10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

As someone who has spent countless hours watching Bluey with my own grandchildren, I can wholeheartedly say that this animated series has a unique ability to resonate with both young and old viewers alike. The creators have done an exceptional job of weaving complex emotions into relatable storylines without ever crossing the line into being too heavy-handed or overwhelming for kids.

If you’ve found yourself shedding tears during a cartoon dog children’s program, don’t fret, many others share your experience. The makers of the popular Australian kids’ series Bluey have perfected the craft of bringing their mature audience to tears. In fact, it has sparked a community of adult fans who discuss and praise the show for its mature themes.

Showcasing a variety of complex themes that might be challenging to discuss with children, Bluey presents these topics visually. Among them are having a parent serve in the military, dealing with fertility issues, and relocating from your childhood home. The series also subtly touches upon more sensitive subjects like divorce, experiencing a miscarriage, and dating as a parent. Each topic is skillfully addressed with a blend of maturity and childlike allure that can leave even the most hardened viewers feeling moved or tearful.

Since 2018, Bluey has remained a fan favorite and continues to grow, as it prepares for its fourth season. This popularity indicates that we’ll be seeing more mature themes explored in the upcoming episodes. Here are some potential themes that might make us grab the tissues:

10 Bluey or Bingo’s First Sleepover

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

Indeed, there’s an episode titled “The Sleepover,” however, this time around, it’s Bluey and Bingo who are babysitting their cousin Muffin. The twist is that Muffin had skipped a night of sleep and turned into quite the untamed child, causing chaos and not acting like her usual self. This was the main focus of the episode. While we do see Bluey demonstrating some growth by doing what’s right even when it’s not what she desires, it doesn’t lead to that tear-jerking “grab the tissue box” scene.

A First Sleepover Can Be an Emotional Experience

As a movie enthusiast, if I were a creator seeking a heartfelt slumber party episode, I’d suggest centering it around Bluey or Bingo’s first sleepover at either a friend’s or cousin’s house. This setup would allow us to delve into novel experiences such as attempting unfamiliar food, which might cause some apprehension. To add a touch of realism and emotional depth, we could even have one of the characters accidentally wet the bed during the sleepover, thus facing an awkward, relatable life moment.

As a movie critic, I’d say this film masterfully captures the heartwarming and heart-wrenching moments of a child dealing with separation anxiety at bedtime or feeling scared and needing to call home for comfort. Such scenarios are undeniably relatable to many children and parents alike, as they have likely experienced these challenges in their lives.

9 Bluey or Bingo Caught Stealing

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

Occasionally, despite repeatedly saying ‘no’ to our children, their understanding seems to elude us. Situations can arise where we find ourselves returning stolen items at the cashier or having uncomfortable conversations with other parents about their child’s misdeeds. It’s a humiliating experience for all involved. What makes it even harder is that both kids and parents are aware they have intentionally acted wrongly, causing great distress to the parents. Questions such as “Did I raise them incorrectly?” or “Who are their influences at school?” start to surface, along with the fearful thought that “Will this happen again?” that can keep us awake for several nights.

Busted and Now It’s Time to Face the Consequences

A surprising twist for Bluey’s fans might involve a fantasy scene where either Bluey or Bingo is seen shoplifting in the future, leading to an intriguing sequence of events. This could include portraying police officers taking them to the station for fingerprinting, followed by an uncomfortable and silent car ride back home. Once they reach home, they might reveal their parents’ disappointment and punishment – grounding them. This scenario would undoubtedly stir emotions in some viewers who have experienced similar situations with their own children.

If the designers decide to address this problem, they might do so in their signature playful style. For instance, consider a scenario where Bingo, after a playdate, secretly keeps a toy belonging to a friend. The guilt she experiences could lead to an emotional moment when she finally admits her mistake. Throughout this episode, there may be humorous double entendres from Bandit and Chilly before Bingo confesses. This approach seems safer to ensure the episode is both entertaining for parents and educational while keeping children engaged.

8 First Time Parent with Twins

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

As a film enthusiast, one joke I often hear among expectant parents is, “What if you have twins?” It’s a light-hearted jest that typically elicits an embarrassed giggle. Nowadays, with advanced technology, most parents-to-be already know the gender and number of babies they are carrying long before their due date. However, this doesn’t prevent the question from simmering subtly in the back of their minds.

Double the Trouble & Double the Love

In a potential upcoming episode of “Bluey,” the focus could shift to either Chilly and Bandit’s adult friend or perhaps Chilly’s sister Brandy, who was pregnant in the episode titled “The Sign.” If the creators decide to delve into Brandy’s storyline, it could result in one of the most heartfelt episodes ever produced by “Bluey.” Since we know that Brandy has faced fertility issues, her sudden expansion from one child to two would be a significant and joyful transformation not just for Brandy, but for the entire Heeler family.

If they opt to focus on a fresh character, portraying the hardships faced by parents new to twin-rearing would resonate with many. The struggle of adapting to a changed sleep routine, being awakened frequently throughout the night, and experiencing sleep deprivation isn’t unique to twins. If we can witness this journey unfold, and then include an emotionally moving scene reminiscent of “Baby Race” finale, there will undoubtedly be tears shed.

7 Being a Single Parent

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

Nowadays, it’s increasingly common for individuals to raise children alone. It’s likely that many of your friends or relatives are in this situation. If you’re a single parent, I imagine you’d concur that it’s not a leisurely stroll – that description is quite mild. Typically, when the workday ends, there’s no one else to lean on at home; instead, you bear the responsibility for the children, the household, possibly their pets, and above all, your own well-being. Over time, it can become quite draining.

Kids, the Gift That Keeps on Giving

For this episode of Bluey, there are various potential parents the creators could collaborate with. One that immediately springs to mind is Wendy, the Healer’s neighbor, who frequently appears alongside her daughter Judo in multiple episodes. However, we have yet to meet Wendy’s husband. Introducing him would be an excellent way to further develop both characters and provide a tear-jerking moment for devoted fans of the show.

Many viewers find Judo and Wendy characters in the show to be superficial and sometimes unkind, but delving into their hidden lives could make them seem more relatable (using quotes because they are canines). As for a tear-jerking moment, perhaps we’ll discover why Wendy is a single parent. It might have been a divorce, a tragic loss, or maybe Wendy faced fertility challenges like Brandy, and Judo is her miraculous child. If the producers introduce any of these backstories, it could bring on the tears.

6 Having a Friend That’s Handicapped

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

In the animated series Bluey, we’ve encountered characters with various disabilities such as deafness and ADHD, but yet to appear are characters who use wheelchairs or crutches for mobility. The creators have been applauded for their sensitive approach to representing different abilities. It’s clear that they are capable of addressing this topic, introducing young viewers to a character with a disability in a way that is engaging, enjoyable, and educational.

Inclusion and Representation at It’s Finest

One intriguing aspect of this subject is that it presents an opportunity for the creators to introduce a brand-new character into the series. They could explore this concept by focusing on a storyline revolving around disabled parking spaces. It’s likely that as parents, you’ve found your children asking, “Why can’t you park there?” at least once or twice. This scenario would offer an authentic way to introduce a handicapped character to the young audience of Bluey, making it part of the show in a natural and engaging manner.

In this episode, perhaps Bluey will cause a fuss because they believe it takes forever to reach the entrance when there might have been a quicker route if they had used the designated spot for those with disabilities. Later, while shopping, Bluey could encounter a young child with special needs and come up with amusing games that need slight modifications so they can both enjoy them. Eventually, Bluey might be taken aback by how independent this individual is, which would result in heartwarming moments. This storyline could evoke feelings of joy and bring about tears of happiness.

5 Flash-Forward Episode for Bingo

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

Fans of the beloved show, Bluey, are well aware that when a flash-forward sequence appears on screen, it’s usually a heartwarming moment that might bring tears to your eyes. These flash-forwards often provide some of the most memorable scenes from the series. For instance, in “Camping,” we witness Bluey meeting up with her longtime friend, Jean Luc, under a tree they planted years prior. Another touching scene is presented in “The Sign,” where we get a glimpse into the future showing an adult Bluey spending time with her grandparents, Grandma Chilly and Grandpa Bandit. However, one such heartwarming moment has yet to be shown for Bingo.

What Does Bingo’s Future Look Like?

In the animated series Bluey, the forward-jumping scenes are renowned for their emotional impact. One such instance occurs in the episode “Daddy Drop Off,” where we catch a glimpse into Bingo’s future. We witness how Bingo met her lifelong friend Lila at school, followed by a rapid sequence of images depicting their friendship through the years, culminating in their high school graduation. (A little tearing-up as I type this one.)

Fans are eagerly asking for more, and there’s an emotional appeal: Let’s get a glimpse into what an older Bingo might sound like. How about showing her interacts with a grown-up Bluey, Bandit, and Chilly? As for a potential plot development, a forward-thinking idea could be a flash-forward where Bingo moves out to attend college with Lila as her roommate. This is something the creators might want to ponder seriously.

4 Preparing for a New Sibling

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Preparing for another baby, whether it’s your second or third, is an exhilarating period, yet it can present challenges for the older siblings. Regardless of how well parents prepare their children for the arrival of the new member, there remains a possibility that they might feel anxious about having less time with their parents. In some cases, a child may become so envious of the new baby that they may start behaving like an infant in order to receive more attention. This stage in life could make a great episode for the animated series Bluey.

Get Ready to Hear the Big Question, “Where Do Babies Come From?”

It would be fascinating to observe the Healer family as they gear up for a new addition. The scenes could almost resemble episodes from a heartfelt series, with Bluey offering guidance to Bingo, who might be apprehensive about the new baby, reminiscing about his own birth preparations. This could echo the episode “Baby Race” and Chilli sharing anecdotes about Bluey’s readiness for Bingo’s arrival. Moreover, if Chilli and Bandit discover they are expecting a boy, the girls would need to adjust to having another male in the household.

If the creators decide to explore this particular theme in their work, many fans would be delighted if they focused on Bluey’s auntie Brandy, who is expecting her first child. No matter which character they choose to feature in this upcoming episode, it has the potential to break records for emotional impact within a children’s animated series.

3 Coping with a Miscarriage

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

For the upcoming entries, it should be noted that they may carry a somber tone, yet Bluey is renowned for addressing mature themes. Although such topics might be too complex for children, it takes courage and insight on the part of the writers and producers to explore them. Miscarriages are more prevalent than commonly perceived; the Mayo Clinic reports that 10-20% of women experience one during their lifetime, but they suspect the number is significantly higher due to misconceptions around pregnancy recognition.

Your Angel Baby Still Loves You

Discussing this subject might be quite challenging for the creators of Bluey, requiring them to use their top-notch writing skills to present it in a way that is age-appropriate, considerate, and captivating for young viewers. However, given their exceptional talent, I have no doubt that the writers of Bluey are more than capable of handling such a task.

To put it simply, it would be beneficial for the writers to avoid making Auntie Brandy the main focus of an upcoming episode. Given her past struggles, she deserves happiness like having a baby. A better approach might be to assign this storyline to one of their friends, thereby giving more depth to Bluey and Bingo’s friend group. By doing so, they could also explore sensitive topics like parental struggles, similar to how they handled divorce, which can evoke emotional responses from adult viewers in brief moments.

2 Coping with the Death of a Loved One

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This will be the last dark entry on this list, but it’s still a moment in life that everyone can relate to and a topic that people should honestly not be afraid to talk about. Yes, losing your childhood best friend too soon, or losing a family member, creates a hole in your heart that can never be filled, but wouldn’t you rather talk about them and remember the good times with other people who loved them, instead of bottling up those feelings and pretending they were never there at all? There’s a quote from legendary children’s book author Dr. Seuss that goes, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

We Carry Our Loved Ones With Us

Approaching a storyline about losing a loved one requires immense sensitivity, as it mirrors real-life experiences. It might be inappropriate for the writers to write off one of Bluey’s friends or relatives. Such a scenario could evoke an overwhelming wave of emotions, much like a flood, that would demand a more advanced version of Noah’s Ark to contain the tears it would generate.

But what could be equally effective is if Bandit or Chilli get a letter in the mail that one of their old mates from high school or college passed away. This would be a calmer way to introduce these feelings to kids and still be relatable for adult viewers. Then they can show the Healers attending the celebration of life, and do what they did in the episode “The Sign,” highlighting all the happy moments, like Bandit and Chilli reconnecting with old friends, or Bluey and Bingo making new friends, and then sprinkle in some sad moments like Bandit or Chilli getting emotional after telling a fun story or Bluey and Bingo giving them a big hug to show their support.

1 Flash-Forward to Bluey’s Wedding

10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes10 Topics Bluey Should Cover in Future Episodes

Recently, Bluey has been generating quite a buzz among older viewers, reminiscent of the fascination with Twilight. The question on everyone’s lips is whether Bluey will side with Jean-Luc or Mackenzie. However, the answer to this mystery remains elusive. Yet, since the airing of the episode “The Sign,” the curiosity surrounding the topic has reached unprecedented heights. In this heart-wrenching finale, we are introduced to grown-up Bluey, who returns home to find her parents still living in their childhood house. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and when Bandit opens the door, no one is there, until he discovers a child hiding with a toy gun. It’s been speculated that this child could be Bluey’s own offspring, sparking great interest among adult viewers who are eager to know whom Bluey ends up marrying.

Team Jean-Luc or Team Mackenzie

As a dedicated cinema enthusiast, I can’t help but wonder why Jean Luc and Mackenzie were selected for this debate. Let me break it down by discussing Mackenzie first. Across the series, Bluey and Mackenzie are portrayed as friends with a playful rivalry, their exchanges cracking us up. Moreover, they subtly convey the idea that it’s perfectly fine for a boy to bond with a girl, and vice versa – something that wasn’t so common 25 years ago in parents’ eyes. This progressive portrayal has led many viewers to speculate that there might be romantic feelings between Bluey and Mackenzie.

The fascination with Jean-Luc arises from the “Camping” episode. In this installment, Bluey encounters Jean-Luc – a French-Canadian black lab. Despite language differences, they manage to communicate and enjoy games, plant a tree together, and forge a profound friendship. This bond is so strong that they both shed tears when it’s time for Jean-Luc to depart. However, in the end of the episode, they are reunited under the tree they planted as children, their tails wagging happily.

There’s no definitive choice regarding which team Bluey should belong to, as both options would create heartwarming love stories once the show introduces this aspect of Bluey’s life. Regardless of age, viewers can find common ground: if the creators hint at revealing this secret in a future episode, they will undeniably trigger a global shortage of tissue boxes due to the emotional response it’ll evoke among fans.

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2024-10-18 04:02