After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

As I reflect upon my journey through the captivating realm of Westeros, there is one character whose resilience and growth have left an indelible mark on me – Lady Sansa Stark. Her transformation from a naive, vulnerable girl to a cunning, unyielding queen is nothing short of miraculous.

Indeed, Game of Thrones is a series that I’ve revisited multiple times throughout my life. However, if you’re curious about what has shifted in my perspective, it’s Sansa Stark who has undergone a significant transformation in my eyes.

To start off, let me clarify that George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series features characters who may elicit feelings of dislike or affection as the story unfolds. For myself, Sansa Stark was one such character I didn’t particularly care for when I first started watching the show in 2016 and continued through to its end. Needless to say, Lady Stark wasn’t someone I held in high regard.

However, I recently enjoyed a re-run of the popular series, “Game of Thrones,” and found myself evolving my initial perception of Sansa from a somewhat irritating young girl to a deeply admirable character over time.

It’s possible that it was due to my frontal lobe having fully matured at the time, which allowed me to start considering the experiences of the character more thoroughly. However, I found myself in a state of surprise…discovering that Sansa is actually quite admirable, and not deserving of all the animosity she faces. It’s high time for people to reconsider their feelings towards her.

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

Before We Dig Into The Character – Sophie Turner Was Fantastic As Sansa Throughout The Show

To begin with, let me express that my admiration for Sophie Turner knows no bounds. While I hold all members of the Game of Thrones cast in high regard, I must acknowledge an extraordinary level of respect for those who joined the series as children and blossomed into remarkable actors by its conclusion. What’s more, they managed to deliver performances during their formative years that are exceptionally difficult to surpass.

Turner is among those actors I admire greatly. Although my affection for her stems from the fact that she once supported Penn State, my alma mater, this discussion focuses solely on her acting abilities. From day one, she excelled and left an impressive mark. As a teenager, watching her portray a younger Sansa with that tremble in her voice was challenging to act with such depth at such a tender age.

You can’t help but respect her. Honestly, I’ll support anything she does in the future with that amount of acting skill. 

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

Let’s Begin By Saying I Used To Hate Sansa

Alright, now that I’ve finished praising Turner, let’s dig into Sansa. 

As a youngster, I strongly disliked her. Here’s why I believe: When I initially watched the show, only six seasons were accessible. Although Sansa had endured much in those six seasons, it wasn’t until later seasons that we truly witnessed her transformation from a highborn lady into a capable leader.

As a gamer, I patiently waited for years between each season of the show, and it felt as if I almost forgot about the harrowing journey my favorite character had been through. Binge-watching without any interruptions enabled me to fully appreciate her extraordinary character development and the magnitude of what she’d overcome.

Prior to acquiring my current feelings for her, I found myself unable to bear her company. I perceived her as a privileged woman who seemed to have it all and craved even more. However, upon revisiting Season 1, Sansa still strikes me as that person. Yet, as an adult, I must admit that my perspective has completely shifted by the time we reach Season 2.

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

Season 2 Is Where Things Began To Change 

In Season 2, Sansa is significantly thrust into a battle for survival. The unfortunate death of her father in an incredibly surprising event within “Game of Thrones” has left her, and her brother is now embroiled in conflict with the Lannisters. This is the stage where she’s compelled to mature rapidly.

Time is needed for this process. A significant amount of time, indeed. Yet, she’s compelled to navigate the Game of Thrones in a unique manner – from within and without, appearing as trustworthy as feasible while seeking potential allies who might aid her in escaping. Characters like Margaery emerge as possible allies, but this doesn’t occur until Season 3. It’s during this period that we observe her gradually understanding the predicament she has found herself in.

Her haughty demeanor noticeably crumbles away, particularly during Seasons 3 and 4 which challenge her mindset significantly, forcing her to comply with instructions just to stay alive. However, everything shifts once more in Season 5.

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

Season 5 As An Adult Made Me Want To Save Her Myself And Give Her A Home

I’d prefer to devote less attention to Sansa’s storyline in Season 5. It’s emotionally intense and often leaves me on the verge of tears. As an adult, watching her struggles feels particularly upsetting because it highlights the hardships she’s endured. When I was younger, these scenes were sad, but they didn’t stir the same level of anger that they do now, understanding the depth of her experiences.

Later on, Ramsay unfortunately spoiled the situation. There has been some appalling criticism about this scene on the internet, and all I can say is that no matter what Sansa may have said or done previously, she never deserved the mistreatment she endured. It was heartening when Theon managed to rescue her from the castle. In truth, it stirred a desire within me to provide her with a safe haven as well. No one should ever experience such hardship.

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

I Never Realized Just How Badass She Was Until Season 6

Among all seasons of Game of Thrones, Season 6 is undeniably one of my favorites due to numerous reasons. Upon rewatching it now, I find myself appreciating it more as the point where Sansa truly began her journey towards leadership. Despite lacking knowledge in military strategy, she possesses a noble mind that has been honed over years spent among the nobility, which significantly contributes to her leadership skills.

1. She cleverly employs this to her benefit, assisting Jon Snow in acquiring allies for their battle against Ramsey. Moreover, she plays a trick and manages to get the forces from the Vale to swiftly conclude the Battle of the Bastards. As she stands there watching Ramsey and his men fall, she looks incredibly powerful. What a satisfying moment; such sweet revenge!

After Rewatching Game Of Thrones As An Adult, My Opinion On Sansa Stark Has Changed Drastically

Honestly, She Deserves The Ending She Got After Everything She Went Through And How She’s Grown

In simpler terms, I’m not entirely satisfied with the way certain stories concluded in Season 8 of Game of Thrones, and that dissatisfaction persists to this day. Watching it again only serves to reinforce my disagreement with those decisions.

It’s become increasingly clear to me that Sansa has earned the title of Queen in the North. She has taken every possible step to reclaim her home and demonstrate the Starks’ rightful claim to the North, a stark contrast to her earlier self – a young lady who yearned for the comforts of King’s Landing.

Sure, she isn’t a fighter in the traditional sense, lacking the characteristics of a warrior such as dragons or direwolves to wield as weapons. However, what she possesses is an extraordinary mind, forged from years of enduring one of the toughest childhoods imaginable for a girl. This alone commands my deepest respect, and I would stand by her side without hesitation.

Even though I believe Daenerys should have been crowned queen and perhaps there could have been a more thought-out resolution between her and Sansa, I’m grateful that one of the strong female characters I admired during this series received an ending fitting for their greatness, despite how swiftly Bran’s coronation seemed.

Although Game of Thrones has ended, it’s expected that House of the Dragon Season 3 will air in a few years. It’s possible that I might grow fond of a character as much as Sansa now, but maybe another rewatch of Game of Thrones is necessary to make that call. Nevertheless, she remains my queen in the North for me.

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2024-08-25 01:07