Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – Best Multiplayer Maps

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that the layout of these Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 multiplayer maps are nothing short of strategic masterpieces! The Inner Stands, for instance, are reminiscent of a well-choreographed dance – moving through them unnoticed can be as graceful as a waltz. And the Ticket Office? It’s like having a secret hideout, offering panoramic views and a quick escape route when needed.

In Call of Duty Black Ops 6, gamers have the liberty to select from twelve exhilarating multiplayer levels adorned with breathtaking graphics. The integration of Omnimovement expands the gaming experience, as each map is strategically designed for non-stop, high-octane gameplay.

Newcomers to Call of Duty should familiarize themselves with every hidden corner to rule each map effectively. Navigating through the game for first-timers might seem challenging, but fret not! This manual offers expert tips on mastering the best maps and triumphing in multiplayer combat.

Best Multiplayer Maps

Here is everything you need to know about the best maps and how to dominate them:


As a gamer, I find the abandoned Derelict map to be brimming with strategic possibilities and an intriguing design. One such opportunity is the narrow passageway that links the Yard and Tracks. This spot frequently heats up during gameplay, especially in Domination and Hardpoint modes, making it a prime location for intense firefights.

As an offensive player, it’s crucial to fortify your and nearby areas with strategically placed Trophy Systems, as they will shield you from the damaging explosives set by opponents. To catch enemies off guard, position Blast Traps in key locations. Remember, controlling these vital spots can often determine the outcome of a game.

In the second region lies a strategic spot pivotal to the Engine, which offers a strong defensive stance but is vulnerable to flanking attacks from the Tower, Depot, and Tracks. Collaborate with your team to set up a crossfire and fortify this position, keeping a sharp eye out for potential sniper fire from the Tower and enemies attempting to scale the wall from the Depot.

The Tower is much desired due to its panoramic view of the map, but that also makes it a prominent target. Stay ready to adjust to unpredictable circumstances and plan thrilling getaways. Utilize the vantage point of the Tower to share crucial information with your team and eliminate enemy dangers.


As an ardent admirer of Armada’s design, I can’t help but appreciate the tactical upper hand it offers. The formidable steel gate between HQ and the Boat Ramp serves as a pivotal bottleneck, making it challenging for opponents to advance without suffering substantial losses—an ideal setup for a crossfire ambush. Regardless of who holds the HQ, both game modes grant players a distinct advantage. If you’re finding it tough to hold down the fort for your team, don’t hesitate to show some daring spirit and attempt a thrilling flank maneuver with your squad at the Radio Tower or Armory.

The elevation discrepancy between the northern and southern parts of the map presents some intriguing tactical challenges. On the southern side, you’ll need to operate under rather restricted visibility conditions. Keep a close eye on enemy activities near the Artillery location; think about launching unexpected assaults from the Training Course towards the Boat Ramp or lower Radio Tower instead.

On the map, the northern region offers a lot of tactical freedom. Starting at the cove in the early game can give you many benefits, but as the enemy captures Artillery during mid and late-game, it becomes significantly harder. Changing your approach by exploring other perspectives is crucial. Bastion provides a more protective location with fewer attack points, while Helipad offers an outstanding defensive spot though it lacks coverage for troop rotations.

The Interrogation Room, though relatively small, is of great defensive importance. It is used to observe through the western window. You can use it effectively to observe the approach in that direction and cut all sides of the building to keep the enemy at bay and interrupt their movements.

Red Card

The casino’s complex layout is strategically solid. The Inner Stands can be an amicable way to move throughout the map without revealing. Use the climbing points to shift location and gain advantageous tactical play. The ends of the Stands connect with several key locations, such as Club Corsaire, Garage, Back Office, and Broadcasting. The area is an extremely important place to secure on the map.

Transforming the Ticket Office into a strategic defensive position offers several advantages. The northern section boasts impressive vistas of the Stairwell and Security zones, while the southern part gives sightlines over the reception area and upper gallery. With the counters positioned at a lower level, they serve as robust defensive points. Meanwhile, the broadcasting area continues to provide a quick exit route to the central stands, offering an easy escape when needed.

Option A: From the southern gallery and northern security zones, you’ll enjoy panoramic vistas of the Main Entrance. You can reach them using elevators in the Lobby or by taking the upper landings. By securing these locations, you’ll commandeer two of the most extensive regions on the map, significantly boosting your team’s position.


A grand house offers numerous avenues for exploration. From the rooftop, enjoy a wide vista stretching across the landscape, allowing you to spot adversaries without needing binoculars, and then eliminate them stealthily from a concealed position.

Utilize the air ventilation system for a strategic edge against opponents. You can reach this system either through the lift in the living room or by moving the bathroom furniture, which then directs you to the security control panel. Once activated, it will seal off access points towards the Office, limiting your enemies’ mobility.

The lounge boasts a grand piano, not merely for decorative purposes, but as a platform to launch oneself from its lid and clear into the office, using it as a springboard.


The design of the villa offers numerous strategic advantages. The compact structures, with the exception of the Spa, serve well as defensive positions. From their upper levels, you can command the surrounding crossroads and secure sniper shots on approaching enemies. Position your Proximity Alarms thoughtfully to warn you of potential dangers.

The Pool serves as a crucial link among the Vault, Spa, and Gallery. Situated at a lower level, it offers shelter, and the presence of a diving board facilitates quick access to elevated areas during emergencies.

On the north side, Side Street offers excellent conditions for long-distance skirmishes. Make sure to equip a potent telescopic sight to take down foes from afar. Don’t forget to check out the Trophy and Mural House, as they boast ideal vantage points for sniping.

This is everything there is to know about the best Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Maps. To get more insights into the game, you can look at Best Settings for Competitive Play in Black Ops 6 and How to Unlock All Achievements in Black Ops 6.

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  • PS5 Standard Edition
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  • Xbox Vault Edition

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2024-10-30 14:42