Deadpool & Wolverines [SPOILER] Lied Like Andrew Garfield

As a long-time comic book and movie enthusiast, I’ve followed Dafne Keen’s journey as Laura, aka X-23, with great interest since her breakout performance in “Logan.” Her ability to keep her involvement in “Deadpool & Wolverine” under wraps until the final trailer was impressive, reminiscent of Andrew Garfield’s masterful secrecy surrounding his return in “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

Warning! The Following Contains a MAJOR SPOILER from the Final Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer.

Dafne Keen surprised everyone by reprising her role as X-23 in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” following rumors about her return that she had previously denied during her promotional tour for “The Acolyte.” The actress, who convincingly hid the truth on several occasions, now shares her experience of keeping her involvement in the movie a secret. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Keen revealed: “It was quite an adventure hiding my part in ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ from the public! I had a great time playing that game.”

I enjoyed the experience of concealing it. Following the completion of my project, I was required to do numerous interviews for publicity. Everyone inquired about it, allowing me to tell little white lies, which proved amusing.

At the 1:28 mark of the trailer’s conclusion, Logan speaks the words “You’ve got the wrong man,” as a woman with lengthy dark hair departs from him in the forest. However, it is then revealed that Laura, also known as X-23, is the one turning to confront her father. Logan then remarks: “You were the wrong man… until you weren’t.”

I managed to keep X-23’s appearance a secret in “Deadpool & Wolverine” up until now, just like Andrew Garfield might hide something in one of his movies. Fans, if you’re curious and haven’t seen it yet, you can check out the final trailer that was released today.

All the inspo comes from Andrew Garfield. He is the master at this.

Dafne Keen Dishes on Playing Teenage X-23 in Deadpool & Wolverine

I was just as surprised as everyone else when Andrew Garfield’s involvement in “Spider-Man: No Way Home” remained a well-guarded secret. He repeatedly denied any plans to appear in the film, but of course, he eventually joined the cast and gave audiences an amazing surprise. It’s fascinating how well Garfield kept his participation hidden!

As someone who has had the privilege of revisiting childhood memories as a grown-up, I can truly appreciate the depth and complexity of emotions that come with understanding parental rage and loss. In the case of Laura in Logan, her character’s journey struck a chord with me on a personal level.

Keen continued:

I didn’t have to search hard to find her again. She seemed to resurface naturally within me. Before filming as Deadpool, my initial step was undergoing stunt training. Once I donned the suit, it felt like she had returned.

As a passionate gamer, I’m thrilled to share that my favorite X-Men character, Laura, graces the screen in what can undeniably be called the finest X-Men film. However, when last we encountered Laura, she was on an entirely different path. Following her father’s funeral, this young Mutant and her companions braved the border crossing, seeking refuge in their sanctuary. Although it remains uncertain if this is the very same Laura from Logan or a parallel version from Marvel’s multiverse, father and daughter are set to meet again in Deadpool & Wolverine for an emotional reunion.

Deadpool & Wolverine
joins the 2024 summer movie season on July 26.

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2024-07-20 01:35