I Streamed Civil War On Max, And One Complaint I’ve Seen About The Movie Might Actually Be Its Greatest Strength

I Streamed Civil War On Max, And One Complaint I've Seen About The Movie Might Actually Be Its Greatest Strength

As a gamer who’s seen more than my fair share of dystopian worlds and apocalyptic landscapes, I can confidently say that “Civil War” is a chilling portrayal of our current political climate. Initially, I was hesitant to watch it, but after a long day of battling virtual enemies, I found myself drawn into the chaos of this movie.

Initially, I overlooked “Civil War” when it graced the silver screen, and frankly, I was hesitant about even giving it a watch. With the United States mired in prolonged political turmoil, I found myself immersed in it day after day, making me wonder if I had the emotional resilience to appreciate Alex Garland’s movie. However, an unexpected free afternoon and a viewing through my Max subscription shifted my stance on this matter. Upon reflection, I find myself at odds with one of the most common criticisms leveled against those who didn’t care for it.

2024 saw “Civil War” as one of my favorite films, echoing TopMob’s Sarah El-Mahmoud and our critic Mike Reyes who gave it a perfect score in his review. However, I’ve come across several reviews expressing disappointment over the lack of depth in depicting the conflict that tore the country apart. Some viewers crave the intricate details for diverse reasons, but let me share my viewpoint: the movie’s power lies precisely in its abstention from dwelling on the specifics of the rift.

I Streamed Civil War On Max, And One Complaint I've Seen About The Movie Might Actually Be Its Greatest Strength

If You’re Worried About The Details Behind The Conflict, You’re Missing The Point

If you’re expecting an exhilarating tale explaining the rift in the nation or why the U.S. President hasn’t spoken publicly for 14 months when watching Civil War, you might be let down. Unlike movies that present fictional narratives about the demise of the American Dream, this isn’t one of those. Instead, it offers a realistic depiction of what such a scenario could resemble. Different areas use various types of money, gunfights erupt in residential neighborhoods, and Charlottesville is depicted as engulfed in explosions and gunfire.

This situation seems incredibly authentic, and it’s startlingly so. Although I’ve grown accustomed to war zones through news broadcasts, encountering military vehicles and armed personnel near a gas station just down the street from my house is an entirely different experience. It offers a stark reminder of the reality that countless others live with daily across the globe. This could serve as a significant wake-up call for those who think such incidents are confined to distant lands.

The story of how the United States collapsed isn’t more complex than saying that the nation was divided. I watched Civil War, and my main takeaway is that it’s a future that feels real enough to make me concerned about the reality of that happening. Ultimately, I would sooner appreciate this movie serving as a warning of what we could become rather than be a piece of propaganda for any party line to use as fuel to cause further division amongst people.

I Streamed Civil War On Max, And One Complaint I've Seen About The Movie Might Actually Be Its Greatest Strength

Staying Apolitical Keeps The Movie Accessible For Anyone To Watch

Studios are consistently drawn to films that can appeal to a broad range of viewers, especially when they aim for a successful run at the box office. The case of Civil War, which became A24’s second-highest-grossing film and set a new box office record for the company, illustrates this point well. I believe that the movie’s neutral stance in storytelling makes it appealing to people across the political spectrum, even if they may not completely agree on whether or not it is entirely free of promoting particular views.

According to Sean O’Connell from TopMob, when it was first released, the movie effectively portrays its narrative via the perspectives of war photographers. Kirsten Dunst delivers an award-worthy portrayal as Lee Smith, a character who has witnessed and captured some of the world’s most gruesome moments in history. Haunted by these images, she feels obligated to share them with the world, hoping that their emotional impact will inspire people to take action so such tragedies do not recur.

As a gamer, immersing myself in the virtual world of “Civil War”, I can see that the war journalists have their personal views about the ongoing struggle. Yet, they are there to report, and maintaining their neutrality is crucial for getting the job done and sometimes even for survival. Staying calm, like we witness at one point in the movie, is vital to increase my chances of escaping danger, but it may not be enough at times. It’s reasonable to believe that each character has thoughts about the conflict, but it makes sense why they put those aside while they are working.

I Streamed Civil War On Max, And One Complaint I've Seen About The Movie Might Actually Be Its Greatest Strength

With Election News Ramping Up In Coming Weeks, This Is Worth A Watch

We’re nearing the final stages of an election cycle that will choose the next President of the USA, and let me tell you, there couldn’t be a more fitting moment to watch this movie. It’s not solely because I believe it may sway someone’s vote, but rather, as I’ve mentioned before, it’s incredibly challenging to discern who the heroes and villains are in this narrative, which mirrors the complexity of current political dynamics.

At the end of the day, we live in very tense political times that only seem to intensify by the day. I’d much rather spend my days talking about upcoming films in 2024 and finding common ground with people around me on the things we can all agree on. Civil War serves as a warning to the reality we could be headed toward if we stay the course and continue to grow further and further apart from the people we think differently from. It’s a scary reality that I don’t think anyone wants to be a part of, or at least I hope that’s the case.

Beyond its plot, “Civil War” is an outstanding film that stands among Alex Garland’s other remarkable works. This is a movie that I believe will be appreciated more in the future than it is now by both critics and audiences, except perhaps for those who have specific issues with it. I can only hope that decades from now, we’ll discuss it more for its timeless qualities rather than its prophetic nature.

It’s worth noting that you can currently stream the movie “Civil War” on Max. I acknowledge that some readers might still hesitate to watch it, despite my mention. However, I believe that once you give it a try, you won’t regret your decision.

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2024-09-22 16:09