Anti-Hack is a gorgeously colourful, neon-soaked love letter to cyberpunk

Anti-Hack is a gorgeously colourful, neon-soaked love letter to cyberpunk

  • Anti-Hack is a new throwback to the cyberpunk genre of yore
  • No guns or cyber limbs here, just good old-fashioned hacking action
  • Solve computer-inspired logic puzzles in the depths of a corrupted system

As a seasoned gamer with decades of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that Anti-Hack is a breath of fresh air in the cyberpunk genre. Growing up during the heyday of the original cyberpunk era, I fondly remember the simple joy of bypassing firewalls and cracking codes from the comfort of my own basement. This game takes me back to those days, with its focus on classic hacking puzzles set in a corrupted system.

In the realm of cyberpunk, there might be a misunderstanding due to the fast-paced action and gunplay portrayed in contemporary games and films. However, it’s important to remember that the genre originally had a more restrained tone, with its core revolving around hacking rather than guns or cybernetics. In this bygone era, you would find slender and fashionable individuals living in basements, dismantling intricate conspiracies using nothing but a keyboard. The character Anti-Hack harks back to those days of quiet rebellion.

In this 3-dimensional puzzle game, you embark on an adventure through a malfunctioning computer system, striving to navigate from the entrance to the core of the network. The atmosphere is quite nostalgic, drawing significantly from vintage comics, video games, and, as the creators mention, the 1995 movie Hackers.

To put it simply, each challenge you face here will involve principles of computer logic. Therefore, I recommend you gear up mentally, as these tasks might prove to be a bit more intricate compared to typical match-3 or Suika-style games.

Hack the planet!

As a gaming enthusiast, let me share some exciting news about Anti-Hack. While I can’t reveal too much just yet, there might be some additional features brewing for this game. It’s a unique experience that stands on its own merits.

You can find Anti-Hack on the iOS App Store or Google Play!

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2024-08-28 20:18