The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

As a fan of both the Planet of the Apes and Mad Max franchises, I must say that both films offer unique perspectives into post-apocalyptic worlds, albeit with very different tones. While Caesar’s world is one of struggle and survival, Mad Max’s is an unbridled chaos, fueled by raw power and the relentless pursuit of freedom.

In simpler terms, the rebooted Planet of the Apes movies offer a gripping portrayal of a post-apocalyptic world where humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. These films depict a society ruled by intelligent apes, and they provide an intriguing look into what could happen if humanity faced a catastrophic decline. If you’re interested in exploring such a scenario, these movies might be just what you’re looking for. Are you curious about how the Star Wars fandom has been recently? Well, it seems to be as passionate and engaged as ever!

We’re kidding, of course (a bit). In the event you want to see some more not-so-wonderful worlds worth venturing into, we’ve mapped out a variety of different lands that you may find enticing and, more importantly, entertaining. Worlds where carefully placed footsteps are essential, creatures great and small are out to get you, and where man’s best friend provides your greatest bit of joy and the easiest route to heartbreak. Reserve your rations, trust only those closest to you, and wrap up warm. It’s cold out in the apocalypse.

A Quiet Place

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

In a world created by John Krasinski, the world does not end in a loud explosion but instead in a chilling whisper, thanks to his terrifying and suspenseful movie “A Quiet Place.” This film takes place after an alien invasion where these invaders hunt their victims using sound. Krasinski, who was previously known for his work on “The Office,” made his directorial debut with this unique blend of sci-fi and horror, opposite his real-life wife Emily Blunt. Both gave captivating performances. The movie’s success led to a highly acclaimed sequel and prequel that expanded the “A Quiet Place” timeline, ensuring there are always stories to be told, as long as they take place within soundproof environments.

People who believe that Matt Reeves’ “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” is the most powerful installment in the rebooted series will find a home in Krasinski’s chilling debut. The original movie sets up a family against a terrifying adversary, unlike the apes, who cannot be reasoned with. Yes, Caesar may desire peace with the human race he ultimately splits and leads into decay, but “A Quiet Place” portrays their devastation due to these alien-like creatures with radar heads for bodies.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but be captivated by the harrowing journey through this nightmare landscape, treading carefully, barefoot, and communicating in sign language. The Abbott family’s sanctuary under siege remains a gripping introduction to this distinctive and heart-wrenchingly brutal world. Much like the Apes saga, amidst the turmoil, it’s the resilient characters who yearn for survival and endure immense hardships that truly grip us. The chilling future of “A Quiet Place” may be uncertain, but one thing is clear: you heard about its brilliance here first.

I Am Legend

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

In a different setting, the narrative of a solitary man and his canine companion engaging in conversations with dummies could have fallen flat, but the captivating persona of Will Smith as the lone survivor in New York City elevated it. The science fiction horror, “I Am Legend,” is an after-civilization account where Robert Neville (Smith) spends his time searching for a remedy for a virus that transformed people into creatures sensitive to light who sleep during the day, prowl at night, and categorically are not vampires. Swear it!

Compared to the darker tone of the Planet of the Apes series, “I Am Legend” diverges somewhat from the original Richard Matheson novel by presenting a more optimistic narrative. While the film does depict Neville’s emotional struggle and sacrifice for his loyal dog Sam, it avoids some of the bleaker elements found in the book such as being overrun by cult-like vampires and discovering his efforts were ultimately futile. This human survival story, which explores mankind’s battle against itself, is not yet concluded, as evidenced by an alternate ending and a sequel featuring Michael B. Jordan.

In Francis Lawrence’s 2007 film, Smith’s character manages to survive his confrontation with the Darkseekers in what was initially portrayed as his final stand. There are discussions underway to reimagine this scenario, where Robert Neville somehow escapes and faces the large-toothed creatures again. We can only speculate if our protagonist has learned from his experiences to leave them alone, or if more turmoil awaits us at the end of a world that missed out on “Batman vs Superman.

Deep Blue Sea

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

As a fervent movie enthusiast, I’ve got to give credit where it’s due to any film that boldly dives into the same terrifying depths as “Jaws,” and in this case, that’s “Deep Blue Sea” with its menacing super sharks and an infectiously catchy tune courtesy of LL Cool J. Though it may not be a post-apocalyptic saga like the Planet of the Apes movies, “Deep Blue Sea” from 1999 still delves into the darker side of scientific experimentation on nature, ultimately resulting in sharks becoming smarter, learning to swim backwards, and even turning on a kitchen stove.

Delving into the realm of monster movies with a unique spin on shark films, “Deep Blue Sea” stands out as an entertainingly dumb spectacle, despite its age. This film cleverly incorporates a satirical yet daring take on traditional shark movies. With a cast brimming with A-list talent such as Thomas Jane, LL Cool J, Saffron Burrows, and Stellan SkarsgĂ„rd (who meets an unfortunate fate as a human battering ram), the characters find themselves in peril of becoming shark food, which they succumb to in gruesome fashion. Granted, Steven Spielberg can rest easy knowing that his beloved shark movie remains unsurpassed, but “Deep Blue Sea” comes very close with its dramatic scene featuring Samuel L. Jackson delivering a powerful speech before meeting an untimely end. The film deserves recognition for this moment alone.

28 Days Later

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

Compared to the civilized portrayal in the Apes films, Danny Boyle’s “28 Days Later” remains one of the most compelling representations of global annihilation, and its intensity makes it even more unsettling. Cillian Murphy plays a bike messenger who wakes up from a terrifying dream to discover that the world has been infected by a virus turning its victims into ferocious beasts. The opening scene, reminiscent of “The Omega Man,” with Murphy wandering through deserted London streets, remains chilling even after twenty years.

The situation has reached a critical stage because the “rage virus” can be spread through something as minimal as a drop of blood entering a wound, causing transformation in mere seconds. This terrifying biological threat intensifies the apprehension and exhaustion experienced by any character our protagonist encounters. This becomes even more significant given the extensive cast list, many of whom would eventually achieve great fame individually.

In simpler terms, Murphy is supported by Naomie Harris (who plays Moneypenny in future films) and Brendan Gleeson as a caring father striving for his daughter’s well-being. On the other hand, we have Christopher Eccleston portraying an erratic army major who fortifies himself in a castle that transforms into a spooky mansion in the climax of the movie. Here’s hoping that Boyle and Murphy can reignite the series’ original intensity with “28 Years Later.

King Kong

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

If you’re keen to witness Andy Serkis bring a new character to life in a knuckle-dragging role, watching Peter Jackson’s rendition of “King Kong” could be an excellent choice. Released in 2005, this modern adaptation features stars like Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, and Kyle Chandler as they venture into the mysterious world where they encounter the legendary creature.

Apart from the numerous perils such as slippery, scaly, and fluffy threats lurking in this remote expedition, Andy Serkis (who portrays Lumpy) contributes to the motion capture of Kong. This means that every powerful chest beat, deep breath, and curious glance at Ann Darrow is filled with emotion, elegantly demonstrated during their poignant moments on the ice in the movie’s climax. Although Kong has been reborn in the MonsterVerse, Serkis’ portrayal of the jungle king remains remarkable, particularly for his battle against the V-Rexes.

Although it may not have left a legacy as vast as Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, it remains an impressive demonstration of Serkis’ talent and one step in a series of achievements leading to his other extraordinary ape character. Let us recall that Kong paved the way for Caesar to walk and speak.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel the weight of their overestimation. We were made too intelligent, too swift, and far too numerous. We’re paying the price for their errors, for when the end arrives, only us remain.

Haley Joel Osment delivers an extraordinary, porcelain-like portrayal as David, the robot son who finds himself stranded and on a quest for the Blue Fairy, which remains captivating even today. This performance seamlessly blends with the magnificent world created by Kubrick, infused with Spielberg’s distinctive emotional depth beneath its outer shell. Navigating through this realm of neon-lit streets and mechanical fears isn’t entirely post-apocalyptic but still carries a sense of terror in certain areas.

Much like the renowned films “Blade Runner” and “Minority Report,” the movie “A.I. Artificial Intelligence” portrays a bleak future that eerily resembles our own and may grow increasingly pertinent as time passes. As long as we’re getting comedic robots reminiscent of Chris Rock instead of apes brandishing AK-47s on horseback, we’ll make do for now.

Mad Max: Fury Road

The 7 Best Movies To Watch If You Like Planet Of The Apes

While Caesar might have some order in his post-apocalyptic world, the one being torn up by Mad Max (Tom Hardy) is one of outright organized chaos. Swapping dialogue for diesel (aka guzzoline), George Miller’s motorized masterpiece doesn’t so much as talk you through this hellish terrain but scream at you while firing silver spray paint in your mouth.

In contrast to its predecessor “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,” which may have veered off course even with equal epicness, “Fury Road” remains one of the finest post-apocalyptic worlds ever depicted on screen and ranks among the greatest action movies ever created. Charlize Theron outshines Tom Hardy’s brooding, muttering Mad Max character and maintains her pace until the end credits. If you’re seeking a respite from Caesar’s conquest and the harsh conditions he battles for power in, journeying on the Fury Road offers an exceptional escape. Although Caesar’s story could have continued in a new trilogy, this eagerly awaited sequel demonstrates that Mad Max, Furiosa, and Miller still possess the ability to deliver more greatness. Don’t miss it.

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2024-10-05 19:00