What LoL champion says “I thought you’d never pick me.”?

What LoL champion says "I thought you’d never pick me."?

As a seasoned League of Legends player with years under my belt, I must admit that I’ve seen and played against quite a few champions. But when it comes to the heart-tugging quote “I thought you’d never pick me,” there’s only one champion who truly resonates with that emotional depth – Amumu, the Sad Mummy!

As a devoted follower of the daily LoLdle challenge, I’m here to share some clues that will help you identify who utters the quote, “I thought you’d never pick me.” Here are five hints followed by the answer:

Hints for today’s champion

  • They are known as “The Sad Mummy”.
  • They usually reside in the Jungle and Support roles.
  • Their resource is Mana.
  • They are a Melee champion.
  • They were released in 2009.

Today’s LoLdle quote answer

Today’s answer is Amumu.

What LoL champion says "I thought you’d never pick me."?

Do you need the other LoLdle answers for the games? Find those out here.

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2024-08-08 12:43