What Stopping the Steal Tells Us About the 2024 Election

What Stopping the Steal Tells Us About the 2024 Election

As someone who lived through the tumultuous political climate of the early 2020s, I can’t help but feel a sense of deja vu when watching HBO’s “Stopping the Steal.” This gripping documentary serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk when truth is twisted and democracy is manipulated for personal gain.

If history repeats itself, then HBO’s new documentary feature, “Stopping the Steal,” serves as a chilling reminder of what could potentially unfold during the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. Premiered on the premium cable network on September 17, 2024, this enlightening documentary recounts the audacious efforts by former U.S. President Donald Trump to manipulate the democratic system following his refusal to concede defeat in the 2020 Presidential Election against Joe Biden.

From various ex-employees, advisors, and cabinet members of Donald Trump, the documentary Stopping the Steal narrates one of the most unsavory episodes in American political history, aiming to prevent a recurrence in the 2024 election. For any Americans who see it as their civic duty to preserve democracy, this compelling documentary serves as a rallying cry to guarantee that the next presidential election remains impartial and the results, regardless of whether they’re favorable or unfavorable, are deemed entirely credible.

Stopping the Steal Chronicles Widespread Corruption

What Stopping the Steal Tells Us About the 2024 Election

Under the direction of Dan Reed, the HBO documentary titled “Stopping the Steal” delves into past events to ensure similar instances of criminal manipulation do not recur. Adopting a traditional interview format, the film showcases numerous political figures who were part of former U.S. President Donald Trump’s inner circle. These individuals, including staff members, cabinet officials, advisors, and other appointed personnel, share their personal experiences detailing the attempts made by President Trump to undermine the integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election. He encouraged his supporters to rally at the capital in Washington D.C., questioning the election results as fraudulent.

On January 6, 2021, one of the most dismal days in U.S. history unfolded as the Capitol Building was assaulted in Washington, D.C., under Trump’s perilous instructions. The documentary “Stopping the Steal” offers an inside look at that fateful day, featuring key political allies and associates of Trump who guide viewers through the events to prevent a similar insurrection from recurring. Figures such as former Attorney General William Barr, former Chief of Staff Marc Short, former Campaign Official Stephanie Grisham, and several of Trump’s previous legal advisors discuss the unlawful attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

Among the most insightful interviewees, former Whitehouse Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah Griffin discusses Trump’s method of making excuses for losing the election, promulgating a PR message that, “These elections will be fraudulent. They’ll be fixed or rigged.” Growing more desperate as the election results drew closer, Trump’s criminal attempt to order Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “Find me the votes” and overturn the will of the American people paints a portrait of a wannabe autocrat clinging to power. According to those in the HBO crime documentaryStopping the Steal, Trump plans to run the same playbook in 2024.

What Stopping the Steal Warns About 2024

What Stopping the Steal Tells Us About the 2024 Election

It’s one thing to believe one was defeated in a fraudulent election. It’s quite another to willfully deceive the American electorate knowing one lost an election fairly. Stopping the Steal explores the latter distinction with remarkable candor from those closest in Trump’s orbit in 2020, admonishing voters that more of the same will come in 2024.

According to Barr in the doc:

At 2 a.m., it was perilous for him to step outside and declare (during a press conference) that fraud was occurring, which made me become quite anxious from that moment onwards.

The document outlines how Trump intentionally tried to mislead the American people, instructing his team to propagate the idea of a fraudulent election within his supporters. Lacking proof and riddled with inconsistencies, repeating this message from the public platform became Trump’s strategy in an attempt to hold onto his presidential authority.

As reported by fervent Donald Trump backer and ex-Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, it is alleged that the previous President was prepared to exchange political favors in return for promoting the idea that the election was rigged.

“Trump performed exceptionally well, and I stood by his side throughout. He then phoned me, saying something like, ‘You’ll become the nation’s favorite figure. You could even run for presidency. Just claim there’s election fraud or uncover some.’

Trump’s Own Team Admits Wrongdoing

What Stopping the Steal Tells Us About the 2024 Election

Brnovich was among those who refused to follow Trump’s misleading orders after the 2020 election. The underlying message is that more actions similar to his are essential to prevent Trump from deceiving American voters again, should he discredit the 2024 election. To emphasize this point, director Dan Reed intelligently contrasts the sit-down interviews with historical footage of Trump’s political allies telling the big lie in real-time.

In this intriguing political film, characters who claim the 2020 election was fraudulent are given a platform, such as Trump’s lawyer and one of the insurrection organizers, John Eastman. However, Trump never acknowledges defeat or assumes responsibility for spreading misinformation to his supporters, leading them to believe untruths and ultimately inciting anger that culminated in an attack on the White House. As a result of this lack of accountability, and with growing desperation in 2024, it’s anticipated that similar actions will occur when people decide between Trump and Kamala Harris during the November election.

The documentary “Stopping the Steal” illustrates how previous President Donald Trump managed to convince Americans that the 2020 election was corrupt, implying that similar occurrences may happen again unless actions are taken to combat political corruption at its core. In essence, it serves as a public reminder that history could repeat itself if we fail to address high-level political corruption effectively. Be alert in 2024, as there’s potential for another unfounded claim about U.S. presidential elections being fraudulent.

Stopping the Steal is available to stream on Max.

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2024-09-28 19:31