5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan’s Trap

5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap

As a seasoned movie critic with over three decades of experience under my belt, I must say that “Trap” left me quite conflicted. On one hand, the cinematography was commendable, particularly the scenes featuring Lady Raven on stage. It felt like watching a concert film and a thriller rolled into one, which could be an intriguing concept if executed flawlessly.

In the realm of filmmaking, I’ve always admired M. Night Shyamalan’s knack for crafting tales with unexpected twists. However, his latest offering, “Trap” (2024), seems to veer away from the supernatural and into more familiar territory. The story revolves around a man named Cooper, portrayed by Josh Hartnett, who takes his daughter to a concert performed by pop sensation Lady Raven, played by Shyamalan’s daughter Saleka.

The predicament? A heavy police presence, both outside and within the venue, has Cooper feeling uneasy. There’s a notorious serial killer known as ‘The Butcher’ who’s currently at large, and the FBI suspects they might attend the concert. The storyline that unfolds is somewhat convoluted, leaving viewers with more puzzles than solutions.

Many people have found themselves pondering over the unfolding of specific incidents in the movie “Trap“, as they seem unclear or unexplained. Here, we’ll delve into some of the most puzzling mysteries surrounding the film’s plot.

5 Cooper Keeps Drawing Suspicion to Himself

5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap

Initially, it was unclear from the trailers, but soon we learn that Cooper is The Butcher. He confirms this by showing his latest victim on a live phone feed, who’s trapped in a basement. However, even after discovering who set up the trap for him, it doesn’t explain why he persists in attending the concert. It seems like a reckless decision given that he takes pleasure in outsmarting the police.

He Just Can’t Help Himself

A significant flaw in the storyline is the overly suspicious behavior of Cooper. If he truly wished to avoid leaving his daughter Riley at the concert, he could have just remained there and enjoyed the performance. The narrative wouldn’t exist if Cooper had simply danced to the music throughout the show.

Rather than keeping a safe distance, Cooper steps into potential danger, causing his daughter’s suspicions and bringing him nearer to the law enforcement. It’s possible that he was agitated and behaving irrationally. However, given how composed and methodical he seemed otherwise, this behavior seems out of character.

4 The Most Inattentive Officers Ever

5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap

In a loud and attention-grabbing manner, Cooper’s actions and the presence of numerous police officers suggested that he would be a focal point for the officers. However, quite unexpectedly, this did not increase their sense of threat. Instead, Cooper frequently vacated his seat and moved through areas where disturbances subsequently occurred, yet he managed to evade detection by everyone.

One particularly baffling instance occurred when Cooper unexpectedly entered an FBI briefing room. Instead of even a single officer acknowledging his presence by looking up from the floor, they all continued as if he wasn’t there.

Plot Convenience Galore

After assuming the role of an employee, it’s questionable whether the FBI would want someone like him privy to their strategy. Subsequently, an explosion erupted in the kitchen, prompting him to flee to the rooftop to avoid chaos. Guards were present as well, but he managed to bypass them using a password he had obtained from another worker, thus avoiding further inquiries.

In these instances, Cooper appeared to be demonstrating intelligence and strategy, yet many spectators perceived them as convenient shortcuts. So, how did Cooper’s strategies work out flawlessly? It was because the storyline required them to succeed.

3 No One Seems to Worry About Anything

5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap

In the movie Trap, several significant inconsistencies seem to interconnect. Riley observed some odd behavior from Cooper that even a teenage fanatic for her favorite singer would have found concerning. It’s puzzling that Riley didn’t inform her mother about Cooper’s unusual actions, considering this raises questions about the mom’s character, as she was later unveiled as the whistleblower. This prompts us to wonder why she would willingly send her daughter into a dangerous situation.

Everybody Loves Cooper, Apparently

1. In the story, neither Cooper nor his wares were ever questioned by the police, and all other characters simply accepted what he offered without further inquiry. Jamie, a vendor at the concert, serves as the most striking example, adding humor to the plot but also making it difficult for the audience to suspend disbelief regarding his lack of suspicion.

Indeed, Hartnett’s depiction of the captivating character, Cooper, was impressive. However, considering his knack for penetrating the facade through Jamie, one can’t help but wonder if this vendor might have provided assistance to a multitude of criminal figures as well.

2 Involvement of Lady Raven (and Lack of Involvement From Her Security)

5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap

In simpler terms, the portrayal of Lady Raven’s character has drawn considerable criticism from movie audiences, with some people arguing that her role was given to her due to nepotism. However, when she was performing on stage, her scenes were well-executed, although at times it seemed more like a music concert rather than a thriller.

The movie significantly changed direction when Cooper and Riley ventured backstage to greet the renowned Lady Raven. Cooper then privately spoke with Lady Raven, which raises some questions. It’s plausible that they stepped aside a few feet down the corridor. However, it seems implausible that her numerous handlers, security personnel, or even the star herself would allow an ordinary fan to seclude himself in a room with her without proper supervision. It’s highly unlikely.

A-List Star, D-List Security

Cooper coerces Lady Raven into aiding his escape from the premises. He threatens to harm whoever he’s currently holding captive if she refuses. However, to carry out this threat, he needs his phone. The problem is, as they walk down the hallway guarded by security personnel, Cooper keeps his phone in his pocket. One might wonder why Lady Raven didn’t shout for his arrest before he could reach his phone?

After their stopover at Cooper and Riley’s residence, it was noticeable that none of her minders were present with Lady Raven. Given the immense stardom her movie portrayed Lady Raven as having, this lack of handlers appears to be a significant lapse.

1 The Arrest Scene

5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap5 Biggest Plot Holes in M. Night Shyamalan's Trap

As a devoted fan, I must say that the discussion about M. Night Shyamalan’s decision to depart from the concert venue is dividing opinion, particularly regarding the film’s third act. In an intriguing twist, Lady Raven makes the call to involve the police, leading us into a thrilling game of cat and mouse. Cooper manages to slip away from the clutches of the law multiple times, which may seem unrealistic, but it’s mostly an entertaining ride.

At their home, Rachel is unexpectedly encountered by Cooper. The story unfolds to reveal Rachel’s suspicions about him, her plan to catch him in the act, and the motivations behind it. Additionally, we delve into Cooper’s past struggles that might have driven him towards his current lifestyle.

Just Hand Him the Keys

Eventually, I get caught, but I put up one heck of a fight. Even after being tasered, I show an extraordinary amount of strength, attempting to gouge an officer’s eyes out. Once overpowered, I’m taken away in handcuffs, both on my wrists and ankles. Throughout the movie, Cooper is portrayed as sly and cunning.

Clearly, it seems plausible that he would pause to interact with a bicycle for an extended period, without any apparent reason. It’s hard not to notice (especially by seasoned observers) that he might have picked something from the bike to assist in his forthcoming escape, which appears more like a plot hole than showcasing Cooper’s abilities. In essence, this scene seems to emphasize the film’s discrepancies rather than highlighting Cooper’s skills.

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2024-08-22 00:02