“Presidents Are Not ‘Talent’ to Be Replaced With a Snap of the Finger”: What Hollywood Democrats Are Mulling Over Right Now (Guest Column)

“Presidents Are Not ‘Talent’ to Be Replaced With a Snap of the Finger”: What Hollywood Democrats Are Mulling Over Right Now (Guest Column)

As someone who has been deeply involved in Democratic politics for decades, having served on National Finance Committees for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and Cory Booker, and being appointed by Mayor Karen Bass to chair the Entertainment Industry Task Force for Los Angeles, I have a unique perspective on the current political climate.

After this past weekend’s shocking events, I, like many Americans, was left feeling a whirlwind of emotions. I experienced anger, fear, anxiety, and dread. However, as the chaos began to subside and inspiring images of heroism emerged, my feelings solidified into one strong determination. I came to the conclusion that as Americans, we share the same fundamental goals. We aspire to live in a society with democratic values, where everyone is subjected to the law, women have control over their own bodies, military weapons are restricted to battlefields, and our environment is safeguarded. We want affordable and accessible healthcare for all, the right to vote, and support for our allies while opposing dictators. Ultimately, we are united as a team that will wholeheartedly back any candidate capable of defeating an antidemocratic, racist, potential autocrat, and fascist criminal.

In simple terms, I strongly feel that the achievements of the Biden-Harris administration over the past few years are truly remarkable. From passing key legislation like the CHIPs Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to addressing student debt and leading the country through the pandemic, this administration has left a positive impact on various fronts. They have also taken significant steps in areas such as gun safety (Bipartisan Safer Communities Act), economic growth (record-breaking stock markets, lowest unemployment rates), foreign policy (supporting Ukraine, NATO allies, and rejoining the Paris Accords), and more. Despite some communication shortcomings from the White House and those responsible for the Biden-Harris campaign, these accomplishments speak for themselves.

After the passionate displays of patriotism and J.D. Vance’s excitement at the Republican convention, it’s important not to lose focus on the main topic: Which Democratic team has the greatest potential for securing victory in the 2024 presidential election? Should Joe Biden step down as the nominee? What follows if he does? The consensus is clear: We must defeat Trump above all else and elect a Democratic duo capable of winning come November.

Among Democrats, strong opinions on the matter have led to division and unease, with no shortage of queries accompanying each answer.

Now that I’ve prepared the table for discussion, we need to address our differences regarding which Democratic candidate is best suited to challenge a potential second Trump term. Let’s avoid being ruled by fear or emotion and instead approach this topic thoughtfully, deliberately, and with purpose. We should also act swiftly to make an informed decision, rather than having one imposed upon us by the ticking clock. Once we’ve reached a conclusion, it is crucial that we wholeheartedly back our chosen candidate.

As a gamer, I’ve faced many challenging situations where I had to weigh different perspectives and make tough decisions. In our current political climate, it’s no different. Some Democrats are deeply invested in supporting Joe Biden and view any criticism as going against the party or even helping Trump. They believe that focusing on Biden’s debatable performance or cognitive abilities is disrespectful and not constructive.

Based on my own experience working in political campaigns, I can understand why some might hesitate to switch tickets so close to an election, even if it seems like a better option. The logistics of changing course at this stage can be daunting and time-consuming. However, I’ve also seen firsthand the power of earned media, particularly in terms of news coverage, during campaigns.

Many individuals are deeply disappointed by George Clooney’s recent open criticism of the administration, despite his longstanding support and celebrity endorsement. Notably, Clooney has been a prominent figure in promoting this administration’s causes. However, his public denouncement is significant given his close relationship with the president, which was recently showcased at a high-profile fundraiser they co-hosted together. Clooney expressed concerns about the president’s performance during their one-on-one interactions, echoing the observations made during the debates. It takes great bravery to voice dissenting opinions, and I commend George Clooney for taking a stand.

As an engaged Democratic supporter, I’ve come across fellow fans who are eager to switch candidates without carefully considering the potential consequences and the intricacies involved in making such a change. Changing horses mid-race isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. There are numerous legal, structural, economic, and procedural aspects that need to be evaluated swiftly to ensure that any shift in candidates will boost our chances of winning the 2024 presidential election.

As a dedicated follower of D.C. politics, I recently had a fascinating conversation with a respected insider who imparted this perspective: “Politics in Washington isn’t like Hollywood. It’s not about putting on a show or chasing ratings. It’s all about policy and results, through the executive, legislative, and foreign affairs branches. Presidents aren’t just ‘talent,’ easily replaced for better ratings or box office.” I agree with this analysis to some extent, but we can’t deny that in today’s political climate, image and presentation matter significantly as well. Trump proved this beyond a doubt.

Recently, we’ve been shocked by the unfortunate and indefensible events that unfolded during the weekend. I’ve had numerous conversations with Democratic backers and contributors about their views on these incidents and how they might impact the presidential race. Some argue that Trump could be portrayed as a martyr, which could potentially boost his chances of winning. Intriguingly, some supporters, both young and old, expressed skepticism upon hearing the news of the assassination attempt. They believed it was a staged event intended to showcase Trump’s strength and resilience, or even a hoax designed to bolster his image. This cynicism stems from Trump’s well-documented history of dishonesty and deception. While I don’t believe this incident will significantly sway anyone’s decision regarding Biden’s candidacy, there was certainly a sense of anticipation and urgency among supporters as they awaited his response.

After Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling to dismiss Trump’s classified documents case, it adds fuel to the fire of his seemingly unstoppable actions. However, he can be stopped! The most effective way is by exercising our democratic right and voting for the candidate of our choice in the upcoming elections. Regardless of our individual preferences or beliefs, we must unite behind the nominee and provide support in any way possible. Politics necessitates compromise, meaning we won’t always get what we want. When asked about actions to take, my response is simple: VOTE! This includes supporting candidates in local races as well. The stakes are high – our future, that of our children, this nation, and our democracy are at risk. Let’s make unity our guiding principle.

Ellen Goldsmith-Vein is the founder and CEO of The Gotham Group, a management and production company. She has produced successful franchises like “The Maze Runner” series and Disney+’s “Percy Jackson,” and is currently working on the Bruce Springsteen film “Deliver Me From Nowhere.” Goldsmith-Vein has contributed to the finances of various political campaigns, including those for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and Cory Booker. Recently, she was appointed by Mayor Karen Bass to head the Entertainment Industry Task Force in Los Angeles.

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2024-07-18 17:25