FriendsWithYou Finds Friendship in PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO Exhibition

FriendsWithYou Finds Friendship in PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO Exhibition

As a seasoned gamer with years of immersion in virtual worlds and digital realms, I must say that the exhibition by FriendsWithYou at Tokyo’s Parco Museum has truly captured my attention. The fusion of art, mythology, and technology is something I’ve only experienced in the best of video games!

The Los Angeles artist duo FriendsWithYou is displaying a fresh collection of pieces at Tokyo’s Parco Museum in an exhibition called “Ocean: Temple of the Sacred Heart“. Drawing on invented mythology, this show narrates the tale of heroes and saints who aim to liberate mankind from their technological gadgets and lead them back to nature.

In the central area of the museum, the attraction known as “Memory Wave” offers an elevated coin-operated ride experience. This electric healing journey transports visitors through a pathway of light, enclosed within a sleek, shimmering shell. Accompanying this interactive installation, the artwork titled “Ocean” presents a fresh collection of paintings that capture the essence of hope with their silky textures, luminous eyes, and gentle hues.

Established by Samuel Albert Borkson and Arturo Sandoval III in 2002, FriendsWithYou delves into concepts such as magic, fortune, and camaraderie through various artistic outlets. Their creations frequently manifest as expansive projects that gain life from the participation of others.

During PARCO ART WEEK in Shibuya, there will be extra activities such as artist partnerships and special Q&A sessions. Additionally, some unique pieces and exclusive items will be on sale.

Ocean: Temple of the Sacred Heart will be on view from September 13 through 30 at Shibuya PARCO.

4F, 15-1 Udagawa-cho,
Shibuya, Tokyo,

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2024-09-10 00:25