How to turn off yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws

How to turn off yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of gaming quirks and features that either make or break the experience. In the case of Star Wars Outlaws, the yellow paint is a double-edged sword – it can be helpful for newcomers to navigate the game’s complex environments, but for those who are more familiar with this genre, it can feel like an unnecessary hindrance.

Having yellow paint on climbable surfaces has become a bit of a meme in the world of gaming, and it seems that Ubisoft is in the know with Star Wars Outlaws.

If you consider the yellow paint that marks traversal points in this latest adventure across the galaxy to be annoying, then here’s how you can turn it off completely.

How to disable yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws

Head to the Gameplay menu in the settings and look for the ‘Explorer Mode’ option.

In the Star Wars Outlaws game world, make the yellow color no longer visible. This change affects not only the yellow paint on walls that can be climbed but also boxes that Kay can jump over and vents she can squeeze through.

Should you turn off the yellow paint?

How to turn off yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws

As a gamer, it’s all about what feels right for me when it comes to turning off the yellow paint in this game. Personally, I prefer keeping it on, as it adds a bit of visual flair that I enjoy. But hey, your gaming experience is yours alone, so do whatever makes you feel most immersed!

In my gaming experience, I’ve noticed that the game creators use yellow paint to clearly mark climbable surfaces, making it easier for us players to distinguish between what we can scale and what seems like it, but isn’t actually navigable in the photo-realistic world of Star Wars Outlaws.

If you decide to deactivate the yellow markings, you may encounter significant difficulty in distinguishing between areas where your character, Kay, can ascend and those where they shouldn’t go. Frequently running into walls while attempting to climb something unreachable might suggest that it’s time to re-enable the yellow paint for clarity.

Conversely, if you’re accustomed to numerous games resembling Star Wars Outlaws, you may discover that you’re already well-versed in the lore of such gaming realms.

If the yellow color feels like it disrupts your experience rather than enhances it, don’t hesitate to disable it for now. Should you wish to revert back to the original setting later, you certainly can!

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2024-08-28 17:42