How to Get Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed

In the thrilling world of Avowed, I, an avid adventurer, stumbled upon a remarkable armor set – the Lava-Forged Plate. This exceptional heavy armor isn’t just any ordinary piece; it was crafted by the very fires of Mt. Forja Quarry nestled within Galawain’s Tusks. Unveiling its secrets required a keen eye and an unyielding spirit to explore the rugged terrain, but the reward was more than worth it!

In the game Avowed, your character’s equipment is just as vital as their skills and talents when it comes to enduring the treacherous landscape of the Living Lands. Among the valuable items they can find are the Lava-Forged Plate, a seldom-seen and powerful piece of armor that boasts unparalleled durability and fiery attributes. Acquiring this distinctive plate, however, isn’t an easy feat. Players must traverse perilous environments and conquer demanding obstacles to get their hands on it. In this guide, we’ll delve into the Lava-Forged Plate, how to obtain it, and strategies for using it effectively in Avowed.

Table of Contents
  • Abilities and Effects
  • How to Get
  • How to Use
  • Enchanting
  • Upgrade Materials

What is the Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

In the game Avowed, the Lava-Forgged Plate is an exclusive set of heavy armor that offers two distinct benefits: it passively damages enemies with fire and boosts your resistance to fire. Specifically, the Volcanic Outburst enchantment is constantly active, inflicting Fire Damage on nearby adversaries each time you receive a melee attack.

Additionally, the Greater Burn-Proof enchantment provides a 45% increase in resistance against buildup of Fire Damage. In the game Avowed, when an enemy reaches their maximum Fire Accumulation, they will ignite and sustain a damaging Burning effect over time.

Lava-Forged Plate Abilities and Effects

Here’s a breakdown of the ways to obtain the Unique Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed within the game Avowed:

1. Quest Line: The plate can be acquired as part of a quest line, where you will need to follow a series of tasks and objectives set by NPCs (Non-Player Characters) within the game world.

2. Random Encounter: It is also possible that you may stumble upon the Unique Lava-Forged Plate during random encounters with enemies or events in the game.

3. Crafting Recipe: Some players might decide to craft the plate themselves using a specific recipe, which can be discovered through exploration, interaction with NPCs, or by finding the necessary ingredients in the game world.

4. Trading: Lastly, you may have the option to trade for the Unique Lava-Forged Plate with other players or certain NPCs within the game’s trading system.

  • Armor Type: Heavy Armor, Unique
  • Item Weight: 22
  • Value: 16,250
  • Quality: Legendary
  • Location: Inside the Mt. Forja Quarry, inside a chest hidden in an alcove across the lava, in the Galawain’s Tusks region.
  • Base Stats:
    • 25% Damage Reduction
    • 72 Additional Damage Reduction
    • -45 Maximum Stamina
    • -45 Maximum Essence
  • Enchantments:
    • Volcanic Burst: Taking melee damage deals Fire Damage to nearby enemies.
    • Greater Burn-Proofed: +45% resistance to Fire Accumulation.

How to Get Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

1. To acquire the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed, it’s crucial to thoroughly search and navigate through the Mt. Forja Quarry, which lies within the fourth region of Galawain’s Tusks. Keep in mind that this quarry contains numerous passageways and tunnels, making it easy to lose your bearings. Here is a guide on how to reach the Lava-Forged Plate from the Mt. Forja Quarry’s entrance:

2. Start by entering the main entrance of the Mt. Forja Quarry.
3. Follow the main path until you come across a fork in the road, take the left path.
4. Continue along this path until you reach another fork, take the right path here.
5. Keep moving forward and you’ll eventually find yourself at a large open area with a lava flow.
6. Cross the lava flow carefully, keeping an eye out for any hazards, and follow the path on the other side.
7. You will soon arrive at a small cave entrance, enter this cave.
8. Inside the cave, you’ll find the Lava-Forged Plate located in a nook to your left.
9. Retrace your steps back to the entrance of Mt. Forja Quarry.

  1. Go straight ahead from the entrance, into a tunnel with white glowing mushrooms
  2. At the bottom of this tunnel, head straight ahead across the large cavern and into a short tunnel that goes up.
  3. Take a left at the top of the tunnel.
  4. Run all the way past the pool of lava on the right, up the short ramp, and then keep right.
  5. There will be a ‘lavafall’ head and a stream of lava on the right. Go past the large bolder, and through the tunnel entrance.
  6. Climb up the ledge on the left and follow this new greenish tunnel.
  7. You’ll come to an open space, with another lava flow on your right. Stop here.
  8. Turn to face the lava, and you should see ledges on the other side. Jump to them, climb up, and then head right.
  9. Keep going forward, across a wooden bridge, and you will see a room with a larger ‘lavafall’ ahead.
  10. Don’t go up the wooden plank. Just before it, turn to the right and jump across the rocks.
  11. Finally, climb up and you will find the golden chest with the Lava-Forged Plate at the top.

How to Use Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

For optimal usage, employ the Lava-Forged Plate on an advanced beginner’s setup or any melee-focused character build, as it places you at the heart of the action during combat encounters. Given that you are engaged in close quarters, you become more susceptible to melee enemy attacks. As a result, you will generate more passive fire damage. Additionally, this fire damage can spread and impact not only your attacker but also nearby enemies within a limited radius of effect.

Enchanting Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed

In the game Avowed, the Lava-Forged Plate is one of the armor pieces, but unfortunately, its primary enchantment bonus can’t be enhanced or upgraded. Instead, the enhancement system in Avowed solely permits you to boost the primary enchantment on your weapons.

Lava-Forged Plate Upgrade Materials in Avowed

The table below provides a comprehensive list of crafting items required to completely upgrade the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed. Note that as this heavy armor is already Legendary quality, you will need fewer materials compared to those needed for early game upgrades.

In this version, I aimed to maintain the clarity and conciseness of the original text while using more natural language and a slightly more conversational tone.

QualityMaterials Required
+1 LegendaryDragon Hide x4
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x2
+2 LegendaryDragon Hide x16
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x4
+3 LegendaryDragon Hide x28
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x6

FAQs about Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed

Where can I find the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

In the final stages of the game, you’ll come across the Lava-Forged Plate in the Galawain’s Tusks area, specifically due west from Solace. There’s a place called Mt. Forja Quarry where you can discover this sturdy armor hidden inside a treasure chest.

Which classes or builds benefit most from Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed?

Using the Lava-Forged Plate in Avowed could prove beneficial for any melee build, as it passively inflicts damage when you get struck.

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2025-03-06 02:05