Tom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten Tomatoes

Tom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten Tomatoes

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  • Cocktail Is a Camp Love Story
  • Cocktail Is an Outlier in Tom Cruise’s Filmography

As a child of the ’80s, I can vividly recall the days when Tom Cruise was synonymous with style and charm, and “Cocktail” was no exception. This movie, released long before the days of Ethan Hunt and Mission Impossible, transported us to a world of extravagance, late nights, and carefree attitudes that were as intoxicating as the cocktails Cruise so masterfully concocted on screen.

Have you ever found yourself standing at a bar, waiting for your drink, and picturing the person serving you as none other than Tom Cruise with a big ’80s hairstyle? In your mind, he’s making the act of pouring a drink the most captivating spectacle you’ve ever witnessed. With his impressive bottle-tossing skills, Tom Cruise makes it seem effortless, while his quirky Australian mentor stands by his side. The entire bar can’t help but fall for him. Tom Cruise’s 1988 film “Cocktail” perfectly encapsulates this whimsical fantasy, with its over-the-top charm and a touch of melodramatic romance that makes you feel like it’s the greatest movie you’ve ever seen.

In simpler terms, the movie tells a captivating story about Tom Cruise, during his peak years of handsome charm, playing a role as a bartender in Jamaica for some time. It’s an enjoyable, leisurely watch, much like savoring a perfectly mixed cocktail. The film makes good use of Cruise’s on-screen charisma, sporting his iconic shaggy hairstyle, and amazingly, he manages to keep his shirt spotless despite all the drink-making.

Cocktail easily slips under the radar when compared to the high-stake thrills of his later work, but Cruise is at his most carefree and fun here. Its over-the-top story makes it so watchable all these years later, a fascinating time capsule of ’80s excess when all it took was a longing look and enough romantic persistence to win your girl back and live happily ever after. Why should you watch Cocktail? What makes it so fun? Why is it a guilty pleasure? Here’s what you need to know.

Why You Should Watch Cocktail Despite its 9% Rotten Tomatoes Score

Cocktail is a movie so bad that it’s good. The movie is included in John Wilson’s list of “The 100 Most Enjoyable Bad Movies Ever Made” in his book “The Official Razzie Movie Guide”. This is a perfect way to describe Cocktail. It isn’t perfect by any means. But the magnetism of Tom Cruise, the fun of the premise, and the chance to watch one of our most iconic movie stars enjoying the sunny beaches of Jamaica without facing obstacles that a bit of charm can’t fix. Cocktail’s low 9% critic score is not representative of its infectious appeal.

In the vibrant universe of Cocktail, Cruise plays a significant role, but he’s not the sole contributor. The wise and self-aware mentor, portrayed by Bryan Brown, gives the movie its pulse. Brown, like Obi-Wan to Luke Skywalker, guides Cruise, yet his focus is on teaching crowd-pleasing techniques rather than battling an empire. Their subtly competitive dynamics create a friendship as vivid as the cocktails they mix and as complex as their rivalry.

The witty conversations between characters in “Cocktail” contribute significantly to the film’s distinctly ’80s vibe, ranging from their definition of success to their lively portrayal of New York City that seems to have a life of its own. If not for Brown’s character, Tom Cruise might have had to bear the film’s cheesiness alone. However, his Australian co-star’s dry humor keeps the drinks flowing and the campiness at bay. Two aspects that make “Cocktail” a success are a movie that acknowledges its characters’ vanity and revels in it as much as possible.

Cocktail Is a Camp Love Story

Tom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten TomatoesTom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten TomatoesTom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten TomatoesTom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten Tomatoes

The excessive elements are evident in the romantic narrative at the heart of “Cocktail”, much like Tom Cruise appears outdated with his bottle-flipping antics. Yet, this very dated quality is what gives it an endearing charm, as it doesn’t strive to set a contemporary standard for female voices in relationships but instead captures the era’s ability to conclude everything with a song and keep its audience entertained. The pairing of Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue in “Cocktail” transforms a somewhat toxic love story into something else, even if it seems to work against the grain. In the world portrayed by “Cocktail”, characterized by extravagance and late-night escapades, a romance like theirs flourishes amidst its complexities.

In this romantic tale, there may be some imperfections, yet it thrives on genuine chemistry between the characters, creating a pleasurable viewing experience as they frolic through vibrant Jamaica. The plot of Cocktail might not hold up perfectly by today’s standards, but it requires a willingness to overlook its flaws, similar to accepting that Tom Cruise’s character is exceptionally skilled at mixing cocktails. Essentially, we are in Cruise’s world as the unique mix of flavors in Cocktail transforms an otherwise outdated story about success and love into a timeless cult classic, with a slightly sweet aftertaste that makes it even more enjoyable despite its difficulty to digest.

Cocktail Is an Outlier in Tom Cruise’s Filmography

Tom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten TomatoesTom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten TomatoesTom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten TomatoesTom Cruises Cocktail Is His Worst-Rated Movie on Rotten Tomatoes

Although Tom Cruise is often associated with his daring roles as Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible series, his finest performances took place before the 2000s. During this time, his most perilous stunt involved avoiding a cut from a broken bottle rather than performing death-defying feats. The movie Cocktail, a vibrant drama, is filled with flamboyant personalities and extravagant hairstyles reminiscent of the ’80s. Despite its superficial elements such as hairdos and outdated fashion, if you look beyond these aspects, it’s unlikely that you will find much depth beneath the surface. However, just like the cocktails Cruise mixes in the film, it is so enjoyable that you won’t question its simplicity.

Cocktail is a great excuse to travel back in time with Cruise to a time and place recognizable in some ways, and unique in its carefree attitude and problematic relationship dynamics. The movie may rely on a few tricks to convince its audience to stay at the bar for a little longer than they had originally planned. It’s bumbling at times and a tad awkward to rewatch in 2024, but when looking at Tom Cruise’s list of movies, there isn’t anything like it. Cocktail is a signature mixture for better and for worse, but it goes down so sweetly you won’t hesitate to order another. Look at Tom Cruise rhyming on top of that club bar. OK, I’ll stay for one more drink. Cocktail is available to rent on Prime Video, Apple TV, and Google Play.

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2024-10-21 04:31