Bon Iver Breathes a Sigh of Relief on SABLE,

Bon Iver Breathes a Sigh of Relief on SABLE,

As a gamer who’s been through countless quests and battles, I can’t help but compare the return of Bon Iver to embarking on a new adventure after a long hiatus. Like a seasoned hero returning from the depths of a dark dungeon, Justin Vernon has emerged with a new EP, SABLE, that feels both familiar yet refreshingly different.

Bon Iver has returned to the music scene after a hiatus of more than five years (since the release of ‘i,i’ in 2019), but it wasn’t by his own decision. In an uncommon conversation with The New Yorker this past week, Justin Vernon explained that SABLE, his latest project, came about due to personal requirements.

“It was just time. Some of these songs have been bubbling for five years.”

Additionally, it’s worth noting that this is the first EP by SABLE since 2009. The three-track collection, titled as such, reflects the mysterious folk group delving into darkness, much like one interpretation of the word “sable” meaning “almost black.

He remarked that it was now three o’clock, and there was no way it could go on any longer. The purposeful arrangement of the project’s tracks caught his attention: “Things Behind Things Behind Things”, “S P E Y S I D E”, and “Awards Season”. These were preceded by a 12-second introductory track, represented by an ellipsis.

“It runs the gamut from accepting anxiety to accepting guilt to accepting hope. Those three things in a row. There’s no room for a prologue or an epilogue at that point. Because that’s it—that’s what everything is.”

In contrast to what some might think, the sound composition of SABLE by Bon Iver is not a return to its earlier form as suggested by its predecessor i,i or albums like Bon Iver, Bon Iver and For Emma, Forever Ago. Instead, Justin Vernon describes it as a reset and reintroduction, a kind of “raw second layer” that emerged from one of the most challenging, anxious periods in his life.

“I think about time in cylindrical, forward-moving circles. This feels like a new person, new skin. A new everything, more than a return.”

At April Base in Wisconsin, it’s evident that SABLE’s thoughts were a burden for Vernon. The song “THINGS BEHIND THINGS BEHIND THINGS” sees him grappling with complex emotions about fame and recognition. He sings mournfully over somber acoustics: “I don’t appreciate the way it appears / I find myself staring / At the mirror on a daily basis / What stares back at me resembles a rival.

“I did feel like it was important to strip it down to just the bare essentials and get out of the way, to not hide with swaths of choirs. Just get it as close to the human ear as possible.”

The song ‘S P E Y S I D E’ was the only single released prior to the project, resembling a heartfelt apology in its three-and-a-half-minute duration. The track is characterized by Vernon’s powerful vocals blending seamlessly with profound instrumentals that evoke existential feelings. Musicians contributing to this piece include Eli Teplin on synthesizer, Greg Leisz on pedal steel guitar, Mike Lewis handling saxophone, organ, and piano, Rob Moose on viola, and Trever Hagen on trumpet.

As we conclude this year’s “AWARDS SEASON,” the poignant lyrics of the song “SABLE” by Vernon resonate strongly. Notably, he conveys a powerful message: “I am stronger than I think I can be.

If you take one sentiment away from SABLE, let it be that.

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2024-10-18 16:56