SNL Introduced Lady Gaga’s Husband Lord Gaga, And It Turned Out To Be An Elaborate Set-Up To Dunk On Colin Jost

Typically, you can anticipate where a Saturday Night Live (SNL) sketch is heading. While it’s not always possible to predict every joke, the tone and general concept tend to become clear within thirty seconds. Occasionally, this classic comedy show manages to catch us off guard, as demonstrated last night when what appeared to be a light-hearted Weekend Update segment featuring Lady Gaga seemed to unexpectedly evolve into an extensive roast of Colin Jost instead.

The featured drawing presents Mikey Day portraying Lord Gaga, a seasoned British aristocrat married to Lady Gaga, who takes delight in the fact that his spouse discovered a pastime she enjoys. Throughout the skit, Colin Jost persistently attempts to persuade Lord Gaga that his wife is highly popular and likely earns substantial income from her singing career. After some entertaining exchanges, Lord Gaga eventually loses patience and asserts that whatever she makes, it’s certainly not as much as his textile empire. He then goes on a tirade about the emasculating impact it would have on him as a man if his wife’s income surpassed his own.

Could you envision a scenario, Colin, where the woman in a man’s life earns more than him? Let me put it this way – Imagine being in my position on this TV show, Colin, with the camera focused on me, millions watching, and knowing that my wife’s earnings far outstrip my own. It would be unbearable. Oh, the embarrassment I’d feel. Just imagine, Colin, if our roles were reversed here, and you were in my shoes, facing such a stark financial disparity. I couldn’t handle it. So, I ask you, what does your wife do for a living?

The underlying implication is clear: Jost’s spouse, Scarlett Johansson, is globally recognized as one of the highest-earning actresses, significantly outmatching his income. This doesn’t diminish the fact that he enjoys a comfortable lifestyle as Weekend Update host and an esteemed figure on SNL, but it’s safe to say her earnings are incomparable. Johansson has been a key player in numerous Marvel films and has garnered several Oscar nominations, contributing to her stellar status.

Initially, the audience needs a moment to fully grasp what’s happening, but once they do, it’s clear they can’t get enough of the concept. Each time Mikey Day delivers another “I would die” or “What a nightmare,” the crowd erupts in applause. You can watch the entire segment below…

It’s clear that Jost handles such situations quite humorously. He takes the infamous joke exchanges with Michael Che in stride, and many of these include jabs at his relationship with Johansson. In their latest exchange, she even made a surprise appearance on screen while he was obliged to read jokes concerning her.

Regarding the remainder of SNL, Lady Gaga excelled as both host and musical guest. Fans were captivated by her creative and unpredictable song presentations, and she never shied away from being eccentric in her skits. I have no doubt she’ll be asked to return for a dual role again at some point down the line. However, it’s uncertain when that will occur, as the show hasn’t yet announced any future hosts or air dates. This usually means we’re in for a short hiatus, but we’ll simply have to keep tabs and wait for updates.

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2025-03-09 17:07