I Have A Theory About Jake Borelli’s Exit From Grey’s Anatomy, And It Involves That Wild Promo For The Next Episode

I Have A Theory About Jake Borelli’s Exit From Grey’s Anatomy, And It Involves That Wild Promo For The Next Episode

As a dedicated fan with over a decade of Grey’s Anatomy viewing under my belt, I must say, this latest twist has me intrigued! The chemistry between Levi and James was electric, and their romantic escapade was reminiscent of Meredith and Derek’s “I want you to be happy” moment.

❗️Warning: The following narrative may contain spoilers from the October 17th episode of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, titled “This One’s for the Girls,” as well as previews for the upcoming week’s installment. If you haven’t seen the latest episodes yet, you might want to watch Season 21 on Hulu to stay up-to-date. Enjoy your catch-up!

Prior to the 21st season of “Grey’s Anatomy” being scheduled for 2024, it was already confirmed that Dr. Levi Schmitt would be departing the series. Jake Borelli, who has played the character since Season 14 under his former nickname “Glasses”, will only return to tie up loose ends in his storyline. Following the October 17 episode, I have a theory about how he might do this. In the episode titled “This One’s for the Girls”, Levi develops a passionate romance with the hospital’s new chaplain. I believe that this relationship, along with what we saw in the preview, will significantly contribute to his departure from the show.

Levi Schmitt Hits It Off With James, The New Chaplain

To set the stage for my theory, let me briefly summarize key points from the episode. Upon reuniting with Taryn Helm (great to see Jaicy Elliot again!), who had just returned from a European trip, Levi finds himself unusually agitated in the presence of James (Michael Thomas Grant). The attraction between them is palpable, leading them to stroll off for coffee, which stretches into a lengthy lunch, eventually culminating in their visit to James’ residence.

It’s unclear if these scenes were as steamy as those that might appear later during Grey’s Anatomy’s broadcast, but to put it simply, Levi and James spent the entire day together in bed. During a particularly sweet moment of snuggling, Levi made a comment about a painting that James had bought in Italy. Earlier, you may recall the doctor expressing his surprise at having never traveled much before.

The day appeared ideal, but then again, we’re talking about ‘Grey’s’, so it was no surprise that Levi’s investigation while James slept would lead to something less than pleasant. True enough, he stumbled upon a wedding album depicting James as the groom. As we were still wrapping our heads around this revelation – Is he widowed, divorced, or still married? – another shocking twist was unveiled with a sneak peek at next week’s episode titled “You Make My Heart Explode”: it seems there might be more drama in store.

Flashback scenes from Season 8 of Holy! When brothers Levi and Lucas Adams (played by Niko Terho) board a helicopter to ferry an injured girl to Seattle, they encounter unexpected difficulties, causing the chopper to experience severe turbulence. Here’s my theory on how this incident might factor into Levi’s escape plan.

My Theory On Levi Schmitt Leaving Grey’s Anatomy

Initially, I’m not convinced that Jake Borelli’s character meets his end in a helicopter accident. Given the fact that Levi’s storyline is yet to unfold, it’s highly unlikely they would write off McDreamy’s nephew from the series. Moreover, such a plot twist would also imply the demise of their young patient, which seems excessive and redundant, considering we’ve already experienced a similar tragedy with the plane crash.

Although I’m not entirely convinced that a near-death experience alone would spark Levi’s desire for more from life, it could certainly serve as a catalyst. Hearing about James’ adventures in Italy and Taryn’s affection for France has made me think that the helicopter incident might be just what he needs to step out of the hospital and embark on his own global journeys. After all, he had been hesitant about committing to a specialty there, so this could provide the push he requires.

Time alone can confirm whether my thoughts are correct, so make sure to catch us on ABC at 10 p.m. Eastern Time on October 24th, next Thursday, for an exciting reveal (let’s hope it won’t involve a helicopter).

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2024-10-18 17:37