32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

As a seasoned courtroom observer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that Elle Woods’ performance in this trial is nothing short of extraordinary. Her quick wit and strategic thinking not only secured a conviction but also proved her worth as a formidable lawyer.

If you’re talking about the best movies of the 2000s, Legally Blonde is undoubtedly going to come up. The iconic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon has everything a great movie needs — a good story, great characters, an adorable dog side-kick, a fantastic cast, and of course, quotable dialogue. To say that it was a good time going through the movie to seek out the absolute best quotes from the 2001 hit would be an understatement. So let’s get into it…

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“And you didn’t just get it in, I saw it in the June Vogue a year ago. So if you’re trying to sell it to me for full price, you picked the wrong girl.”

If you think Elle is simple-minded and an easy person to deceive, you’re in for a surprise. This is a lesson the saleswoman at the clothing store discovers when she attempts to deceive Elle about a dress. A costly error indeed.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“So you’re breaking up with me because I’m too blonde?!”

At the start of what seemed like a romantic dinner, Warner (Matthew Davis) initiates a breakup with Elle instead. To add insult to injury, he mentions his political aspirations for Senate and explains that he should be marrying someone more like Jackie, not Marlyn – which understandably enrages Elle.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Law school’s for people who are boring and ugly and serious. And you, Button, are none of those things.”

While some parents might be delighted if their child expressed an interest in law school, Elle’s parents find it hard to understand why she would want to give up her success as first runner-up at the Miss Hawaiian Tropic competition to attend a place where, according to Mr. Woods, the people are perceived as dull, unattractive, and overly serious.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I once had to judge a tighty whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.”

Despite doubts from her advisor about whether she’s ready for Harvard Law School, Elle swiftly points to her previous challenges as proof of her potential.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“You mean like on vay-cay? Let’s all go. Road trip!”

Naturally, Elle’s companions – Margot (Jessica Cauffiel) and Serena (Alanna Ubach) – show immediate enthusiasm when she mentions going to Harvard. However, this excitement primarily stems from their misunderstanding that she was referring to a holiday. Yet, it’s heartening to see such supportive friends!

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.”

In a lively manner typical of her, Elle’s college application video highlights her personality, but it also emphasizes her legal prowess by demonstrating her ease with legal terminology. For instance, she expresses objection to someone whistling at her using legal jargon.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“She was in a Ricky Martin video…”

After barely catching our breath from Elle’s impressive admissions video, we find ourselves standing before the Harvard admissions committee as they evaluate it. To be honest, they seem somewhat perplexed by Elle Woods, but I imagine the Dean of Admissions was expressing a mix of admiration and approval when he mentioned that Elle had appeared in a Ricky Martin music video.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Hi. Woods Comma Elle?”

This line gets me every time. When Elle arrives at Harvard, she approaches the registration table as though she’s checking into a hotel (or as the guy she speaks to suggests, a cruise ship). She even introduces herself last-name-first, and includes the comma for good measure.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Hi. I’m Elle Woods, and this is Bruiser Woods, and we’re both Gemini vegetarians.”

In the dilemma I faced, it was between including Elle’s amusing tale of dissuading Cameron Diaz from buying an abominable angora sweater, and sharing a quote from Bruiser (Moonie) that felt more fitting for this list. Though the scene where she jokes about orange being the new pink is hilarious, I opted to go with Elle’s introduction as a Gemini vegetarian along with her dog, since it seemed more appropriate for this compilation.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“What, like it’s hard?”

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but appreciate how skillfully Elle portrays her initial encounter with Warner at Harvard. Every scene, like the one where she casually brushes off his skepticism about her admission to Harvard Law School, is executed flawlessly, showcasing her exceptional talent as an actress.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Warner told me all about you. You’re famous at our club.”

Elle looks utterly shocked when she discovers that Warner not only has a new girlfriend, but they are also engaged. In contrast, Vivian (played by Selma Blair) seems to know Elle well and flaunts her huge engagement ring while implying that Elle is famous in their club, which doesn’t seem like a positive connotation.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I even hired a Coppola to direct my admissions video.”

Upon discovering Warner’s engagement, Elle expresses regret over all the efforts she put in to secure her place at Harvard, which seemed to be aimed at winning him back. It appears this effort even extended to securing the services of a well-known director for her admission video.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I changed my mind. I’d pick the dangerous one, because I’m not afraid of a challenge.”

In the movie “Legally Blonde,” Elle experiences multiple setbacks but quickly bounces back. After discovering Warner’s engagement, she gathers herself and sees it as another obstacle to tackle. During a law class with Vivian, she openly expresses that she isn’t intimidated by challenges.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be.”

It’s heartbreaking to see Elle’s expression when she understands that nothing she does will ever satisfy Warner. Yet, this feeling transforms into resolve as she marches out of Vivian’s party wearing her bunny suit, determined to prove herself to everyone.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I’m taking the dog.”

One delightful aspect of the film that endears it to many viewers is the friendship between Elle (Jennifer Coolidge) and our protagonist. This bond not only offers a comforting presence for Elle when others express doubt or dislike towards her, but also serves as a source of support for Paulette. Moreover, Elle plays an instrumental role in helping Paulette reclaim her beloved pet from her ex, who clearly mistreats the animal.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Oh, and it’s scented. I think it gives it a little something extra, don’t you think?”

By now in the film, it’s clear that Elle possesses the skills to keep pace or even surpass her law school peers. Consequently, it’s not unexpected when Professor Callahan (Victor Garber) recommends she apply for his internship. Given her unique flair, it’s only fitting that her application would be a distinctive pink and scented one. Indeed, Elle Woods is certain to make an impression on paper too.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“You think she just woke up one morning and said, I think I’ll go to law school today.”

It’s hard not to chuckle at the puzzled gazes Professor Callahan and Emmett (Luke Wilson) cast as Elle walks away, utterly bewildered by her. Effortlessly charming is one of Elle’s traits, though we’re aware of the substantial work she put in to reach this stage in the narrative.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their husbands. They just dont!”

Elle’s reasoning for doubting that their client, Brooke (Ali Larter), could have murdered her husband appears extremely solid, doesn’t it? In other words, while endorphins might not automatically prove innocence, she certainly isn’t off base in initially refusing to believe that Brooke is the culprit.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“In my experience, it has a 98% success rate of getting a man’s attention, and when used appropriately, it has an 83% return rate on a dinner invitation.”

It’s clear from the very beginning of “Legally Blonde” that Elle is more intelligent than she seems, but moments like her explaining the effectiveness of her “Bend and Snap” technique serve as gentle reminders of her intellectual prowess.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Well, forget it. I’ve already spent too many hours crying over you!”

Earlier in the movie, during Elle’s intense work phase, David Kidney (played by Oz Perkins) assists her by fetching a book from a tall shelf. I imagine this act of kindness left an impression on Elle, or perhaps she would have acted this way regardless: When Elle overhears a woman rejecting David in a harsh manner, she swiftly intervenes, not to protect him, but to pretend to be a spurned lover who’s taken ages to get over their romantic encounter. Needless to say, the woman he was speaking with now has a different perspective of him.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“His father had to make a call.”

Because they’re both chosen for Callahan’s internship, Elle and Vivian start forming a closer relationship. During this time, Vivian confides in Elle that Warner was waitlisted when he applied to Harvard Law, but eventually got accepted after his father pulled some strings. Hmm, hmm, hmm.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I blew it, Elle. My snap was all over the place!”

In a rather unfortunate turn of events, Paulette attempted to use the bend-and-snap technique on the captivating UPS worker (Bruce Thomas), only for things to take an unexpected turn. As it turned out, her bend was successful, but the snap resulted in an unintended head-butt against UPS Guy’s face. Needless to say, chaos ensued!

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“But don’t worry, my girlfriend Serena once barfed on a guy during the Blair Witch Project and they ended up dating for three months.”

In another scenario, whenever Paulette finds herself in a predicament similar to her ‘bend-and-snap’ fiasco, Elle recalls an instance when Serena got queasy after watching the Blair Witch Project, yet managed to maintain her relationship with her boyfriend for some time. This shows that Elle’s reasoning is always reliable.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“And your boyfriend’s name is?” “Chuck.”

Following Callahan dismissing Elle’s hunch that Enrique wasn’t likely involved in an affair with Brooke due to being gay, Emmett incorporates this idea into his cross-examination. In no time, Enrique unwittingly reveals the truth when asked about his boyfriend’s name, which is Chuck.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“You’re fired. I have new representation.”

Elle had plenty of motivation to consider quitting Callahan’s internship, following his unacceptable advance towards her. Thankfully, news travels to the appropriate circles, including Brooke, who is more than willing to dismiss Callahan from his lawyer role and hire both Elle and Emmett as her new legal team instead.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Oh, look how cute, there’s like a judge and everything!” “And jury people.”

Without a doubt, neither Serena nor Margot would skip Elle’s significant debut as a trial attorney. As the event unfolds, they arrive precisely on cue, causing quite a stir upon spotting the judge and jury. They can’t help but exclaim enthusiastically, “Cast your votes for Elle!

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“I didn’t mean to shoot him, I thought t was YOU walking through the door!”

Initially, Elle stumbles while interrogating Chutney (Linda Cardellini), but she soon finds her stride when Chutney talks about getting a perm before bathing. From then on, Elle adjusts her inquiry strategy effectively to challenge Chutney’s recounted sequence of events. However, it was unexpected that under the interrogation, Chutney would break down and admit to murdering her father.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Oh, my god.” “Oh, my god.” “Oh, my god.”

Just as Chutney’s confession couldn’t be more timely, it’s swiftly followed by similar responses – “Oh, my goodness” – from all present. Even the judge (portrayed by Francesca P. Roberts) appears stunned, marveling at Elle’s quick actions.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Oh, Warner. I’ve waited so long to hear you say that. But I’m gonna be a partner at a lawfirm by the time I’m thirty, I need a boyfriend who’s not such a complete bonehead.”

For some time now, it’s been evident that Elle isn’t aiming to win over Warner with her actions. Consequently, when he makes an attempt to rekindle their relationship following her triumphant court case, she flatly refuses him in a harsh manner. Yet, it’s equally gratifying to observe this unfold. Now, Elle has ambitions beyond becoming his wife that surpass these romantic pursuits.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Warner… Do you remember when we spent those four amazing hours in the hot tub after winter formal? This is so much better than that!”

When Elle discovers she’s been selected as an intern at Callahan’s firm, she promptly mentions that this achievement surpasses the fun they had sharing a hot tub together on one occasion.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“Warner? I totally forgot you go here!”

I’m captivated by how Elle handles that line. Encountering Warner in the corridors of one of the Harvard structures feels to her like meeting him at a typical school, be it a high school or similar institution.

32 Funny And Iconic Legally Blonde Quotes

“My cousin had that. Apparently you get a really bad rash on your…”

When Elle mentions to her friends that she’s preparing for the LSATs, Serena incorrectly assumes it’s a reference to a health issue her relative experienced. Thankfully, the LSATs are simply a test.

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2024-10-02 22:37