Former Netflix Executives Launch New Firm to Revolutionize Hollywood’s Business Affairs!

In an era where total agreements are dwindling and operational costs are on the rise, a novel law firm staffed by ex-Netflix employees has emerged to guide Hollywood through this continuously evolving landscape.

In the spring of 2024, Liz Polk, Kate O’Connor, and Andrew Randone, who had worked together in Netflix’s film team handling legal matters for several years, established BALA Firm. This move came after the surge of content creation during the pandemic years, as an abundance of capital led to numerous new production companies emerging, with studios and streaming platforms clamoring for fresh content. However, with production volumes decreasing, the paths to screens becoming uncertain, and studios focusing on mergers and restructuring, internal business and legal affairs departments are not currently a top concern for many operations.

Polk mentions that he observed many of the same companies we’ve been funding films with for years, struggling to figure out what their future business model would be. He noticed a lot of people reorganizing their departments and having trouble finding suitable candidates for business affairs positions, as they couldn’t easily reach out to senior-level professionals.

Offering an alternative perspective, O’Connor questions, “If your workload tends to fluctuate, should everyone be on-site, full-time? Or would a more adaptable approach be more beneficial?” Here, we’re referring to BALA (Business and Legal Affairs) department.

During its brief period in operation, BALA has collaborated with mid-sized corporations (with clients such as Confluential Films, PictureStart, and Fifth Season’s film division) and independent producers. Beyond the ordinary business and legal matters, BALA manages a wide range of tasks, from brokering talent contracts to production agreements. Moreover, this firm extends its services across various mediums including television, podcasting, and other forms of media.

2015 marked the beginning of Polk, O’Connor, and Randone’s collaboration at Netflix, when their office space was still in Beverly Hills and their movie lineup primarily consisted of Adam Sandler productions. In a brief span, this team, who had backgrounds at firms like MGM, DreamWorks, and IM Global (now AGC), witnessed the surge of original content that encompassed both the rom-com renaissance and critically acclaimed film festival favorites.

According to Randone, having learned from our early days at Netflix about scaling various sectors, we are now able to guide clients on a journey from creating a single project to managing a full slate and growing their teams. Whether complementing an existing in-house team or standing in as a substitute, BALA collaborates with and bridges different departments such as finance, production, and creative, to establish workflows and strategic plans.

Besides our initial investors, BALA comprises former Netflix employees Joel Goldberg, Karyn Edwards, and Kim Rocque, along with associate Zach Crane and assistant Avory Johnson.

According to Polk, the role of BALA is intended to facilitate the growth of medium-sized, autonomous film and television production companies. This would enable them to produce quality content without relying too much on financial assistance from larger studios.

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2025-03-06 00:54