Star Wars Outlaws: All Syndicates explained

Star Wars Outlaws: All Syndicates explained

As a seasoned space rogue with more scars than credits to my name, I’ve seen the galaxy’s underbelly in all its grime and glory. The Syndicates of Star Wars Outlaws are no strangers to me; they control the lifeblood of this vast expanse, providing jobs and opportunities for those daring enough to navigate their treacherous waters.

In the thrilling world of Star Wars Outlaws, I’m deeply immersed in the intricate web of syndicates that govern every aspect. They rule various territories, offer me missions, and discreetly manage things from behind the curtain.

Regardless of which side you’re on, there will always be someone who’s unhappy, even if you manage to please another. Therefore, it’s beneficial to know where your loyalties stand and learn how to navigate the system effectively.

What are the Syndicates?

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world controlled by four main criminal organizations: the Pyke Syndicate, the Crimson Dawn, the Hutt Dynasty, and the Ashiga Clan.

In essence, it’s crucial to understand that there isn’t typically a clear divide between ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when it comes to these groups. Making a decision might not always be straightforward from a moral standpoint over the long term. Yet, aligning yourself with a specific Syndicate can undeniably come with its advantages. This alliance could provide you with exclusive perks and elevate your social status – though this is mainly recognized within certain influential circles.

As a gamer, I usually discover that my primary mission and numerous side tasks often involve the Syndicates. Sometimes they assign me missions directly, while at other times, I cross paths with them during my journey.

In critical situations like these, every choice I make carries weighty consequences, so I strive to act with unwavering conviction and certainty.

It’s important to acknowledge that while not a part of it, the Empire’s influence is undeniably significant and its territories can be hazardous to navigate, different from the Syndicate where one might build a positive reputation.

How does reputation work?

Reputation serves as a gauge for how you interact with each of the four syndicates. You’ll find yourself categorized into one of five rankings: abysmal, mediocre, fair, good, or outstanding.

Engaging in activities that benefit a particular Guild will undeniably enhance your standing, while actions contrary to them will lower it. Interestingly, you can diminish ties with one Guild by collaborating with another, so it’s crucial to tread carefully if you aim to maintain goodwill all around.

Star Wars Outlaws: All Syndicates explained

In Syndicate-dominated areas, your standing determines the level of acceptance you receive, the job opportunities presented to you, the cost of goods from merchants, and even the types of rewards that can be obtained.

As a gamer, I can tell you that when a Syndicate labels my reputation as ‘Poor,’ it becomes a daunting task to venture into their controlled districts. At ‘Poor,’ I’m essentially sneaking in uninvited, at ‘Bad,’ I’m immediately targeted and shot on sight, and if my reputation is ‘Terrible,’ I’ve got death squads relentlessly pursuing me, no matter where I hide.

How to increase reputation

Finishing contracts provided by job brokers is an effective method for swiftly boosting your standing with particular Syndicates, while also fulfilling tasks associated with general Syndicate duties.

Star Wars Outlaws: All Syndicates explained

You should also strive to align with your preferred Syndicate when faced with choices, as this will usually boost your standing – quite noticeably. However, keep in mind that this may lead to a decrease in reputation with another Syndicate, but that’s just how things operate within the criminal underworld.

A key advantage of contracts lies in the fact that usually, they don’t impose the negative aspects upon you, since these impacts are typically beneficial only to the specific Syndicate involved. This is an effective method for enhancing your standing with those who are not your main focus, as it eliminates the risk of damaging relationships with others by association.

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2024-08-26 17:45