Silent Hill 2 Remake – How To Complete The Labyrinth Area

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Complete The Labyrinth Area

As someone who has traversed through countless dark labyrinths in my gaming career, I must say that the Labyrinth section in Silent Hill 2 is nothing short of captivating. The tension builds steadily, the environment immerses you completely, and the gameplay mechanics are perfectly balanced to keep you on edge.

In the Silent Hill 2 Remake, you’ll encounter a nerve-wracking part called the Labyrinth, situated beneath Toluca Prison. This area is characterized by narrow passages, confusing pathways resembling a maze, and hostile adversaries, making it one of the game’s most puzzling and challenging locations.

Furthermore, you’ll find Pyramid Head relentlessly pursuing James in this region too. Here’s a strategy for maneuvering through the intricate paths of the Labyrinth without getting disoriented within its labyrinthine layout.

How To Complete The Labyrinth Area in Silent Hill 2 Remake

Following the encounter with your Abstract Boss, you’ll initiate the Labyrinth phase where you’ll be given a partially completed map as a starting point.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Complete The Labyrinth Area

James updates it as you move through the area, so you’ll constantly map out your path.

Initially, we need to solve the central spinning cube riddle. This puzzle plays a crucial role in opening various mazes.

On each face of the cube, you’ll find emblems. Manipulating it properly forms pathways that lead to different parts of the Maze.

You’ll want to delve into three distinct areas of the Maze in a particular order: first, the Decaying Maze, then the Forlorn Maze, and lastly, the Shattered Maze.

Yet, prior to delving into the subsequent chapters, it is discovered that Maria, who was believed to be deceased earlier, is instead confined within a prison cell. She shows no signs of injury but is incarcerated, and her recollections seem scattered.

Rotten Labyrinth

As a gamer, I’ve just unlocked a new zone! I did it by rotating the cube so that it displayed the symbol of an inverted triangle with a cross below – apparently, that was the key to gaining access.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Complete The Labyrinth Area

Once inside, your main goal is to collapse a suspended cage in the center of the labyrinth.

In order to accomplish this task, you will have to find three specific objects: a Gas Canister for Lighters, a Damaged Lighter, and a Spare Lighter Wick, that are concealed in different sections of the labyrinth.

  • Lighter Gas – After entering the Rotten Labyrinth, head east from the central room. Pass through the enemies to find a room with a fridge. Inside the refrigerator, you will uncover the Lighter Gas.
  • Lighter Wick – Travel south from the central room into a large corridor. Pass through a series of doors to reach a smaller room. Here, search a hole in the wall for the Wick.
  • Broken Lighter – This item is hidden in another room. It can be accessed after retrieving the Iron Key from a nearby hallway. The key unlocks a door leading to the Broken Lighter.

Enemies, who are usually concealed underneath metal grates, have the potential to surprise you and attack.

As a gamer, I’d advise steering clear of those foes since engaging in direct combat might leave you drained. If you decide to take them on, keep in mind to aim towards the floor through the grates. Once you’ve gathered all the essential items, mix them together to craft a functional lighter.

Destroy the rope supporting the cage so it falls apart and shatters the floor beneath. This will create an opening for you to leap through and continue your journey.

Desolate Labyrinth

To view this area, turn the main cube so that an infinity symbol with a slash appears.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Complete The Labyrinth Area

In this game called The Desolate Labyrinth, you navigate through a complex, dimly lit, and flooded maze across multiple levels. You’ll encounter adversaries along the way and will have to solve additional riddles involving ladders, gates, and padlocked doors. When you first enter, your goal is to find a Small Key that frees a chained gate at the top of a ladder.

This key is hidden in the Flooded Labyrinth section, connected to the Desolate area by ladders. As you explore the lower areas, be cautious of Pyramid Head, who returns to chase you.

Navigating can be challenging due to the narrow, wet passageways, so stay vigilant and refer to your map to keep track of your progress. Once you’ve found the key, retrace your steps, unlock the gate, and continue your journey deeper into this maze-like structure. One significant objective in this area is locating the Wire Cutters.

To get past the obstacle ahead, you’ll need some tools. Specifically, wire cutters. They can be found in a room hidden within Pyramid Head’s sacred space, but beware, he will chase you there.

Mannequins are eerie, many-armed figures found in specific locations. It’s advisable to eliminate them at a distance using a shotgun or rifle before they get too close, as they can become overwhelming. Once you obtain Wire Cutters, retrace your steps back to the fence and utilize them to move forward.

Ruined Labyrinth

The Ruined Labyrinth is straightforward but more combat-focused than the previous two sections.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Complete The Labyrinth Area

In the given scenario, James encounters a series of adversaries that can feel overwhelming, particularly in confined areas. The Mandarins make another appearance here, but they’ve taken a sinister twist – they emerge from the walls and show an increased level of hostility. To deal with them effectively, aim your shotgun swiftly as they often attack in clusters.

Regarding the mannequins, maintain a safe distance and remove them just like you did in the Desolate Labyrinth. Utilize rifle or shotgun shots to stop them from swarming you in confined areas.

In the course of navigating the labyrinth, Pyramid Head will pursue you once more. This time, you’ll need to lead him down a long corridor that ends with a closing wall. Maintain your distance, avoid his powerful attacks, and prioritize survival over any attempts to engage him in combat.

In this high-intensity battlefield, it’s crucial to manage your health packs and ammo wisely. As you progress through these heavily guarded chambers, you’ll eventually uncover the truth about Maria – a moment beautifully captured in a cutscene when you reach Room 208.

It is revealed that Maria was already deceased beforehand, and her presence serves as a symbol of James’s guilt, desires, and lingering emotions towards his late wife, Mary, ultimately propelling him forward in the game to confront his inner struggles.

The aim of this psychological tactic is to make James face the remorse he harbors over Mary’s passing. Subsequently, James journeys towards Toluca Lake, ultimately reaching the Lakeview Hotel.

What’s your take on the rhythm, tension, and overall gameplay experience in the Maze part? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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2024-10-10 11:42