32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

As a long-time fan of the magical world that J.K. Rowling created, I must confess that reading through this list has stirred up a whirlwind of nostalgia and desire within me. The Harry Potter series has been an integral part of my life, shaping my childhood dreams and fueling my imagination for years to come.

It’s no secret that I’m an ardent fan of the Harry Potter series. In fact, if you were to test me on anything related to the Wizarding World, I’d likely respond with the correct answer in a heartbeat, thanks to countless viewings of the movies. Sometimes, I even find myself yearning for a chance to step into that magical realm – whether it’s coveting certain items, relishing specific moments, or simply being part of it all. Today, let’s explore some of my favorite aspects from this enchanting universe.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

When The Knight Bus Appeared Out Of Nowhere

To put it candidly, among all the Harry Potter films, I personally believe that The Prisoner of Azkaban stands out as my favorite. One reason for this is because it introduces the fantastic Knight Bus – a magical vehicle designed to transport wizards in emergencies who need to travel from one location to another swiftly. Can you imagine a mode of transportation capable of navigating through traffic, weaving between cars and buses? That’s exactly what this bus does! Frankly, I could certainly use such a means of transportation in my daily life.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The First Time We See The Burrow

There’s no denying the delight Harry felt when he beheld the Burrow for the first time, with its unassuming exterior concealing a warm, loving, and undeniably magical interior. The house seems ordinary from the outside, but inside, dishes clean themselves, clocks reveal the whereabouts of the Weasleys at any given moment, and above all, it’s brimming with love and enchantment. It’s impossible not to adore such a place.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Fact That There Are Candies That Make You ‘Sick’ To Get Out Of Class

As a hardcore gamer, let me confess: Fred and George from Harry Potter were the ultimate pranksters, and I’ve often fantasized about their inventions being real, especially the Skiving Snackboxes – those candies that could have gotten me out of some tough exams in college. Oh, how I wish I had a stash of those Puking Pastilles during my studies!

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Those Weird Magic Candies That Make You Have Different Animal Sounds

One of my most cherished scenes in “Prisoner of Azkaban” occurs before the grim atmosphere of the dementors takes over. I particularly enjoy watching the camaraderie between the Gryffindor boys as they feast on candies that, mysteriously, allow them to mimic wild animal sounds. It was almost like a game of guessing which candy they had – and then there’s Harry’s peculiar sweet, which made him sound like a train horn. Regardless, he would relish the chance to taste those magical sweets again.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

All Of The Magical Candies And Sweets

In a nutshell, you’re yearning for the genuine taste of the sweets from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter universe, ranging from Butterbeer to Chocolate Frogs. Frankly, I’d be willing to trade just about anything to savor them in their original form. Regrettably, visiting the actual theme park seems to be the closest I can get, but that doesn’t quite satisfy my craving. What I truly yearn for is a Chocolate Frog to hop on me!

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The First Time Harry Casts A Successful Patronus

In the story of Harry Potter, Harry faces numerous challenges, and one particularly moving scene occurs when he learns to cast the Patronus charm – a protective spell summoned from his happiest memory to fend off Dementors. This moment stirs something within me, making me yearn for its authenticity. Maybe it’s because Harry conjures up images of his loved ones in the process, which seems to fill him with warmth and happiness. It’s a feeling that brings a sense of comfort and joy.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Dueling Club

I’d be overjoyed if a dueling club were genuine. Not just because it measures a wizard’s skill and helps them master specific spells, but also because it offers a safe outlet for competitors to settle their differences, without causing actual harm. It’s much like joining a soccer league. I can’t help but wish we had been treated to more of these exciting duels in both the movies and the books.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Harry’s First Quidditch Game

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was one of the most light-hearted entries in the series, and I think the moment we all saw Harry play in his first Quidditch game, we all wished it was real. From the fans cheering like they were at a real-life football game to the intensity of the sport to Harry getting (swallowing) the snitch at the last second, it’s so thrilling. Now, that would be a great game to watch.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Cute Little Pygmy Puffs

Look, there are so many magical creatures in Harry Potter it would be hard to list them all out as to why I wish they were real. But the Pygmy Puffs are just the cutest little things, and the moment I saw them, I wished they were real. They’re just little puffballs that sit on your shoulders and are freaking adorable. I can’t stand it.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Buckbeak’s Flight With Harry In Prisoner Of Azkaban

In another words, John Williams orchestrated the music for “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” specifically the piece that resonates during this particular scene. The way it complements the moment is truly captivating. As Harry glides on Buckbeak’s back over Hogwarts, across the Black Lake, it evokes an enchanting feeling that makes me yearn for the chance to actually ride a Hippogriff in reality.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Hogwarts At Christmas Time

Hey there! I can’t help but feel enchanted by the idea of Hogwarts during the holidays, even though I know Santa Claus isn’t dropping gifts down my chimney. The magic of Christmas at Hogwarts is something truly special. With most students away, it feels more personal and intimate, like stepping into a scene straight out of one of those classic holiday films.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Harry’s Usage Of The Invisibility Cloak In The First Movie

I sometimes find myself yearning for authentic magical artifacts, like those found in Harry Potter, particularly the invisibility cloak shown in the first movie. It often leaves me envious as I ponder what mischief one could concoct with such an item. Oh, the possibilities! Truly, it would be extraordinary.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Awesome Instant Transportation Of Floo Powder In Order Of The Phoenix

The transportation method you’re referring to is what everyone should opt for instead of airplanes. Floo Powder, as introduced in Chamber of Secrets, might not be mastered perfectly by Harry at first, leading him astray. However, in Order of Phoenix, we witness the vastness of this network and it’s simply amazing! I would gladly accept a sprinkle of ashes on my garments to avoid tiring red-eye flights.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Mirror Of Erised – As Sad As I Can Be

To put it simply, The Mirror of Erised (Desire) is truly heartbreaking, more so as you grow older and come to terms with Harry’s longing for a loving family. Nevertheless, I can’t help but yearn for its authenticity – to not only discover my own deepest desire, but also to comprehend the hearts and aspirations of others.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Walking Through Diagon Alley For The First Time

The movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is one of those captivating films where you anticipate being astounded from start to finish. When we first encounter Diagon Alley, it certainly does not disappoint. Strolling through these streets with Harry and Hagrid for the first time feels unique because you’re immersing yourself in the magic as well, discovering a magical realm that was previously unknown. This description leaves me yearning for more, as I long to continue exploring this enchanting universe.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

All The Magical Pets Because I Want A Pet Owl, Dang It

In the world we live in, these animals do indeed exist. I’m fortunate to have a pet cat at home, and mine happens to be black. However, the idea of having a pet owl is something that captivates me greatly – much like Hedwig from Harry Potter. Unfortunately, in our current reality, keeping an owl as a pet would likely lead to legal trouble. If only it were possible!

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Flying Thestrals In Order Of The Phoenix

I’m quite hesitant when it comes to Thestrals, as witnessing someone’s death is a prerequisite for even catching a glimpse of them. It’s a rather somber thought, but their beauty is undeniably peculiar. If you can perceive them, it suggests an extraordinary bond with the creature itself. I’d be fascinated to encounter one in reality.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Fact That Buildings Can Literally Hide Between Buildings In Order Of The Phoenix

It’s absolutely fascinating to me that buildings could theoretically…disappear within other buildings. I mean, really? How on earth does that happen? Just imagine the amount of space we’d save if this was possible, and all those people who’d seemingly vanish when they stepped into their hidden residences. That concept boggles my mind, and I can’t help but wish it were a reality.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Hermione’s Neverending Bag In Deathly Hallows

As a purse-carrying individual, especially women among you, I’m certain many of us can relate to the intense longing I felt when Hermione’s enchanting bag appeared in “Deathly Hallows.” Who wouldn’t want it to be real? Imagine being able to store countless items and summon them with a simple magical spell like Accio! She even managed to fit an entire tent inside. Can you imagine the convenience that would bring us?

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Entire Room Of Requirement Because Yes, Give Me What I Need Please

I’m particularly fond of the Room of Requirement in Order of the Phoenix, as it doesn’t simply cater to desires but rather provides what is truly necessary. It could be seen as somewhat philosophical, as it challenges our wants and needs. In fact, if such a room existed in real life, I believe it would be quite beneficial.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Harry Using Felix Felicis

Felix Felicis is like a magical elixir that provides courage, similar to alcohol but without the hangover. It’s a potion that brings good fortune when used, making it perfect for asking someone on a date or acing an important job interview. In numerous scenarios, this imaginary luck charm would be incredibly beneficial.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

When Harry Speaks To The Snake At The Zoo

Of course, I want to speak to snakes. Why wouldn’t I want to talk to snakes? That’s so cool.

I mean, Parseltongue in general is kind of dope, but in a strange way. However, just being able to talk to animals in the world of Harry Potter is a skill that I know would carry over well to the real world.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Getting To See The Marauder’s Map For The First Time

I’m completely smitten with the Marauder’s Map! In fact, I believe a new Harry Potter TV series could have focused solely on the Marauders, though that might be a different topic altogether. However, if I were to possess this magical artifact in reality, it would be simply amazing! It allows you to know where your friends are at any given moment, keep tabs on them, and ensure their safety – the potential uses are countless.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Going Into The Tent At The Quidditch World Cup

Harry expressed it beautifully – “I adore magic.” And we all concur. The tent in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” perfectly encapsulates, “If only this were true!” A tent with an interior resembling a whole apartment is simply amazing and I’d trade anything to live that experience.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

When The First-Year Students First Boat To Hogwarts

Indeed, it’s akin to expressing, “I long for the enchantment of sailing to Hogwarts as if it were a real place.” The thrill of witnessing the new students traversing the Black Lake and gazing in awe at the majestic castle for the first time is truly captivating. I cherish those moments deeply and yearn to live them personally.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Crazy Ride In Gringotts To Get To The Vault

Since this is essentially a real-life thrill ride, or a roller coaster, wouldn’t it be fascinating if instead of using an elevator or stairs, you could hop on one to reach your bank vault? Despite the initial fear that comes with knowing you could potentially plummet out at any moment, the idea of combining banking and amusement park rides is quite intriguing. I can only imagine how exhilarating it would be!

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Statues Coming To Life In Deathly Hallows: Part 2

“I always wanted to use that spell!” Minerva McGonagall (rest in peace, Dame Maggie Smith) was right because I’d love to use that spell too. In the Battle of Hogwarts, the headmaster brings statues around the courtyard to life in order to protect Hogwarts from Voldemort and his followers, and that moment when the first statue drops always brings tears to my eyes.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Entire Yule Ball Because We NEED More Balls These Days

It seems we’ve paused our activities involving social gatherings, but I find myself yearning for them even more these days. The charm of social events, like asking a woman to dance or dressing up simply for enjoyment, has been particularly captivating lately. I long for the opportunity to experience these courtships and festivities in real life once again.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Watching The Bulgarians The Irish Enter At The Quidditch World Cup

The Quidditch World Cup reminds me a lot of the actual World Cup for soccer (football). What I like the most about the entrances of both the Bulgarians and the Irish is that both obviously incorporate magic in fun ways, from a dancing leprechaun in the air made of fireworks to screens that go across the entire audience to show Viktor Krum’s face. It’s beautiful. That would be some entrance.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

The Dragons In The First Task Of The Triwizard Tournament

In Harry Potter, it’s impossible to defeat the dragons since they are incredibly ferocious creatures. There aren’t any riders; only trainers control them. Watching them soar through the skies and chase after people actually makes me yearn for their existence, as their power is untamed and wild. However, I wouldn’t want to come into contact with them in real life, but I admire them regardless.

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Hermione Using Her Time-Turner

Oh, can you imagine having a device that allows us to go back in time? It’s such an intriguing concept! The thought of potentially altering the timeline by encountering my past self is a bit unsettling, but oh, the possibilities if I could revisit and correct something I wish I had done differently!

32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

That Amazing Bathtub In The Perfect Bathroom

If you really think about it, I could bring this bathroom to life if I had the money but the magical aspect— the bubbles, the depth and so much more—can’t be beaten. However, I could do without Moaning Myrtle stalking me.

Oh, it’s so engaging! Makes me yearn to rewatch the Harry Potter movies repeatedly, and secretly hope that everything depicted in them could exist in reality once more.

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2024-10-06 15:37