Eternal Evolution tier list – Best heroes by tier

Eternal Evolution tier list - Best heroes by tier
Updated on August 8th, 2024 – Version: 1.0.332 – Added: Daji

After years of playing and experimenting with various characters in this game, I can confidently say that the heroes listed in the A tier are truly exceptional. Randall, for instance, is an absolute powerhouse, capable of dealing massive damage to enemies while buffing his team’s attack. Similarly, Rakkana’s ability to destroy the enemy backline at the start of a battle gives you a significant advantage on the battlefield.

As an avid gamer, I can’t help but be captivated by the thrilling world of Eternal Evolution, a fantasy role-playing game that transports us into the eternal arena of the cosmos. Here, I gather a band of valiant champions and engage in epic battles against formidable opponents from the races of Terrans, Atlantes, and Venfir. These mighty warriors are eager to fight alongside me in my quest for victory. Mastering the skills of the top heroes in Eternal Evolution is crucial for my progress and success within this incredible game.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve seen countless hero tiers lists come and go, but none have been as captivating and well-researched as our very own Eternal Evolution tier list. This comprehensive guide, meticulously compiled by our team, ranks all heroes from the cream of the crop to the mediocre, ensuring you’re always equipped with the most relevant and exciting information for your gaming experience. Trust me, I’ve been there – struggling to find a reliable resource for character rankings. But now, my fellow gamers, you can rejoice in knowing that the wait is over! Dive into our Eternal Evolution tier list and elevate your gameplay to new heights!


Do not forget that the Eternal Evolution tier list is not definitive and you can still play the characters you like, even if they are at the bottom of the list. You can always experiment with characters to see which ones work best for you, and even those that you thought were weak can bring victory if they are put in a well-balanced team.


Eternal Evolution tier list - Best heroes by tier

At the pinnacle of our Everlasting Advancement rankings, you’ll find the top-tier characters who excel in our game. These heroes are exceptionally powerful, boasting minimal weaknesses. Their primary function is to shatter and overwhelm their adversaries.

  • Batou (Time Traveller, Vanguard)
  • Allu (Wenfyr, Support)
  • Elemma (Atlas,Hunter)
  • Bailey Hudson (Terran, Assassin)
  • Samael
  • Daji, Nine-Tailed Mistress
  • Jaina(Terran, Support)
  • Conor, Shaking the Sky
  • Miranda (Terran, Support)
  • EVA-02 & Asuka Shikinami Langley
  • Claire Titanhand (Terran,Vanguard)
  • Mokoto Kusanagi
  • Anpu (Atlas, Summon)
  • Dorally (Terran, Summon)
  • Kareolis
  • Rickert (Awakened)
  • Vazaris
  • Heimdall, the Celestial Overlord
  • Bohr (Wenfyr, Tank)
  • Crete (Wenfyr, Vanguard)
  • Jaxidi, Abyssal Guardian (Atlas, Summon)
  • Helentis (Terran, Assasin)
  • Emma (Terran, Hunter)
  • Hercules (Terran, Tank)
  • Khalazza (Terran, Hunter)
  • Luke (Wenfyr, Energy)
  • Masrani (Atlas, Support)
  • Nadilus (Atlas, Energy)
  • Oak (Atlas, Tank)
  • Rez (Terran, Support)
  • Zander (Atlas, Hunter)
  • Serena (Terran, Support)
  • Ravenna (Terran, Energy)
  • Koraxia
  • Sorietta (Atlas, Energy)
  • Taylor (Wenfyr, Hunter)
  • Fiona (Wenfyr, Support)
  • Zaida (Atlas, Tank)
  • Carabyne
  • Eva-01 & Shinji ikari
  • Leo (Wenfyr, Vanguard)
  • Hagradon
  • Zane, the Adjudicator of Justice
  • Old John (Terran, Hunter)
  • Riserris (Wenfyr, Hunter)

Notes on Bohr

Bohr is one of the best tanks in the game. It can throw enemy heroes and stun them. Bohr is not good at boss hunting but is great in PvP and some story mode chapters. Bohr’s Primal Blood passive skill immediately gains a 15-19% shield of max HP for 6 seconds, making him a bulky contender.

Notes on Emma

Emma Astral Star can be considered an S-tier hunter hero, whose greatest strength lies in her bow. Destroying enemies with her bow, she delivers big, powerful hits to the target. Her strength is so great that she can easily take down enemies who have a good defense and plenty of hit points. Emma is perfect for teams that are used for farming. She will help you to get through dungeons like Deesa or the Ancient Altar very quickly.

Notes on Serena

Serena the Battle Angel is an S-tier list support hero. One of her strengths is single-target healing for her teammates. She is a very useful hero who will be able to keep her ally tanks alive without issue. The only small inconvenient thing about this hero is that she does not have enough AoE healing to heal an entire team.


Eternal Evolution tier list - Best heroes by tier

Characters in the A-tier are nearly as exceptional as those in the S-tier, but they fall short due to small imperfections that hinder their potential for greatness.

  • Barrog (Wenfyr, Vanguard)
  • Liran (Wenfyr, Support)
  • Rebecca
  • Eren (Atlas, Assasin)
  • Nagrama(Atlas, Energy)
  • Skeno, Mad Bomber
  • Frenzy(Terran Energy)
  • Theon
  • Muka (Wenfyr, Vanguard)
  • Kain Karak (Terran, Energy)
  • Motoko Kusanagi (Time Traveller, Assassin)
  • Poluno (Atlas, Energy)
  • Daniel (Terran, Summon)
  • Azena (Terran, Hunter)
  • Moriami (Wenfyr, Hunter)
  • Rakkana (Wenfyr, Assassin)
  • Randall (Terran, Assassin)
  • Botta (Wenfyr, Support)
  • Amat (Atlas, Summon)
  • Arcadia (Wenfyr, Hunter)
  • Sorvaley (Wenfyr Summon)
  • Purin Esaki (Time Traveller, Support)
  • Rickert (Atlas, Assassin)
  • Nordthion (Atlas, Energy)
  • Sif (Wenfyr, Summon)
  • Pandemonium (Terran, Tank)
  • Tachikoma (Time Traveller, Tank)
  • Guan Yu (Terran, Vanguard)
  • Nero
  • EVA-08β & Mari Makinami Illustrious
  • Kanis
  • Nabeela
  • EVA-06 & Kaworu Nagisa
  • EVA-00′ & Rei Ayanami
  • Dominic (Terran, Assassin)
  • Womigon (Atlas, Tank)

Notes on Randall

Randall is considered an excellent DPS character, smashing everyone and everything in his path. Despite his assassin class, many people make Randall a tank by giving him HP and armour. The reason why you should pay attention to this hero is that he buffs his and his team’s attack.

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Notes on Rakkana

A strong character who does good damage to enemies. At the start of the battle, he attacks the opponent’s back lines and lands a few well-aimed strikes, destroying most of the back line. After creating havoc, it’s much easier to get complete control of the battlefield.


Eternal Evolution tier list - Best heroes by tier

Characters from Tier B possess an average level of power. They aren’t weak, but they don’t stand out as exceptional either. These characters work well as backup or additional reinforcements, but they might not be ideal as the primary forces in a battle.

  • Aniruddha (Atlas, Support)
  • Artemis
  • Taresh (Wenfyr, Tank)
  • Prigor (Wenfyr, Hunter)
  • Artas (Atlas, Vanguard)
  • Skooer&Hatty (Atlas, Summon)
  • Bot Mark II (Terran, Hunter)
  • Hyupnos (Atlas, Support)
  • Shenwei (Wenfyr, Summon)
  • Langel (Wenfyr, Tank)
  • Murphyro (Atlas, Energy)
  • Oisa (Terran, Tank)
  • Na Feng (Wenfyr, Tank)
  • Vegnus (Atlas, Tank)

Notes on Artas

Artas is a pretty good character, who can kill enemies of average difficulty. It is worth remembering his unique abilities. Artas chooses one enemy within his range and deals damage equal to 640% of his defense, putting the enemy in vengeance state for nine seconds. Enemies in the revenge state will become main targets for Artas and have their damage decreased by 8% and each 5% HP lost will further decrease the damage of the enemy by 1% for up to 15%.

Notes on Hyupnos

Hyupnos is a good character who will be a great support on the battlefield. His power surge casts an Arcane spill to suppress an enemy. The suppressed enemy cannot use any actions for three seconds making them almost useless. During the process, it will continue to deal significant damage to the enemy, which is convenient.


Eternal Evolution tier list - Best heroes by tier

In this level, it’s best not to invest your efforts and assets on these characters because they contribute little during battles. They merely fill a spot that could be better utilized by a more valuable character.

  • Kar’Maw (Wenfyr, Energy)
  • Kuite (Atlas, Tank)
  • Omar (Terran, Energy)
  • Orn (Terran, Energy)

Notes on Omar

He could be described as a pretty good hero that would definitely help you in the early stages of the game. However, he is not likely to help you when you are already in the end game.


This was the complete Eternal Evolution tier list. We hope that we have highlighted a lot of useful information for you and helped you choose a hero you like and will bring you victory. Be sure to visit us again, because the tier list will be updated all the time as soon as new updates and heroes appear in the game. And make sure to give a quick glance at the Eternal Evolution codes .

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2024-08-08 12:18