32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

As a seasoned dog show enthusiast hailing from the heart of Kentucky, I must say that watching Best In Show is always a delightful journey into the quirky and captivating world of canine competitions. The movie is a masterclass in character development, and none more so than Gerry and his adorable bulldog Winky.

In a compact 90-minute runtime, Christopher Guest’s “Best in Show” delivers an abundance of humor and sharp dialogue. This is undeniably due to Guest’s skilled direction and writing (in collaboration with Eugene Levy), as well as the stellar ensemble cast that includes Jennifer Coolidge, Catherine O’Hara, Parker Posey, Michael McKean, John Michael Higgins, among others. Among the numerous memorable quotes and scenes in this 2000 film, some have left a deeper impression than others for me. I hope some of your favorites are on the list

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

The Introduction Of Meg and Hamilton Swan (And Beatrice)

Initially, Meg (Parker Posey) and Hamilton’s (Michael Hitchcock) therapy session with their weimaraner Beatrice might have hinted at troubles in their relationship. However, nothing could fully prepare us for the tumultuous journey that lay ahead for this couple and poor Beatrice

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“She was very popular back then. She had dozens of boyfriends,” Gerry Fleck “Hundreds,” Cookie Fleck

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve always admired the exceptional acting skills of Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara, famously known for their roles in Schitt’s Creek. But long before this hit comedy series, they were making us laugh uncontrollably in Christopher Guest’s movies. One such instance is the hilarious scene from Best in Show, where Gerry, a character played by Levy, is left speechless when his wife casually drops that she had hundreds of boyfriends prior to their relationship. This tidbit of information is something he grapples with throughout the movie as his wife encounters some of these old flames

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

The Introduction Of Scott And Stefan (and Miss Agnes)

In the opening, Scott (John Michael Higgins) and Stefan’s (Michael McKean) backstory unfolds, revealing their delightful lifestyle as dog lovers and introducing us to their pet shih tzu, Miss Agnes. Additionally, we witness Stefan playfully reprimanding Scott each time he seizes a chance to deliver a comically suggestive remark

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“We both love soup. And we love the outdoors. And we love snow peas. And talking and not talking. We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about.”

Furthermore, there’s Sherri (Jennifer Coolidge, in one of her finest performances), who’s paired with her spouse Leslie (Patrick Cranshaw), noticeably older. Interestingly, as per Sherri’s own words, they share a fondness for certain items, such as snow peas, soup, and both enjoying silence or conversation

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Meg And Hamilton’s Romantic Starbucks Story

There’s an amusingly ordinary quality to how Meg and Hamilton recall their first encounters, which took place in high school and involved frequent visits to various Starbucks locations across the street from each other. One might expect a more thrilling narrative, but instead, they share what drinks they were sipping at the time, followed by a chronicle of their favorite caffeinated beverages since then. In summary, there’s an unexpected charm in their story

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

The “God Loves A Terrier” Song

Cookie and Gerry aren’t just passionate about terriers, they’re also musicians! You know, whenever I hear about a terrier, I feel an irresistible urge to burst into “God Loves a Terrier.” It would be great if the people who have to endure my off-key rendition of the movie song were as captivated as Winky’s party guests

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“I think we’re overpacking, don’t you?”

For a 48-hour trip, if you’re Scott, you might need at least seven or even eight kimonos. Stefan wonders if they’re carrying too many, but later in the movie, we see them transforming their hotel room to suit their preferred decor style with those very kimonos

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“You stop namin’ nuts.” Christopher Guest

In the movie, Christopher Guest portrays Harlan Pepper, a character who is passionate about bloodhounds. However, it turns out that Harlan has more interests than just bloodhounds – he also enjoys fishing and takes great pleasure in naming various types of nuts. This quirky hobby becomes evident during his car ride to the show, where we discover that he used to drive his mother up the wall by rattling off as many nut names as he could think of

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Meg and Hamilton’s Argument At The Airport

It seems that Meg and Hamilton’s arguments in this particular scene are quite absurd, as they can’t seem to agree on anything. While Hamilton is frustrated because they’re running late for their flight due to Meg, she insists that if they had used a car service, they would have left on time. This tension eventually leads Beatrice to snap at a stranger who tries to pet her, and the couple finds common ground in their annoyance towards the supposedly friendly “rude man” who apparently upset their dog

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Max Berman’s Hello To Cookie

Poor Gerry and Fay Berman (Linda Kash), they’re left powerless, watching as Max Berman (Larry Miller) gives Winky to Gerry, allowing him to affectionately greet Cookie with a deep kiss on the lips. The expression on Gerry’s face as he witnesses this is invaluable

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Max’s Demonstration Of What A Terrible Hostage Negotiator He is

It was clear that Max wasn’t an effective hostage negotiator given his comment about everyone jumping at the dinner table. But when it comes to high-stress, potentially disastrous situations, such as their son being on the roof with Winky, we get a vivid portrayal of what dealing with him might be like. Max even threatens to poke out his own eyes with his thumb if the boy doesn’t come down

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“Nah, that’s the good one. That should work,” Cookie – “Just give it a rub,” Gerry

A rather embarrassing scene in the film unfolds when Cookie and Gerry reach the hotel, but their credit card gets rejected during check-in. In this role, Mark, played by Ed Begley Jr., manages to handle the situation with grace as Cookie and Gerry maintain that it’s their good card and they’ve only received one notification about a potential issue. So, everything should be alright

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“Is this L.L. Bean? Can I check?”

Observing how dog owners interact and engage with each other clearly showcases their diverse backgrounds. To illustrate, consider Meg and Hamilton’s blank expressions when Harlan discusses fishing. Later on, Hamilton cleverly steers the conversation towards a more familiar topic by inquiring about Harlan’s jacket, which happens to be from L.L. Bean, causing his wife some awkwardness

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“Six months working with leather and red thread,” Stefan

Cookie and Gerry quickly became friends with Scott and Stefan. A touching instant occurred when Gerry complimented the intricate embroidery on Scott’s leather trousers, while Stefan expressed his time invested in making them with a dramatic sigh. However, it’s undeniable that the pants were impressive, leaving everyone in the group spellbound by their craftsmanship

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“You get the Busy Bee, I need to trim her whiskers!” Meg

The tension between Meg and Hamilton grows as they both get upset about not finding Beatrice’s beloved toy. This leads to an argument over who should run back to their hotel room to fetch it, with Meg claiming she needs to groom Beatrice’s whiskers and Hamilton becoming frustrated, insisting she retrieve the toy instead. By now, it’s no surprise that poor Beatrice is starting to feel uneasy

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Buck Laughlin Suggesting They Dress Up The Hound With A Pipe And Sherlock Holmes Hat

As a gamer here, let me just take a breather to give a shout-out to Fred Willard as Buck Laughlin and Jim Piddock as Trevor Beckwith. While it’s evident that Trevor is all business in this event, ol’ Buck never fails to crack jokes and come up with the silliest ideas for his commentary. Take, for instance, his brainwave about sticking a Sherlock Holmes hat on a bloodhound! That’s the kind of wit we’re dealing with here!

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“What are you, a wizard, a genius? Why didn’t you tell me that before?! Thanks for your help, you stupid hotel manager!” Meg

Recall the time when the hotel manager demonstrated great kindness and patience towards Cookie and Gerry after their credit card failed? Well, that patience is being severely tested now as Meg goes on a destructive rampage in the hotel room, berating both the manager and the maid because she can’t locate the dog’s toy. Remarkably, he manages to keep his cool and even recommends that Meg check out the pet store located downstairs, which only elicits another sharp response from her

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“You’re gonna just have to let this go, ok?” Christy Cummings

It seems there’s growing friction between Sherri Ann and Christy, as evidenced by the situation where Sherri styled Christy’s hair and applied makeup that Christy found excessive, even calling it “freakish.” Despite this, Sherri was upset when she had to remove the makeup. However, according to Christy, she should move past it

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Buck Laughlin Pondering How They Make The Miniature Dogs Miniature

Trevor endures Buck’s absurd remarks during the entire dog show, even when he inquired about the process of miniaturizing miniature schnauzers

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“That handler looks familiar to me.” Buck Laughlin

Although the encounters between Cookie and her past lovers in the film are more exciting, this quick joke from the scene where Cookie walks Winky still manages to make me chuckle. As Buck momentarily halts his commentary, he points out that Cookie seems somewhat recognizable to him

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“Don’t spit at me!” Meg

Currently, Meg and Hamilton are experiencing intense frustration. Meg has been unsuccessful in finding the Busy Bee, and the alternative toy she got doesn’t meet Hamilton’s approval. Both of them are upset, but Meg won’t tolerate Hamilton becoming physically aggressive while he’s upset and shouting at her

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Buck Laughlin Talking To Dr. Millbank About Columbus Landing In Philadelphia On The Mayflower.

In this movie, Buck Laughlin doesn’t just share his lengthy opinions with Trevor; instead, he tries to share some historical insights with Dr. Millbank, the president of the Mayflower Kennel Club. However, it’s challenging to follow his inaccuracies as he claims Columbus disembarked at Philadelphia on the Mayflower – a fact that is far from truth. Despite this, Dr. Millbank struggles to decipher the errors and politely correct Laughlin’s misinformation

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“He went after her like she’s made out of ham.” Buck Laughlin

Beatrice’s aspirations of triumphing at the Mayflower tournament were shattered when she exhibited aggression towards the judge, leading to her disqualification from the competition. This turn of events left Meg and Hamilton feeling irritated and dejected. What added a touch of humor to the situation was Buck’s reaction to the dog lunging at the judge as if it were after ham

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“I’m gonna be right here until I get another message from myself.” Sherri

The intensity of a dog show isn’t suitable for everyone, and Sherri feels the need to take some time off, indulging in popcorn as she tries to calm down and signal to herself when she’s ready to return to the competition

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Scott And Stefan Watching The Behind-The-Scenes Drama Between Christy And Sherri

The part where Scott and Stefan chuckle over Christy and Rhapsody in White winning ‘Best in Group’ on TV is laugh-out-loud funny, and I can’t help but wish there was more of their commentary throughout the entire dog show. As the scene concludes, they’re left speechless with their mouths wide open, witnessing Christy and Sherri Ann sharing a heartfelt, passionate kiss

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

Cookie Trying To Walk On Her Hurt Knee

In this scene, Catherine O’Hara demonstrates her exceptional talent for physical comedy, making it incredibly humorous. As she prepares to send Winky out for the final competition, she unexpectedly falls and injures her knee. However, instead of just limping, she comically struggles to walk with her leg jerking in all directions. This moment is quite amusing and serves as a brilliant showcase of O’Hara’s hilarious comedic abilities

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

The Look On Gerry’s Face The Moment Winky Wins

Gerry, hardly ready, was tasked with leading Winky onto the dance floor since Cookie had injured her knee. Yet, he bravely steps forward, clumsy feet included, and fulfills his duty. The idea that they would secure Best In Show was far from his mind, as suggested by his initial glance over his shoulder when the judge signaled him to claim victory for Winky, and then his wide-eyed astonishment as he realized they had just won the Mayflower trophy

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“We are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogs.” Meg Swan

No judgment to anyone who enjoys looking at catalogs. Who doesn’t? But Meg and Hamilton waxing on about how great it is to thumb through an L.L. Bean is too much for me.

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“Am I nuts or… something’s wrong with his feet.”

In the beginning of the film, we may have overlooked the fact that Gerry is left-footed. However, it becomes evident when he’s required to dance with Winky during the final round. Interestingly, it’s Buck who points out Gerry’s foot issue, and Trevor appears surprised to acknowledge his co-host for noticing this detail

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“How much weight do you think I could benchpress?”

Is it not just like a commentator at a dog show to bring up this topic, isn’t it? Yet, even Buck appears aware of the unspoken question hanging in the air. However, he carries on with the discussion, while Trevor attempts to remain courteous throughout

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

“No, that’s a bear in a bee costume,” Meg

During the film, several individuals encounter an irascible Meg, and Hiro Kanagawa, the pet store owner, is one of them. He attempts to assist Meg in finding a similar toy to replace Busy Bee, but she insists on criticizing every item he presents to her. Eventually, she purchases a toy that bears the least resemblance to a bee

32 Best In Show Quotes And Scenes That I Still Think About

In the closing chapters, Cookie finds herself crossing paths once more with an old flame, a recording engineer named “Bulge” (Steven M. Porter). As with other men she meets, Bulge shows absolutely no concern that her husband is present as he reminisces and flirts shamelessly with Cookie. All Gerry can do in response is repeatedly bang his head against the microphone in frustration

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2024-09-04 15:53