How to Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

As an experienced adventurer, I’ve faced many formidable foes in my journey through Black Myth: Wukong, but none quite as intriguing as the elusive Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw. Residing in the Snake Trail Shrine of Bamboo Grove, this optional boss may have a shorter health bar and fewer tricks up his sleeve compared to others, but his electric attacks and quick reaction time make him a worthy adversary indeed!

Living at the Snake Trail Sanctuary within the Bamboo Forest, Lang-Li is often referred to as the brother of Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang. Though this optional adversary boasts a smaller health gauge and fewer elaborate maneuvers, its electric attacks coupled with swift reflexes can inflict substantial harm.

Every time I face off against Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong, I’ve found that a well-planned strategy is key to victory. This guide aims to enlighten you on how to outsmart this formidable foe.

Where is Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong?

To find Lang-Li-Guuh-Baw, first, you’ll need to deal with the Lingxuzi boss. Then, make your way towards the Snake Trail Shrine. After turning left, you’ll come across a river. At this point, the road divides into two paths. Take the path that runs counter to the snake-like guards and you will eventually reach Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw.

You’ll find that this extra boss doesn’t have a cutscene, which means it won’t be prepared for your attack at the start. This can be beneficial.

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s Offensive Strategy

Unlike many other bosses in the game, Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw doesn’t have a wide variety of attacks; instead, he has only 11 moves at his disposal. This works to your advantage as most of his attacks are repetitive, making it easier for you to grasp and predict his strategies more quickly.

In other words, Lang-Li possesses powerful tongue swipes and electric assaults, which can be used in close combat or from a distance. These attacks have two effects: they can momentarily stun you for further action, or inflict significant damage instead.

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s Most Common Attacks

To effectively respond to Lang-Li’s assaults, it’s crucial that you become adept at identifying his tactics. Here are some frequent strategies he tends to employ:

  • Lightning Tongue Whip: Typically used during the second phase, after he loses some health, he’ll attack you with his electrified tongue in a straight direction. Countering it is fairly easy, as you just have to dodge left or right.
  • Hop: As the name suggests, Lang-Li will hop twice towards you. If you’re underneath him during the attack, you’ll face consequences. To counter this move, dodge forward in his direction during his second hop. Once he lands, dash back to gain a window to attack him.
  • Back Kicks: If you stand directly behind Lang-Li, he can kick you back with both his feet to stun you—and follow up with a second attack. Generally, countering his moves does require you to stand behind him, but you should maintain a distance. Staying too close will earn you a back-kick from Lang-Li.
  • Tongue Grab: The frog turns its head to the right for a split second and follows up with an electrified tongue sweep toward you to pull you in its mouth. To counter this, dodge forward.
  • Electrical Orbs: The boss throws multiple electrical orbs forward; these can come from various angles. A good indicator is to look out for his throat glowing yellow. To counter this offense, maintain a reasonable distance from Lang-Li.
  • Electrical Burst: Standing on its rear legs and thumping his stomach, Lang-Li roars while looking towards the sky. This is where multiple areas on the pond turn slightly yellow—indicating an attack. Lighting bolts will start to pour down, dodge towards the boss to stay safe from them, and follow up with a counter. If you’re not close to Lang-Li, dodge-roll towards the left or right when the area nearby sparks yellow.

Every assault has the potential to either knock you unconscious or hurt you. However, these particular attacks pose a greater threat compared to others.

How to Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

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If you don’t strike first in the battle, Lang-Li will initiate his rapid-fire assault moves. In addition to the swift tongue attack, he’ll employ a mix of close-quarter and long-distance attacks, such as leaping towards you or using his back kicks.

If you’ve reviewed the list provided, it should be quite simple to evade these assaults. As you dodge or counter, aim to approach the optional boss. Once you get close enough, feel free to inflict damage on him. You’ll have your Immobilize Spell at hand, but it’s best not to use it during the early stages of the battle as Lang-Li won’t employ his electrical attacks yet in those phases.

After he implements these tactics, feel free to employ the defensive strategies mentioned earlier, as they are applicable in various situations as well. To regain the advantage, strive to narrow the distance between you and your adversary.

When you detect his electric attacks, cast your Freeze Spells on him. This tactic not only extends the duration of the spell but also offers you an extended period to unleash powerful strikes.

As I’ve shared before, the most effective strategy against that quirky, frog-like boss is to hang back a bit. However, it’s essential to note that this boss isn’t just a sitter; he’s got some powerful moves up his sleeve. But here’s the catch: if you time your dodge perfectly, you might just find an opportunity to strike back!

  • Back-Kicks
  • Tongue Sweeps
  • Physical Combos

In comparison to the optional boss, you’ll find its health meter is smaller, implying it’s less challenging. We advise conserving most of your resources for upcoming tougher battles rather than exhausting them here.

Rewards For Defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw

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2024-09-02 13:12