Metaphor: ReFantazio is just as much Game of Thrones as it is Persona

Metaphor: ReFantazio is just as much Game of Thrones as it is Persona

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt and a soft spot for JRPGs that could rival the size of Mount Fuji, I must say that Metaphor: ReFantazio has caught my attention like a firefly on a summer night. Having dipped my toes into its enchanting world, I can’t help but draw parallels with the illustrious Persona series, yet find myself intrigued by this newcomer’s unique charm.

In simpler terms, Persona 5 and its sequel, Persona 5 Royal, have made a significant impact in the Role-Playing Game (RPG) world, and their influence is on par with some of the most notable titles from the Final Fantasy series.

This year, we won’t find a sixth installment just around the corner, but instead, prepare for Metaphor: ReFantazio. I had the chance to try some early chapters and I must say, it offers a delightful change of rhythm compared to Persona’s flamboyant style, while still showcasing ATLUS’ unique abilities.

Persona Non-Grata

Metaphor: ReFantazio is just as much Game of Thrones as it is Persona

In the opening scene of ReFantazio, a king is brutally killed in an eye-catching animated sequence, which may be shocking but is not entirely unexpected given the ominous beginnings some Persona narratives have. The story then unfolds with a power struggle within the kingdom.

Characters assume the part of a character with blue hair who embarks on a clandestine assignment (without revealing specifics to avoid spoilers). Although this mission might seem puzzling upon reflection, it’s an improvement over the silent protagonists in the Persona series. After all, these characters now have voices, which is a significant advancement.

Metaphor: ReFantazio is just as much Game of Thrones as it is Persona

In contrast to Persona 5, which was brimming with vibrant reds, ReFantazio has a more artistic style, giving off an impression that it could be a storybook brought to life. The opening scenes hint at literature playing a significant role in the narrative, but after an hour’s play, I wasn’t sure exactly how this would unfold.

The game swiftly sets up its story by arranging narrative gamepieces on the board, inviting players to decipher them. It seems that the plot may contain several unexpected turns during the course of play.

So little time

Metaphor: ReFantazio is just as much Game of Thrones as it is Persona

Indeed, there are numerous storylines left unresolved that I’m eager to untangle, such as the mechanism by which the Character acquires a fresh manifestation, which essentially serves as another method for employing a Persona.

In the game Metaphor, you’ll engage in turn-based battles where strategic magic usage through gadgets called Igniters is key. You’ll also manage a team, or party, during these encounters. During my playtime, I encountered a boss resembling a living tree that had the ability to eat apples for regeneration.

Metaphor: ReFantazio is just as much Game of Thrones as it is Persona

The multi-round battle against the boss seemed reminiscent of Persona, which is not a criticism, quite the contrary. However, since I could only play for an hour, it was challenging to identify fresh elements because it resembled previous experiences. Regrettably, during that brief time, I didn’t encounter the social link system or have a chance to use the Gauntlet Runner across the open fields. But I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to explore those aspects in future play sessions.

Final Thoughts

A short preview, then, but one that has certainly whet my appetite for whatever could come next for Metaphor: ReFantazio.

If it can be even close to ATLUS’ prior work, then RPG fans are going to have an absolute blast.

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2024-08-28 16:43