Cookie Run Kingdom: Red Osmanthus Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

  • Red Osmanthus Cookie has a fairly short Cooldown by default.
  • She scales with HP as well as ATK, so try giving her both (similar to Caramel Arrow Cookie).
  • According to her story, “her heart is longing for the attention of one special Cookie” – I like to believe that’s Camellia Cookie.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in the enchanting world of Cookie Run: Kingdom, I must say that Red Osmanthus Cookie has truly stolen my heart (and not just because she plays the pipa). With her unique blend of charm and power, she’s like a symphony of skills that harmoniously dances on the battlefield.

In this tutorial, we’ll be focusing on the Red Osmanthus Cookie, the sibling of Golden Osmanthus Cookie and Red Osmanthus Cookie. She is a cookie with a ranged attack who possesses a distinctive set of abilities. Her skillset bears a resemblance to that of Caramel Arrow Cookie, possibly due to their shared HP scaling.

She has an adorable demeanor and possesses impressive musical skills, mastering the pipa. Let’s delve into the top toppings for a Red Osmanthus Cookie and select some exceptional biscuits that would suit her tastes as well.

About Red Osmanthus Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom

Red Osmanthus Cookie is a
cookie, positioned in the
Middle line.
She is of
quality, and just like Golden Osmanthus Cookie, you can only obtain her from the Gacha, or from the release events.


The Pipa’s Song
Red Osmanthus Cookie plays the pipa and sends a gust of petals, dealing damage and decreasing enemies’ ATK. While using her skill, Red Osmanthus Cookie will increase her own CRIT DMG and deal additional damage with each CRIT hit.
  • Pipa’s Song: 10 sec
  • Single-hit DMG: 108.3% of ATK
  • Single-hit CRIT DMG: 132.3% of ATK + 33.5% of Max HP (Cookies)
  • CRIT DMG: +20.0% for 10 sec; stacks up to x1
  • Enemy ATK: -15.0% for 10 sec; stacks up to x2

The best Toppings for Red Osmanthus Cookie

I believe the best Toppings for Red Osmanthus Cookie are HP ones. You could go for Cooldown or DMG Resist, but you could also go for full HP and find decent substats like HP, Cooldown or ATK.

  • 5x Fragrant Chocolate with Cooldown (mandatory), ATK (mandatory), HP
  • 5x Swift Chocolate with Cooldown (mandatory), ATK (mandatory), HP

Instead, you might want to experiment with a durable character setup using either the Fragrant Almond or Fragrant Caramel toppings. If those don’t appeal, you could opt for Healthy Peanuts, as I did in my playthrough. I enjoy exploring different strategies, and if I discover a more effective build (while playing), I will make sure to revise this guide accordingly.

Red Osmanthus Cookie’s best Beascuit setup

To enhance your Red Osmanthus Cookie, consider pairing it with a Legendary Light Beascuit. If your Beascuit has high HP, prioritize Cooldown toppings, and if your Beascuit has more Cooldown or Attack/Attack Speed, opt for defensive stats on the toppings to make it tankier. Simply put, adjust your topping choices based on the strengths of your Beascuit.

The ideal stats are a mix of the following:

  • Cooldown
  • HP
  • ATK
  • ATK Speed

If you’re intrigued and want to explore more about cookies, don’t forget to peruse our diverse collection of guides! We offer insights on topics like Burning Spice Cookie Toppings, a guide dedicated to Wildberry Cookies, the ideal Toppings for White Lily Cookies, and many more!

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2024-11-21 14:48