How to Get Over Ranked Anxiety in League of Legends?

How to Get Over Ranked Anxiety in League of Legends?

As a veteran summoner with over 5000 games under my belt, I can attest to the gripping anxiety that League of Legends ranked matches can induce. The pressure to perform, the fear of losing precious League Points (LP), and the dread of facing toxic teammates have all left me quaking before the queue screen more times than I care to admit.

Playing League of Legends often triggers feelings of exhilaration and apprehension among players, particularly during ranked matches. Numerous summoners sometimes feel reluctant to join ranked games because they are worried about losing ranking points, encountering abusive team members, or underperforming.

Ranked anxiety can sometimes limit a player’s progress and pleasure derived from the game. Yet, adopting the right perspective and tactics can help conquer this fear and flourish in the competitive setting. Some players might contemplate League of Legends boosting as a quick solution to higher ranks, but it’s crucial to understand that genuine development stems from self-improvement and tackling challenges directly.

In this manual, we delve into strategies that can help you overcome the stress associated with ranked play in League of Legends and boost your self-assurance throughout your ranked experience.

Changing Your Perspective on Ranked Games

In League of Legends, the source of stress often comes from multiple aspects such as apprehension about losing, the need to excel, and worry over teammates’ criticisms. It’s essential to acknowledge that these emotions are common among many players, including those at higher levels. Identifying the underlying causes of your anxiety is key to conquering it effectively.

A helpful approach to lessen your concerns about ranked play could be to change how you perceive these competitive matches. Understand that ranked contests adhere to the same Summoner’s Rift guidelines and functions as regular ones. The main distinction lies in the League Points (LP) earned or lost at the conclusion. Attempt to regard ranked games as chances for development and applying strategies learned from normal matches.

Rather than focusing solely on whether you win or lose, place emphasis on the educational experience and your own progress. This method can help reduce stress and make ranked matches more enjoyable. Set personal objectives for each match, like enhancing your CS count, map understanding, or trading effectively in lanes. By doing this, you’ll find something beneficial in every game, no matter the final result.

Setting Goals and Managing Your Mindset

Setting definite, achievable aims for each competitive game can offer direction and minimize stress. These targets might be as straightforward as consistently farming well throughout the game or implementing a particular strategy against your rival in the lane. As you accomplish these smaller victories, your self-assurance will increase, making ranked matches seem less intimidating.

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As a passionate League of Legends player, I always strive to keep my spirits high throughout every match, regardless of the twists and turns it takes. Instead of dwelling on errors or letting rude teammates bring me down, I choose to focus on what’s within my control and find ways to help flip the game in our favor. And let’s not forget, comebacks are an essential part of League of Legends – so never lose hope!

Your physical state can significantly impact your mental state during ranked games. Ensure you’re comfortable before queuing up – consider factors like room temperature, hydration, and even background music. Taking deep breaths or short breaks between games can also help reset your mindset and reduce anxiety.

Embracing the Learning Process

Every competitive game includes the possibility of losing. Instead of being scared of losses, consider them as opportunities to learn. Examine your performance after every game, focusing on spots where you can enhance your skills. By adopting this forward-thinking strategy, you can turn defeats from sources of anxiety into stepping stones for personal development.

Focus more on tracking your growth through multiple games instead of dwelling too much on each individual match’s outcome. Be proud of minor advancements in your abilities, strategic choices, and overall gaming understanding. Adopting a broader outlook can help reduce the stress caused by immediate results and maintain your enthusiasm to carry on playing and enhancing your skills.

Think about capturing your gaming sessions or utilizing the replay function to critically assess your gameplay. This practice enables you to spot recurring tendencies in your play, whether beneficial or detrimental, and pinpoint specific aspects that need refinement. Additionally, sharing these replays with seasoned players or mentors can offer constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.


Adopting these tactics and fostering a mindset geared towards growth will help you progressively conquer the fear associated with ranked play in League of Legends. Keep in mind that the path to self-improvement is equally significant as reaching your goal. Instead, concentrate on your personal development, and you’ll discover that you’re not just overcoming your apprehensions but also scaling the ranked ladder with renewed assurance. View each game as a chance to learn and advance, and soon enough, ranked matches will transform from a source of worry into an exhilarating challenge.

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2024-09-10 18:42