Best M60 weapon loadout in XDefiant

Best M60 weapon loadout in XDefiant

As a seasoned XDefiant player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the M60 is one of my all-time favorite weapons in this thrilling tactical shooter game. The raw power and versatility it brings to firefights are second to none, making it an essential tool for holding areas, suppressing enemies, or simply filling opponents with lead.

In XDefiant, light machine guns unleash an abundant amount of bullets during firefights, granting players the power to control enemy areas and shield objectives. These weapons are ideal for both suppressing adversaries and inflicting significant damage. For those fond of the M60 model, here’s my suggested loadout configuration.

Best M60 weapon loadout

Best M60 weapon loadout in XDefiant


  • Muzzle: Muzzle Booster
  • Barrel: Stabilising Barrel
  • Front Rail: Superlight
  • Optic: Reflex Sight
  • Rear Grip: Grip Tape
  • Stock: Lightweight Stock

As a gamer, I find the M60 shines when it comes to securing territories or achieving objectives. To enhance its performance in these scenarios, I’ve designed a build that provides additional control and mobility features.

Using the “Muzzle Booster” accessory initially speeds up the shooting speed a bit, and since it holds an abundant supply of bullets, you won’t have to fret about ammo shortages. However, this advantage comes with a slight drawback: increased recoil. We can address that issue by utilizing other attachments later on.

The “Stabilizing Barrel” reduces recoil for more control, while the “Superlight Front Rail” enhances aim-down-sight speed and sprinting velocity to compensate for extra weight.

If you’re not impressed with the views along the M60 motorway, I’d suggest considering the Reflex Sight instead. It offers a good balance, but if you prefer, you could opt for a sight with greater distance capabilities.

To enhance your ability to quickly regain control after shooting, particularly in the vertical plane, consider utilizing the rear grip tape. This addition can aid in shortening your recoil recovery time while using the Automatic Designated Targeting (ADS) feature.

In the end, the preferred stock is the “Lightweight Stock,” enhancing your mobility and swiftness while shooting through a scope.

If you believe some of these recoil attachments are excessive, you have the option to replace the Stabilizing Barrel with a Heavy Barrel instead for added damage.


  • Device: Frag Grenade
  • Secondary: 93R

As a fan of the game, I can’t help but appreciate the versatility of the Frag Grenade. When wielding the mighty M60, this throwable becomes an extension of my arsenal. It allows me to assert dominance over certain areas, either forcing enemies to retreat or creating an opportunity for a strategic advance. Additionally, its explosive power can significantly weaken foes, making it easier for me to deliver the finishing touches with my trusty M60.

My preferred alternative for a sidearm is the 93R, which stands out as an exceptional weapon in the game. It boasts an impressive fire rate, making it a burst weapon that’s particularly effective. Furthermore, if you manage to hit a full burst on an opponent, it deals significant damage. All things considered, it is an ideal choice when time for reloading is limited.

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2024-07-18 16:13