Clotilde Jiménez Explores the Togetherness of Sport in ‘The Long Run’

As a seasoned gamer with a penchant for art and a soft spot for stories that delve into societal nuances, I must say, Clotilde Jiménez’s exhibition, “The Long Run,” has truly captivated me. Born and bred in the melting pot of Honolulu, raised in the vibrant chaos of Mexico City, and now gracing the galleries of Paris – Jiménez’s journey mirrors my own love for games, which have taken me on a global adventure through countless virtual realms.

As a gaming enthusiast diving into the art scene, I’ve recently joined the ranks of those captivated by the Olympic spirit – and that’s none other than the talented American artist Clotilde Jiménez! Her latest masterpiece, titled The Long Run, is a testament to her unique collage style as it delves into ideas about motion, self-identity, unity within communities, and the thrilling aspect of competition. It’s a breathtaking journey that art lovers and gamers alike can appreciate!

At Mariane Ibrahim’s Paris gallery, artist Jiménez – born in Honolulu and currently residing in Mexico City – deconstructs the structures of sports. He delves into the shared symbols that emerge within each athlete, examining aspects like gender, personal backgrounds, the communities they identify with, and the nations they represent. Through his collages, Jiménez emphasizes the unity inherent in sports by contrasting different figures and materials. Simultaneously, he highlights the paradox faced by many minority athletes: while they may be marginalized at home, they are celebrated on a global platform.

Jimenez stated, “My thoughts are centered on a team emerging victorious, rather than an individual athlete. This is because most of my sculptures depict multiple faces and movements that collectively create the overall image.”

The Long Run is on view in Paris until September 28, 2024.

Mariane Ibrahim
18 Av. Matignon,
75008 Paris, France

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2024-08-03 01:25