How To Remove Rocks and Boulders in Satisfactory

How To Remove Rocks and Boulders in Satisfactory

As a seasoned Satisfactory player who has spent countless hours navigating the game’s rugged terrain, I can’t help but appreciate this comprehensive guide on dealing with those pesky rocks and boulders that often hinder my construction progress.

In Satisfactory, a flat landscape simplifies construction as it eliminates the challenge posed by uneven ground. However, rocks and boulders are common environmental elements that may pose problems by hindering construction spots or obstructing routes to fresh biomes and concealed treasures.

In this article, you’ll discover effective strategies for getting rid of rocks and boulders, enabling a smoother production process in the game Satisfactory.

How To Remove Rocks and Boulders in Satisfactory

In the game, there are various rocks and boulders that may hinder your building plans. Some are merely inconvenient while others act as solid obstacles. Each kind of rock or boulder has a distinct look, enabling you to distinguish between those that can be removed and those that should be circumvented or incorporated into your structure design.

How To Remove Rocks and Boulders in Satisfactory

Broken stones, particularly those with noticeable fissures, make the best choices for removal. These substantial stones display obvious splits, indicating they are prone to breaking. They are often found in places obstructing essential resources or construction sites. Smaller stones may not show cracks, but they too can be safely moved aside.

As a gamer, here’s the lowdown: Now that you’ve got the hang of things, let me share a trick or two about dealing with those blastable rocks and boulders. The key item for the job is the Nobelisk Detonator – it gives you access to some serious explosives.

With this device, you can shatter various types of rocks and large stones, excluding those that remain uncracked. The Nobelisk Detonator and its explosives are linked to the sulfur research branch within the MAM. Here’s how to access them:

  • Locate sulfur nodes in the world and mine them. Sulfur is a key ingredient for many explosives and is necessary to progress through the research chain. You can also find sulfur deposits by scanning with your resource scanner.
  • Once you’ve gathered ten sulfur, the next step is to unlock Black Powder, which is required to craft explosives. This will require you to gather 50 sulfur and 25 coal. Once unlocked, black powder can be crafted in the Equipment Workshop or an assembler.
  • After unlocking Black Powder, the next step is unlocking the Nobelisk Detonator, which allows you to craft and use Nobelisk explosives. This requires:
    • 50 Black Powder
    • 100 Steel Pipes
    • 200 Cables

To create the detonator and explosives, it’s essential that your factory has advanced enough technologically, as steel pipes are available for use only at Tier 3.

After being opened, you’ll be able to create Red Nobelisk Charges, these serve as explosives for breaking up cracked rocks. Although more sophisticated versions of the Nobelisk exist through additional research, the fundamental charge is adequate for demolishing terrain. Here’s how to utilize Nobelisk Explosives:

  • Craft several basic Nobelisk charges at the Equipment Workshop. These charges are your ammunition for the detonator.
  • Equip the detonator in your equipment slot, and press the reload button (R) to load a charge. If you’ve crafted variants, you can hold the button to switch between different charge types.

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  • Aim the detonator at the rocks or boulders you want to destroy, and press the left mouse button to throw a Nobelisk charge. Holding down the button increases the throwing distance.
  • The charge will stick to whatever it hits. You can throw multiple charges and detonate them simultaneously by pressing the right mouse button. This will trigger a chain of explosions.

Nobelisk charges have the ability to deal with fissured rocks, vegetation, and environmental threats such as gas pillars. However, use them cautiously, as they can inadvertently eliminate trees and shrubs without yielding any resources. Additionally, they are useful in combat, causing harm to adversarial beings.

How To Remove Rocks and Boulders in Satisfactory

Instead, gigantic, undamaged rocks tell a different tale. These colossal geological features boast seamless, indestructible surfaces, making them permanent landmarks within the game’s landscape. Placing structures on top of them can be aggravating when they obstruct ideal building spots, particularly if they sit smack in the middle of such locations. You’ll commonly encounter these boulders in open spaces or near valuable resources.

The best approach when dealing with unmovable rocks is to construct foundations around or over them.

Buildings’ foundations may extend over the ground, concealing rocks and establishing a flat platform for construction. A foundation measuring four meters is beneficial for surmounting uneven areas, facilitating alignment of machinery and guaranteeing a seamless operation of your factory. Early investment in the Base Building milestone is advantageous as it equips you to handle challenging terrains and immovable boulders effectively.

What creative designs have you come up with to work around uncracked boulders? Comment down below!

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2024-09-23 17:12