Drop Troop review – “Run, kill or… die. Alien ver.”

Drop Troop review - "Run, kill or... die. Alien ver."

As a seasoned veteran of the pixelated gaming universe and a connoisseur of all things roguelite, I can confidently say that Drop Troop has become my latest obsession. Now, I’ve played games that have made me want to throw my controller across the room in frustration, but this one… this one almost made me consider giving up on gaming altogether. But alas, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I returned time and again to face those pesky aliens, ready to die a thousand deaths if it meant taking them down with me.

I am a diehard fan of pixel games, but when I say diehard, I don’t mean… literally. Die. Hard. 

In Drop Troop, I initially made the same mistake until I got accustomed to it. Boy, after that, I met my demise more times, but I always ensured to bring down numerous aliens with me. Whenever I engage in a roguelike or roguelite game, I adopt a stern approach: kill relentlessly, die often, and witness the outcome. Today’s Drop Troop review will share an account of this, an account filled with love, loss, and tears – tears that welled up in my eyes as I was just seconds away from being rescued.

Let’s start with the sound and graphics

Before we talk about the gameplay and what makes this game so brilliant to me, we will cover some of the other aspects some of you might consider key in games like this. As I mentioned in my very first sentence, Drop Troop is a pixelated game, but it has amazing animations that are integrated well within the gameplay.

Engaging with the somewhat jerky character movements synced to the rhythmic background music, you’re persistently gripped by an exhilarating sense of adrenaline, either attempting to dodge swarms of alien formations or tackling intricate puzzles.

I’ve repeatedly played through each level countless times, yet never grow tired of the soundtrack. Even with its occasional repetitiveness, it remains thrilling. The music in the game combines elements of electronic music, such as trance and techno, along with some ambient sounds, providing an experience that feels like attending a rave – it’s delightful if you’ve been missing that vibe!

I find the graphics appealing since I’m fond of pixel art games, and I appreciate it when the game’s environment, characters, weapons, and different landscapes are creatively rendered in a distinctive manner.

Drop Troop review - "Run, kill or... die. Alien ver."

The gameplay is fast-paced and unforgiving

Given the genre, one should expect the gameplay to be this fast-paced. However, you need to be prepared, because it IS unforgiving. If you played some
Souls games
, you know that death means starting over. The same principle applies here.

At the outset of a fresh assignment, the duration varies from 4 to 6 minutes based on the specific planet you’re deployed to. You have an opportunity to tackle as many as three missions during this window. Additionally, you can eliminate up to three hives (or monster nests) for bonus compensation.

After finishing every task assigned to you without meeting an untimely end, you’ll eventually be collected by a transport vessel, whisking you off to distant lands. This will grant you the satisfying sight of a message confirming that you have successfully accomplished your mission.

Indeed, there aren’t any enhancements that boost your passive Health Points (HP), Defense (DEF), Attack (ATK), or similar attributes in this game. The initial equipment you choose is crucial as it significantly impacts these stats. Given the rapid pace of each stage, there’s barely a moment to engage the aliens directly. Instead, you need to dodge them by moving in circles, or “kiting” them, and hope that your path doesn’t lead you into more of them.

Drop Troop review - "Run, kill or... die. Alien ver."

You have several loadouts to pick from

As you complete your missions, successfully or unsuccessfully, you will still get some rewards. These rewards are some sort of medals, which you can save up and use in the shop to purchase new weapons, armour, or gadgets.

As an avid gamer, I’ve noticed that each weapon I wield has its unique charging mechanism – some require me to keep moving, while others demand a momentary stillness for recharging. The armor I don, on the other hand, offers a variety of benefits, such as boosting my health points or movement speed, or even leaving a trail that slows down pursuing enemies.

Additionally, let me clarify, among the items at your disposal are drones that can aid you in combat, protective boots, and defensive shields. These gadgets prove useful based on the type of adversaries you encounter, however, they can be challenging to unlock. They come at a high price, but with a few playthroughs, you should be able to afford them.

Drop Troop review - "Run, kill or... die. Alien ver."

There are missions and puzzles too!

Drop Troop has several missions you can find on each map, and some of them can be a little frustrating, especially if you are not someone who dabbles in
puzzle games
. I found the sound one to be the most annoying out of all of them because, for this puzzle, you have to listen to a sequence of keys, and then step on them in that order.

If you happen to miss just one, you are doomed. You can get re-listed to it, but by then, you have lost precious time for your mission. 

Other puzzles include finding the right sequence for some pillars, and my favourite: escorting the scientist. That is no puzzle, but it is a simple mission, and by far one of the easiest ones you can run into. 

As a gamer, I must admit that the hive destruction missions always take me by surprise. These aren’t your typical missions where you can take your time; once you’ve planted the bomb, it’s a mad dash to safety! Avoid the red areas at all costs, because trust me, they won’t be helping you complete the mission faster – in fact, they’ll be quickening your exit from the game, and not in a way that’s good for your character.

In essence, this game is terrific! If you’re fond of the genre and appreciate pixel graphics with a hint of retro vibe, give it a go. It offers some level of replay value, although I must admit, I wished there was more. The fact that it’s easy to jump in for a quick gaming session anytime is commendable.

Should you wish to gain further insights into the game, don’t hesitate to visit the official site of Drop Troop or search for it on Google Play for additional information.

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2024-08-23 10:18