Russo Brothers Reveal Epic Plans for ‘Doomsday’ and ‘Secret Wars’ in MCU!

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was drastically altered by the Russo brothers when they released the most triumphant, heart-wrenching, and grandiose superhero film ever made with 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. In truth, the movie was so momentous that Marvel Studios has found it difficult to match its impact with anything since. Yet, the Russo’s are set to repeat their success with a two-part series, namely [Untitled Russo Bros. Project] and Avengers: Secret Wars. However, this wasn’t initially the plan, so why did these gifted directors decide to rejoin the Marvel family?

The path to “Secret Wars” has been just as bumpy as the smooth sailing journey towards “Endgame”. Dramatic actor issues, deaths, multiple changes in writers and directors, and a growing sense that Marvel Studios was struggling to handle its lucrative franchise made it seem like a major shake-up was necessary to bring the Multiverse Saga to a satisfying and logical end. This apparent need for change appears to have led us back to Anthony and Joe Russo, along with Robert Downey Jr., who are set to return for what could be the best comic book movie ever made, or an expensive flop. The Russos are fully aware of the weight of this task, as they shared with Playlist. Joe Russo commented on their return:

As a film enthusiast, I can’t help but immerse myself completely in the process of movie-making. With so many films produced one after another, the pressure becomes almost secondary, a background hum that doesn’t quite break through the intense focus on the narrative. The question of public opinion or reaction fades into insignificance compared to the more fundamental query: is this a compelling story worth sharing? This, my friends, is what drives us – the desire to tell a good tale, to unravel an intriguing plotline that captivates and resonates. And when such a story presents itself, we are instantly drawn back in, ready to bring it to life on the silver screen.

The Connectivity of the Multiverse Saga Was a Big Draw For the Russos

Despite some fans criticizing the expansive narrative of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for its apparent illogical connections, others continue to appreciate the subtle ties binding seemingly unrelated storylines within the MCU. For instance, just as Brave New World seamlessly incorporated the 2008 film The Incredible Hulk, along with Eternals, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and a post-credit sequence hinting at the multiverse (something that many viewers may overlook given it’s beyond what Sam Wilson, portrayed by Anthony Mackie, currently knows in the timeline), Doomsday and Secret Wars face the daunting task of catching and intertwining numerous story threads into a comic book-style masterpiece similar to the Bayeux Tapestry.

With the story securely in place, it’s crucial to maintain a sense of calmness to avoid any potential mishaps, as Joe Russo put it.

Currently, our main priority is putting the idea into action. It’s important to remember that pressure and fear can lead to poor judgment, so let’s try to remain composed and continue crafting our tales in a manner that appeals to us.

Anthony Russo noted that returning to Marvel, a brand unlike any other because their narrative unfolds concurrently through numerous series and films, offers a singular aspect that no other franchise can replicate.

What you’re explaining is similar to an essential element of our enjoyment as spectators and creators. Consequently, we emphasize this aspect significantly, and we believe it’s one of the most distinctive qualities that the Marvel Cinematic Universe possesses, which sets it apart from other types of film narratives.

The strong network of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) undoubtedly attracts the Russo brothers, and as Anthony put it, this interconnectedness has sparked their interest again, compelling them to carry on this adventure and guide the series towards a fresh, new direction.

One cause for our recent return to action is similar to what you’ve mentioned – there’s always a storyline at play. For instance, the events following the end of Endgame form part of that ongoing narrative. We aim to continue the tale in a manner that respects what has transpired since then while also propelling it forward.

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2025-03-08 15:33