you’re a bummer, that’s a bummer.” -Weird Barbie

Essentially, Weird Barbie presents Barbie with an option: either learning about her human life or remaining in Barbie World. This dichotomy is symbolized by a Birkenstock sandal and a high-heeled shoe. Interestingly, Barbie decides to stay in Barbie World and selects the high heel. However, Kate McKinnon’s doll refuses to accept this decision, prompting her to challenge Margot Robbie’s character in a humorous manner.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Come on in, I’ll play the guitar at you.” -Ken

Many women might relate to this statement since they’ve been in similar situations where a man performed music for them, rather than with them. The humor comes from the fact that immediately afterward, Ken chose to play “Push” by Matchbox Twenty.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“It’s like I’ve been in a dream where I was somehow really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League.” -Barbie

When Alexandra Shipp’s character, Barbie, emerges from the spell cast by the Kens, she uses an amusing analogy to explain her feelings – it was as if she had been waiting eagerly for Zack Snyder’s version of Justice League. This playful jibe at film enthusiasts (often referred to as “film bros”) added a touch of humor to the movie, complementing other comedic references about men being deeply invested in The Godfather.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“The Nobel Prize in horses goes to Ken.” -Ken

Instead of Barbie recipients being honored for journalism and philanthropy, it is the Kens who receive their Nobel Prizes for equestrian achievements. This fits perfectly with Ryan Gosling’s portrayal as Ken, given his association with horses in real life.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“This is the lowest I’ve ever been, emotionally and physically.” -Barbie

In the heat of this dramatic moment in the game, it struck me that Baribe’s realization about her world being imperfect was a heavy one. Yet, her subsequent fit of anger had me chuckling, and when she plopped down on the ground, rolled over onto her tummy, and muttered that line into the grass, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

*Walks out of shot* “Sublime!” -Ken

Greta Gerwig shared an anecdote about the film “Sublime,” explaining her search for the most amusing phrase that Ryan Gosling could utter in response to Barbie expressing her desire for him, confined within closed spaces (since there are no walls, meaning privacy is non-existent). Indeed, she hit the mark – it’s downright hilarious!

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Well, the Kens have to start somewhere. And one day, the Kens will have as much power and influence in Barbie Land as women have in the Real World.” -Narrator

In Barbie Land, the conventional roles are reversed, giving women more authority than men. Later on, President Barbie grants some power to the Kens by appointing them to a lower-level court position. It’s important to note that despite this change, the Kens will only have a modest amount of power compared to what women have in the real world. Actress Helen Mirren, narrating, points out that over time, the Kens will gain more authority but will still be less powerful overall.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I’ll take a high-level, high-paying job with influence, please.” -Ken

During Ken’s journey in the real world, he strives to secure a significant position. Yet, he’s unsure of exactly what that entails, so he asks for a “prominent, high-paying role with authority.” Furthermore, when his request is declined, he expresses his dissatisfaction by saying that they aren’t managing their system effectively, suggesting a lack of fairness or equality.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“I’m a liberated man. I know crying is not weak.” -Ken

Men, just like everyone else, have the right to express their feelings. And Ken understands this about himself. Consequently, when Barbie attempts to comfort him, Ken ensures to communicate that it’s perfectly fine for him to shed tears.

32 Funniest Lines In Barbie

“Okay, kids, it’s time to run out and get the new Depression Barbie. She wears sweatpants all day and night. She spent seven hours today on Instagram, looking at her estranged best friend’s engagement photos, while eating a family-size bag of Starbursts. And now her jaw is killing her. And she’s going to watch the BBC’s Pride and Prejudice for the seventh time until she falls asleep… Anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD sold separately.” -Depression Barbie Advertisement

When I watched Barbie in the cinema, the unexpected ad for “Depression Barbie” that followed her falling sparked a huge laugh. It felt like it was speaking directly to me since I believe everyone has experienced moments where they just want comfort food and a favorite film when feeling low.

To be quite clear, there are numerous other quotes from Barbie that easily could have made it onto this list, demonstrating just how hilarious and entertaining the movie truly is!

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2024-10-22 16:37