DC Dark Legion tier list – Who are the best superheroes?

I seldom come across games that skillfully blend numerous components without skewing too heavily in one area (such as overly gacha-focused ones). However, DC Dark Legion manages to achieve this balance exceptionally well, offering a delightful gaming experience that caters to both casual and intense players alike.

To help you out and streamline things, I’ve put together a DC Dark Legion roster ranking, placing each character from top-tier to those similar to Bazooka Bro and friends.

Just as you’d guess, Superman (as Clark Kent) certainly stands out among the best. However, let’s delve into how the other heroes measure up, shall we?

Gacha-wise, you will have a blast

As a true gacha lover that I consider myself to be, I can honestly say there aren’t a lot of F2P-friendly mobile offerings out there. For this one though, you can make all the Legendary heroes work, and for the most part, you won’t even feel the need to spend money. Of course, you might be tempted to do so when you see the starter bundle, but I’ll cover that in more detail in another article.
Oh, and before you go ahead and summon, make sure you also claim the latest
If you want to have a shortlist of the best heroes to invest in, I’d say go for the following ones:

1 S+ tier

  • Superman
  • The Joker
  • Green Lantern
  • Sinestro

Currently, Superman stands as the best-in-class (creme de la creme), placing him at the top of the Dark Legion rankings. As a melee combatant, he boasts high durability, deals massive damage, and even has an ability to freeze opponents. He possesses all the desirable traits, and when paired with allies from Superman’s family, he will also receive a boost in attack power.

The Joker is a great disabler – he can be a good addition to most teams out there, and so can Green Lantern, but for a different reason (he’s a supporter). Finally, Sinestro has outstanding DPS, so if you feel like you lack damage, try to get him.

It’s also worth mentioning that not all of these heroes could go together that well. For instance, you will need to deploy the ones that can buff each other passively, so try mixing and matching them with some of the A-tier ones.

2 S tier

  • Wonder Woman
  • Green Arrow
  • Mera
  • Poison Ivy
  • Harley Quinn
  • Constantine
  • Zatanna

Wonder Woman is not just a legendary hero; she’s on par with characters like Green Arrow and Mera in terms of status. However, what sets her apart is how strong and simple to enhance she is, making her stand out as an S-tier character. Her ultimate ability allows her to inflict damage on enemies within a conical area and stun them, while her skills make her incredibly durable. To top it off, she can even protect an ally with a shield!

Green Arrow functions as a traditional long-range Damage Per Second (DPS) character. He’s capable of dishing out damage in an area (AoE) as well as targeting individual enemies. Additionally, due to being among the early heroes you acquire, he is simple to enhance and develop further.

Mera stands out as the most effective healer among all. Her ultimate ability can simultaneously heal the entire team, while her skill Healing Waters provides ongoing healing to everyone involved.

3 A tier

  • Batman
  • Aquaman
  • Deathstroke
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Hawkgirl
  • Scarecrow
  • Doctor Fate
  • Raven
  • Black Adam

Batman is a great hero to get – he is a lesser version of Superman in a way (their skills obviously differ, but their positions are similar). He can be obtained for about $2 from the starter pack, and if you want to start off on the right foot by spending a couple of bucks, he is a safe choice.

Doctor Fate is an amazing guardian – he can even be a higher tier if you happen to get a lot of his shards and max him out. He can protect allies and tank quite a bit, and let’s be honest – his design is so good!

4 B tier

  • Red Hood
  • Cyborg
  • Two-Face
  • Lex Luthor
  • Shazam
  • Batgirl
  • Robin
  • Nightwing
  • The Flash

In the B tier, we have some viable heroes that can replace the higher-tier ones. The Flash, for instance, is a decent supporter, but he’s not the best. Not even close. In all honesty, he doesn’t even come close to Mera.

Red Hood is a decent hero for DPS if you get him early on. I personally like him and use him until I manage to get a better one. Robin is an assassin, but when faced with so many enemies, he tends to fall off, especially in the late game.

5 C tier

  • Black Canary
  • Stargirl
  • Bane
  • Red Robin
  • Deadshot
  • The Penguin
  • Atom
  • Captain Cold
  • Killer Croc
  • Vixen
  • Catwoman
  • Patrolman
  • Shield Squad
  • Cross Bar
  • Bazooka Bro
  • Home Fun
  • Good Day AK
  • Bang Bang
  • Gatling Gal
  • Chop Chop
  • Big Boy

All of the heroes that are struggling at the bottom of the Dark Legion tier list are subpar. The Epic ones are a given (you’ll only use them to complete your collection), but the Legendary or Mythic heroes ranked here don’t really bring much to the team. I recommend you avoid using them if possible – you can use them in the early game, but then quickly reset them.

If you’re a Marvel enthusiast like me, we’ve created a list ranking Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC) characters, and if you enjoy playing other gacha games, checking out our Trails of Cold Steel: NW tier list could introduce you to some exciting new possibilities.

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2025-03-17 16:12