Updated on August 8th, 2024
Version: 2.67.0
As a seasoned traveler through the realm of Fate Grand Order, I can confidently say that this game has taught me more than just how to summon heroes and conquer quests. It’s a lesson in patience, strategy, and the power of the unexpected!
Fate Grand Order, a widely recognized turn-based role-playing game (and a dominant figure in the gacha genre), is derived from the Fate intellectual property, created by Nasu Kinoko, which has gained widespread recognition since 2004 and garnered a dedicated fanbase within the Nasuverse. It stands out for its extensive development beyond its original Nasuverse, offering an entirely new narrative with numerous climactic moments that culminate in enjoyable pay-offs and challenging boss fights. This experience is enriched by its vibrant collection of characters.
As a fellow enthusiast, if you’re on the hunt for additional character rankings inspired by the Fate universe, I’d highly recommend checking out our meticulously crafted Battle Cats x Fate Stay/Night tier list! Enjoy the crossover fun!
After handling everything, let’s dive into our Grand Order and reclaim the destiny of mankind. Just press the large blue button situated beneath.
Original article by Anderson Han, updated by Mihail Katsoris.
1 SSS tier – Best characters in FGO
– Being able to freely switch the typing of her formidable NP – Edin Shugurra Quasar allows her to synergize well with any team, coupled with naturally high damage output (thanks to multiple buffs by her own skill set and 1.1x damage modifier courtesy of her class) and an instant 50% NP charge makes her top tier. Well, not at the very top of the FGO tier list, but a close second place.
– AoE Buster NP servant with a unique gimmick, allowing him to deal godly damage (pun intended) directly proportional to the number of debuffs stacked on enemies with his 1st skill. His powerful NP – Mahapralaya further reduces enemies’ resistance to any attacks of Buster type. His 2nd skill bolsters his Buster face cards’ critical damage to finish off any singular tough enemies.
– Her 3rd skill casts a party-wise NP overcharge (along it is a nice little 10% NP charge), while her AoE NP – Beautiful Journey deals significant damage, it also provides a party-wide 20% NP charge. To top it all off, her 1st skill makes her NP spammable as it provides a 20% self-charge for 3 turns consecutively. All in all, a compact NP battery can deal serious damage if needed.
– A ST NP servant with an impressive 50% NP charge, excellent at dealing with singular mobs with high HP in farming stages in events or raid-boss style farming stage (seen in Lady Reine’s Case File Events and Rashomon for instance).
– She offers a party-wide 10% NP charge and a targetable 20% NP charge to an ally. It comes with a targetable invincibility buff that can withstand two hits for 3 turns with her 3rd skill. Her NP – Unspoken Formation offers a unique buff to your allies that negates any class disadvantage to your allies, meaning your Lancer won’t take super-effective damage from a sabre.
– Her Skill Cooldown Reduction by 1 makes her beloved (along with her floof). She provides this via her NP – Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu, along with continuous healing and decent party-wide NP charge. She functions well in an Arts team as her 3rd skill provides an Arts damage-up buff. Her 1st skill stalls enemies by decreasing their NP charge by 1. She’s a very good team support who provides consistent healing by NP looping, her NP is also invaluable as it can reduce the skill cooldown of your allies by 1, which is a rare commodity.
– A support servant that provides one of the best Buster performance buffs to her fellow allies with her NP – Eternal Mirror that Models the Celestial Bodies, alongside the appreciated NP overcharge 2 stages. Her skill kit is self-sufficient as it cranks up critical damage output for her regular Buster cards, coupled with the imperative crit star generation buff bestowed upon her allies to secure a constant source of critical stars. True to her lore, she comes with the anti-demonic beast quirk and is ideal for a demonic class of servants/bosses.
– The staple of any team, his skillset provides an abundance of utility, with the NP charge to your ally servants (50% to a single servant, 20% to every servant) along with valuable damage and defence buffs. To add to his arsenal, his NP has a high chance to disable enemies for a turn by stunning them with the added advantage of lowering their NP gauge by 1. Perfect for any tough challenge quests. Players commonly bring along two for farming (one from a support servant, the other one under the player’s ownership).
– The best Rider-class AoE damage dealer in this roster, suitable for farming and high-end difficulty quests. He can also act as a makeshift defence thanks to his taunt skill that directs all attacks toward him for one turn.
– Deals impressive AoE damage, and while she may not perform much in the current meta, she is poised to receive multiple game-changing buffs in the future that make her absolutely top tier. Also a bonus point for being the poster girl.
– His skill set makes him a particularly excellent ST damage dealer who can fare well against all kinds of bulky foes in Challenge Quests, particularly enemies with the Divine trait as his NP stuns them. He has high sustainability as one of his skills can heal a whopping 10000 HP and debuff removal to keep him healthy. He can amplify his Buster/Quick/Arts damage output with his skill. Just like Jack the Ripper, his high hit counts allow him to support the team by generating a surplus amount of critical stars.
– A very powerful ST damage dealer with good NP gain, ideal for taking down bulky foes and is more effective on females – true to her lore. Her high hit counts can indirectly support the party by generating an enormous amount of critical stars. In challenge quests, she can also dispel buffs from a tough enemy. Lastly, she can also serve as a healer thanks to her skill that restores a chunk of HP to an ally.
– A strong ST damage dealer that can self-charge NP by a whopping 80% while buffing allies to let them gain NP more easily. Her skill can taunt enemies and make her a punching bag. Ideal for content with a tough Assassin boss.
– A great AoE damage dealer ideal for farming situations thanks to her self-charging NP by 50%. Her skill offers good NP damage and Attack buffs to support allies offensively.
– Deals high AoE damage thanks to self-buffs her skill kit provides. Ideal for farming situations, her skill can generate critical stars on the spot to support the team. In the future, Artoria is the superior option but nevertheless, she is still good in her own right.
– An AoE damage dealer primarily used for farming content, Even in hard content, any team appreciates the 60% chance to stun with her NP, as well as 20% NP charge and debuff removal to an ally as support.
– A bulky supporter thanks to her class as a ruler. Her NP provides a party-wide invincibility and is instrumental for a lot of challenge quests that require endurance.
2 5* characters
– Being able to freely switch the typing of her formidable NP – Edin Shugurra Quasar allows her to synergize well with any team, coupled with naturally high damage output (thanks to multiple buffs by her own skill set and 1.1x damage modifier courtesy of her class) and an instant 50% NP charge makes her top tier. Well, not at the very top of the FGO tier list, but a close second place.
– AoE Buster NP servant with a unique gimmick, allowing him to deal godly damage (pun intended) directly proportional to the number of debuffs stacked on enemies with his 1st skill. His powerful NP – Mahapralaya further reduce enemies’ resistance to any attacks of Buster type. His 2nd skill bolsters his Buster face cards’ critical damage to finish off any singular tough enemies.
– Her 3rd skill casts a party-wise NP overcharge (along it is a nice little 10% NP charge), while her AoE NP – Beautiful Journey deals significant damage, it also provides a party-wide 20% NP charge. To top it all off, her 1st skill makes her NP spammable as it provides a 20% self-charge for 3 turns consecutively. All in all, a compact NP battery can deal serious damage if needed.
– A ST NP servant with an impressive 50% NP charge, excellent at dealing with singular mobs with high HP in farming stages in events or raid-boss style farming stage (seen in Lady Reine’s Case File Events and Rashomon for instance).
– She offers a party-wide 10% NP charge and a targetable 20% NP charge to an ally. It comes with a targetable invincibility buff that can withstand two hits for 3 turns with her 3rd skill. Her NP – Unspoken Formation offers a unique buff to your allies that negates any class disadvantage to your allies, meaning your Lancer won’t take super-effective damage from a sabre.
– Her Skill Cooldown Reduction by 1 makes her beloved (along with her floof). She provides this via her NP – Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu, along with continuous healing and decent party-wide NP charge. She functions well in an Arts team as her 3rd skill provides an Arts damage-up buff. Her 1st skill stalls enemies by decreasing their NP charge by 1. She’s a very good team support that provides consistent healing by NP looping, her NP is also invaluable as it can reduce the skill cooldown of your allies by 1, which is a rare commodity.
– A support servant that provides one of the best Buster performance buffs to her fellow allies with her NP – Eternal Mirror that Models the Celestial Bodies, alongside the appreciated NP overcharge 2 stages. Her skill kit is self-sufficient as it cranks up critical damage output for her regular Buster cards, coupled with the imperative crit star generation buff bestowed upon her allies to secure a constant source of critical stars. True to her lore, she comes with the anti-demonic beast quirk and is ideal for a demonic class of servants/bosses.
– The staple of any team, his skillset provides an abundance of utility, with the NP charge to your ally servants (50% to a single servant, 20% to every servant) along with valuable damage and defence buffs. To add to his arsenal, his NP has a high chance to disable enemies for a turn by stunning them with the added advantage of lowering their NP gauge by 1. Perfect for any tough challenge quests. Players commonly bring along two for farming (one from a support servant, the other one under the player’s ownership).
– The best Rider-class AoE damage dealer in this roster, suitable for farming and high-end difficulty quests. He can also act as a makeshift defence thanks to his taunt skill that directs all attacks toward him for one turn.
– Deals impressive AoE damage, and while she may not perform much in the current meta, she is poised to receive multiple game-changing buffs in the future that make her absolutely top tier. Also a bonus point for being the poster girl.
– His skill set makes him a particularly excellent ST damage dealer that can fare well against all kinds of bulky foes in Challenge Quests, particularly enemies with the Divine trait as his NP stuns them. He has high sustainability as one of his skills can heal a whopping 10000 HP and debuff removal to keep him healthy. He can amplify his Buster/Quick/Arts damage output with his skill. Just like Jack the Ripper, his high hit counts allow him to support the team by generating a surplus amount of critical stars.
– A very powerful ST damage dealer with good NP gain, ideal for taking down bulky foes and is more effective on females – true to her lore. Her high hit counts can indirectly support the party by generating an enormous amount of critical stars. In challenge quests, she can also dispel buffs from a tough enemy. Lastly, she can also serve as a healer thanks to her skill that restore a chunk of HP to an ally.
– A strong ST damage dealer that can self-charge NP by a whopping 80% while buffing allies to let them gain NP more easily. Her skill can taunt enemies and make her a punching bag. Ideal for content with a tough Assassin boss.
– A great AoE damage dealer ideal for farming situations thanks to her self-charge NP by 50%. Her skill offers good NP damage and Attack buffs to support allies offensively.
– Deals high AoE damage thanks to self-buffs her skill kit provides. Ideal for farming situations, her skill can generate critical stars on the spot to support the team. In the future, Artoria is the superior option but nevertheless, she is still good in her own right.
– An AoE damage dealer primarily used for farming content, Even in hard content, any team appreciates the 60% chance to stun with her NP, as well as 20% NP charge and debuff removal to an ally as support.
– A bulky supporter thanks to her class as a ruler. Her NP provides a party-wide invincibility and is instrumental for a lot of challenge quests that require endurance.
3 4* characters
Some of the 4* characters are just as good as the 5* ones, if not better than some. They can be found and upgraded just like the others and can be crucial in some specific instances. FGO contains some of the most difficult boss fights throughout the story mode, as you may know by now. In addition, challenge quests are frequently found in many events and contain lucrative in-game rewards. Let’s take a look at all the 4* servants and how each one performs against these high-end difficulty quests, including story boss fights, memorial quests and challenge quests – let’s take a look at the FGO tier list of the 4* servants!
– Her high instant-death rate towards waves of mobs makes her AoE NP – Anpu Neb Ta Djeser a formidable tool for clearing waves of mobs, perfect for the daily farming quests, coupled with a whopping 120% NP charge that allows her to fire off her NP instantly
– Starter with solid support skills. Her skill set and NP – Lord Camelot is oriented to exclusively boosts your allies’ defences to sky-high levels. Her second skill provides a targetable invincible buff to protect your ally from danger for a turn. Her 3rd skill taunts enemies, making her a good punching bag thanks to her one-and-only Shielder class that renders attacks from other classes neutral.
– A welfare servant whose damage department goes beyond ultra, can indirectly support the team with the best critical star generation with how easy it is to form Quick chains. His high hit count and great NP gain make it possible to spam his mighty NP – Golden Drive again and again, especially with how easy it is to unlock his NP’s maximum potential.
– Second welfare in this list whose damage potential tops even the highest rarity. She is capable of spamming NP – Tripe Cane Wings readily with her 2 Arts face card with a staggering 6 hit counts, good NP gain and 3rd skill providing an instant 50% NP charge. All while dealing exceptional critical damage.
4 3*,2 * and 1* characters
Don’t be surprised that some lower-rarity characters can rank this high! We have characters such as Arash and Chen Gong who easily place in the SS tier thanks to their versatility and downright insane AoE damage. These servants rank better than most of the 4* ones and are fairly easy to obtain. You will most likely obtain most of them through the regular gacha, as their rates as much higher than the other characters – especially the 5-star characters. They might not be at the top of the tier list for Fate Grand Order, but you should definitely not neglect them.
His NP – Stella has a built-in multiplier, bolstering his neutral damage capable of clearing waves of mobs in one fell swoop while trading his life in return. Thus providing a free switch-in for your backline servants. His 3rd skill provides his own self 30% NP charge.
– His NP – Kikaku Ichijin works similarly to Arash (high neutral damage, though slightly behind Arash) with the caveat of knocking out one servant (by default, your first servant present in the team will be killed) and provide a free switch-in. In addition, he provides a party-wide 10% NP charge, along with a defence buff to bulk up your team. His 3rd skill aids Berserker class servants with a Buster damage up.
– Versatile support character bringing significant value for its rarity. His NP – Marchen Meines Lebens provides attack, defence, and healing per turn and a Critical Star drop rate to every ally. He more than makes up for the low accuracy of the NP’s buffs by being able to consistently cast his NP thanks to his high NP gain and 2nd skill that offers an instant 75% NP charge.
5 Fate Grand Order reroll guide
To get off to a great start when playing this game, you might find it beneficial to contemplate re-rolling your character selection at the outset, a practice common among players of gacha games. A guide for FGO rerolling can help walk you through the process and advise on which characters are worth keeping. Let’s jump right in!
Part 1
During the initial stages of the game, you’ll have an opportunity to reroll for the first time, specifically during the tutorial phase. This tutorial event will grant you ten characters, but remember that the maximum rarity you can obtain is 4-star. Among these 4-star characters are: Marie Antoinette (Rider), EMIYA (Archer), Siegfried (Saber), Chevalier d’Eon (Saber), Heracles (Berserker), Stheno (Assassin), Carmilla (Assassin), Tamamo Cat (Berserker), Elisabeth Bathory (Lancer), and Martha (Rider).
Aim to secure a minimum of two four-star characters, ideally accompanied by an additional high-quality character of lower rarity. You are allowed to repeatedly attempt this tutorial draw without charge until you get the desired character.
Part 2
After completing your tutorial draw (which should have netted you at least two 4-star characters), it’s now time to proceed to the actual summoning process. At this stage, there isn’t much more to explain as the entire rerolling process essentially revolves around the tutorial draw. From hereon, you’ll be accumulating quartz for normal and special summons. Save these up until you encounter a gacha pool containing one of your preferred servants, but remember that the odds of obtaining a 5-star servant are quite low.
The best approach?
It might be more advantageous to enhance the lower-ranked 4-star servants from our FGO tier list at this time, rather than spending a significant amount of effort on account transfers and the like. Since there are numerous opportunities to obtain Quartz during special events, it’s suggested that you continue with your gacha pulls for now.
What characters to reroll for in FGO
The best 4* characters to reroll for are:
- Heracles
- Carmilla
If you manage to grab hold of all three, it’s highly recommended that you activate and secure your account, as you’re well-positioned for achieving success!
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